906 research outputs found

    The One-Body and Two-Body Density Matrices of Finite Nuclei and Center-of-Mass Correlations

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    A method is presented for the calculation of the one-body and two-body density matrices and their Fourier transforms in momentum space, that is consistent with the requirement for translational invariance, in the case of a nucleus (a finite self-bound system). We restore translational invariance by using the so-called fixed center-of-mass approximation for constructing an intrinsic nuclear ground state wavefunction by starting from a non-translationally invariant wavefunction and applying a projection prescription. We discuss results for the one-body and two-body momentum distributions of the 4He nucleus calculated with the Slater determinant of the harmonic oscillator orbitals, as the initial non-translationally invariant wavefunction. Effects of such an inclusion of CM correlations are found to be quite important in the momentum distributions.Comment: 5 pages, incl. 2 figures; Proc. Int. Conf. on Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions (FINUSTAR), Kos, Greece, Sept.200

    Microscopic Study of 1S0{}^1{S_0} Superfluidity in Dilute Neutron Matter

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    Singlet SS-wave superfluidity of dilute neutron matter is studied within the correlated BCS method, which takes into account both pairing and short-range correlations. First, the equation of state (EOS) of normal neutron matter is calculated within the Correlated Basis Function (CBF) method in lowest cluster order using the 1S0{}^1{S_0} and 3P{}^3P components of the Argonne V18V_{18} potential, assuming trial Jastrow-type correlation functions. The 1S0{}^1{S_0} superfluid gap is then calculated with the corresponding component of the Argonne V18V_{18} potential and the optimally determined correlation functions. The dependence of our results on the chosen forms for the correlation functions is studied, and the role of the PP-wave channel is investigated. Where comparison is meaningful, the values obtained for the 1S0{}^1{S_0} gap within this simplified scheme are consistent with the results of similar and more elaborate microscopic methods.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Nonperiodic delay mechanism in time-dependent chaotic scattering

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    We study the occurence of delay mechanisms other than periodic orbits in systems with time dependent potentials that exhibit chaotic scattering. By using as model system two harmonically oscillating disks on a plane, we have found the existence of a mechanism not related to the periodic orbits of the system, that delays trajectories in the scattering region. This mechanism creates a fractal-like structure in the scattering functions and can possibly occur in several time-dependent scattering systems.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    A Global Model of β−\beta^--Decay Half-Lives Using Neural Networks

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    Statistical modeling of nuclear data using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and, more recently, support vector machines (SVMs), is providing novel approaches to systematics that are complementary to phenomenological and semi-microscopic theories. We present a global model of β−\beta^--decay halflives of the class of nuclei that decay 100% by β−\beta^- mode in their ground states. A fully-connected multilayered feed forward network has been trained using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, Bayesian regularization, and cross-validation. The halflife estimates generated by the model are discussed and compared with the available experimental data, with previous results obtained with neural networks, and with estimates coming from traditional global nuclear models. Predictions of the new neural-network model are given for nuclei far from stability, with particular attention to those involved in r-process nucleosynthesis. This study demonstrates that in the framework of the β−\beta^--decay problem considered here, global models based on ANNs can at least match the predictive performance of the best conventional global models rooted in nuclear theory. Accordingly, such statistical models can provide a valuable tool for further mapping of the nuclidic chart.Comment: Proceedings of the 16th Panhellenic Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Societ

    Nuclear mass systematics by complementing the Finite Range Droplet Model with neural networks

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    A neural-network model is developed to reproduce the differences between experimental nuclear mass-excess values and the theoretical values given by the Finite Range Droplet Model. The results point to the existence of subtle regularities of nuclear structure not yet contained in the best microscopic/phenomenological models of atomic masses. Combining the FRDM and the neural-network model, we create a hybrid model with improved predictive performance on nuclear-mass systematics and related quantities.Comment: Proceedings for the 15th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physic

    The Effect of the Short-Range Correlations on the Generalized Momentum Distribution in Finite Nuclei

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    The effect of dynamical short-range correlations on the generalized momentum distribution n(p⃗,Q⃗)n(\vec{p},\vec{Q}) in the case of Z=NZ=N, ℓ\ell-closed shell nuclei is investigated by introducing Jastrow-type correlations in the harmonic-oscillator model. First, a low order approximation is considered and applied to the nucleus 4^4He. Compact analytical expressions are derived and numerical results are presented and the effect of center-of-mass corrections is estimated. Next, an approximation is proposed for n(p⃗,Q⃗)n(\vec{p}, \vec{Q}) of heavier nuclei, that uses the above correlated n(p⃗,Q⃗)n(\vec{p},\vec{Q}) of 4^4He. Results are presented for the nucleus 16^{16}O. It is found that the effect of short-range correlations is significant for rather large values of the momenta pp and/or QQ and should be included, along with center of mass corrections for light nuclei, in a reliable evaluation of n(p⃗,Q⃗)n(\vec{p},\vec{Q}) in the whole domain of pp and QQ.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. Further results, figures and discussion for the CM corrections are added. Accepted by Journal of Physics

    Quantum versus Classical Dynamics in a driven barrier: the role of kinematic effects

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    We study the dynamics of the classical and quantum mechanical scattering of a wave packet from an oscillating barrier. Our main focus is on the dependence of the transmission coefficient on the initial energy of the wave packet for a wide range of oscillation frequencies. The behavior of the quantum transmission coefficient is affected by tunneling phenomena, resonances and kinematic effects emanating from the time dependence of the potential. We show that when kinematic effects dominate (mainly in intermediate frequencies), classical mechanics provides very good approximation of quantum results. Moreover, in the frequency region of optimal agreement between classical and quantum transmission coefficient, the transmission threshold, i.e. the energy above which the transmission coefficient becomes larger than a specific small threshold value, is found to exhibit a minimum. We also consider the form of the transmitted wave packet and we find that for low values of the frequency the incoming classical and quantum wave packet can be split into a train of well separated coherent pulses, a phenomenon which can admit purely classical kinematic interpretation
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