997 research outputs found

    On the Topology and Flux of T-Dual Manifolds

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    We present a general formula for the topology and H-flux of the T-dual of a type two compactification. Our results apply to T-dualities with respect to any free circle action. In particular we find that the manifolds on each side of the duality are circle bundles whose curvatures are given by the integral of the dual H-flux over the dual circle. As a corollary we conjecture an obstruction to multiple T-dualities, generalizing an obstruction known to exist on the twisted torus. Examples include SU(2) WZW models, Lens spaces and the supersymmetric string theory on the non-spin AdS^5xCP^2xS^1 compactification.Comment: 4 Pages, No Figure

    Global Aspects of T-Duality, Gauged Sigma Models and T-Folds

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    The gauged sigma-model argument that string backgrounds related by T-dual give equivalent quantum theories is revisited, taking careful account of global considerations. The topological obstructions to gauging sigma-models give rise to obstructions to T-duality, but these are milder than those for gauging: it is possible to T-dualise a large class of sigma-models that cannot be gauged. For backgrounds that are torus fibrations, it is expected that T-duality can be applied fibrewise in the general case in which there are no globally-defined Killing vector fields, so that there is no isometry symmetry that can be gauged; the derivation of T-duality is extended to this case. The T-duality transformations are presented in terms of globally-defined quantities. The generalisation to non-geometric string backgrounds is discussed, the conditions for the T-dual background to be geometric found and the topology of T-folds analysed.Comment: Minor corrections and addition

    Random matrix theory within superstatistics

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    We propose a generalization of the random matrix theory following the basic prescription of the recently suggested concept of superstatistics. Spectral characteristics of systems with mixed regular-chaotic dynamics are expressed as weighted averages of the corresponding quantities in the standard theory assuming that the mean level spacing itself is a stochastic variable. We illustrate the method by calculating the level density, the nearest-neighbor-spacing distributions and the two-level correlation functions for system in transition from order to chaos. The calculated spacing distribution fits the resonance statistics of random binary networks obtained in a recent numerical experiment.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    A Rigorous Path Integral for Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and the Heat Kernel

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    In a rigorous construction of the path integral for supersymmetric quantum mechanics on a Riemann manifold, based on B\"ar and Pf\"affle's use of piecewise geodesic paths, the kernel of the time evolution operator is the heat kernel for the Laplacian on forms. The path integral is approximated by the integral of a form on the space of piecewise geodesic paths which is the pullback by a natural section of Mathai and Quillen's Thom form of a bundle over this space. In the case of closed paths, the bundle is the tangent space to the space of geodesic paths, and the integral of this form passes in the limit to the supertrace of the heat kernel.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, no fig

    Homology and K--Theory Methods for Classes of Branes Wrapping Nontrivial Cycles

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    We apply some methods of homology and K-theory to special classes of branes wrapping homologically nontrivial cycles. We treat the classification of four-geometries in terms of compact stabilizers (by analogy with Thurston's classification of three-geometries) and derive the K-amenability of Lie groups associated with locally symmetric spaces listed in this case. More complicated examples of T-duality and topology change from fluxes are also considered. We analyse D-branes and fluxes in type II string theory on CP3×Σg×T2{\mathbb C}P^3\times \Sigma_g \times {\mathbb T}^2 with torsion HH-flux and demonstrate in details the conjectured T-duality to RP7×X3{\mathbb R}P^7\times X^3 with no flux. In the simple case of X3=T3X^3 = {\mathbb T}^3, T-dualizing the circles reduces to duality between CP3×T2×T2{\mathbb C}P^3\times {\mathbb T}^2 \times {\mathbb T}^2 with HH-flux and RP7×T3{\mathbb R}P^7\times {\mathbb T}^3 with no flux.Comment: 27 pages, tex file, no figure

    Duality symmetry and the form fields of M-theory

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    In previous work we derived the topological terms in the M-theory action in terms of certain characters that we defined. In this paper, we propose the extention of these characters to include the dual fields. The unified treatment of the M-theory four-form field strength and its dual leads to several observations. In particular we elaborate on the possibility of a twisted cohomology theory with a twist given by degrees greater than three.Comment: 12 pages, modified material on the differentia

    Type I D-branes in an H-flux and twisted KO-theory

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    Witten has argued that charges of Type I D-branes in the presence of an H-flux, take values in twisted KO-theory. We begin with the study of real bundle gerbes and their holonomy. We then introduce the notion of real bundle gerbe KO-theory which we establish is a geometric realization of twisted KO-theory. We examine the relation with twisted K-theory, the Chern character and provide some examples. We conclude with some open problems.Comment: 23 pages, Latex2e, 2 new references adde

    Twisted topological structures related to M-branes

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    Studying the M-branes leads us naturally to new structures that we call Membrane-, Membrane^c-, String^K(Z,3)- and Fivebrane^K(Z,4)-structures, which we show can also have twisted counterparts. We study some of their basic properties, highlight analogies with structures associated with lower levels of the Whitehead tower of the orthogonal group, and demonstrate the relations to M-branes.Comment: 17 pages, title changed on referee's request, minor changes to improve presentation, typos correcte

    M-theory and Characteristic Classes

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    In this note we show that the Chern-Simons and the one-loop terms in the M-theory action can be written in terms of new characters involving the M-theory four-form and the string classes. This sheds a new light on the topological structure behind M-theory and suggests the construction of a theory of `higher' characteristic classes.Comment: 8 pages. Error in gravitational term fixed; minor corrections; reference and acknowledgement adde

    Educating healthcare workers to optimal hand hygiene practices: addressing the need

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    The education of healthcare workers is essential to improve practices and is an integral part of hand hygiene promotional strategies. According to the evidence reviewed here, healthcare worker education has a positive impact on improving hand hygiene and reducing healthcare-associated infection. Detailed practical guidance on steps for the organization of education programmes in healthcare facilities and teaching-learning strategies are provided using the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for Hand Hygiene in Health Care as the basis for recommendations. Several key elements for a successful educational programme are also identified. A particular emphasis is placed on concepts included in the tools developed by WHO for education, monitoring and performance feedbac