2,033 research outputs found

    Review of \u3cem\u3eThe Loyal West: Civil War and Reunion in Middle America\u3c/em\u3e by Matthew E. Stanley

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    Interest in Civil War memory and post–Civil War sectional reconciliation has expanded greatly in recent years, as two 2016 historiographical essays attest.1 Matthew E. Stanley\u27s new book, The Loyal West: Civil War and Reunion in Middle America is thus well timed to make an important contribution to our evolving understanding of the process of sectional reconciliation in the decades following the Civil War. With his focus on Kentucky\u27s northern neighbors in the lower portions of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, the editorial staff of the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society believe Stanley\u27s book will help historians better understand the role Kentucky played in the events of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, which saw a white supremacist version of Civil War memory eclipse an emancipationist version nationally. We have asked four nineteenth-century historians to consider Stanley\u27s book from varying perspectives. M. Keith Harris teaches history at a private high school in Los Angeles, California. He is the author of Across the Bloody Chasm: The Culture of Commemoration among Civil War Veterans (2014) and is currently writing a book on D. W. Griffith\u27s controversial 1915 silent film, The Birth of a Nation. Anne E. Marshall is an associate professor of history at Mississippi State University and the author of Creating a Confederate Kentucky: The Lost Cause and Civil War Memory in a Border State (2012). James Marten is professor and chair of the history department at Marquette University. His most recent books are Sing Not War: The Lives of Union and Confederate Veterans in Gilded Age America (2011) and America\u27s Corporal: James Tanner in War and Peace (2014). Kristopher Maulden is a visiting assistant professor of history at Columbia College in Missouri. He is completing a book manuscript on the influence of Federalist politics and federal policy in the Ohio River Valley, and he is engaged in a study of nineteenth-century Ohio newspaper editor Charles Hammond. Finally, the author of The Loyal West, Matthew E. Stanley, assistant professor of history at Albany State University, will respond to the reviews

    Infrared Spectroscopy of GX 1+4/V2116 Oph: Evidence for a Fast Red Giant Wind?

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    We present infrared spectroscopy of the low-mass X-ray binary GX 1+4/V2116 Oph. This symbiotic binary consists of a 2-min accretion-powered pulsar and an M5 III red giant. A strong He I 1.083 micron emission line with a pronounced P Cygni profile was observed. From the blue edge of this feature, we infer an outflow velocity of 250(50) km/s. This is an order of magnitude faster than a typical red giant wind, and we suggest that radiation from the accretion disk or the neutron star may contribute to the acceleration of the outflow. We infer a wind mass loss rate of around 10^-6 Msun/yr. Accretion from such a strong stellar wind provides a plausible alternative to Roche lobe overflow for supplying the accretion disk which powers the X-ray source. The H I Paschen beta and He I 1.083 micron lines showed no evidence for the dramatic changes previously reported in some optical lines, and no evidence for pulsations at the 2-min pulsar period.Comment: 11 pages including 2 PS figures. To appear in ApJ Letter

    Enzyme Activities in Oleaginous Yeasts Accumulating and Utilizing Exogenous or Endogenous Lipids

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    The activities of ATP:citrate lyase (ACL; EC, carnitine acetyltransferase (CAT; EC, NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH; EC, isocitrate lyase (ICL; EC and malic enzyme (malate dehydrogenase; EC were measured in four oleaginous yeasts, Candida curvata D, Trichosporon cutaneum and two strains of Rhodosporidium toruloides, grown either to accumulate lipid, or to utilize their own lipid reserves or an exogenous supply of lipid. During lipid utilization, activities of ACL and malic enzyme diminished to low levels; CAT and ICL increased considerably in activity and ICDH activity was slightly increased but catalase (EC diminished in activity in both strains of R. toruloides. In all cases, yeasts utilizing exogenous lipid showed greater changes in enzyme activities than cells utilizing their endogenous reserves. Electron micrographs of Candida curvata D showed proliferation of peroxisomes in starved cells utilizing their own lipid reserve though peroxisomes were more in evidence when the yeast had been grown on exogenous lipid. In Lipomyces starkeyi, which shows only minimal utilization of its stored lipid and furthermore cannot grow on exogenous lipid, only the occasional peroxisome was seen when cells were starved of carbon

    Effective Integration of Life Cycle Engineering in Education

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    In practice, applying life cycle engineering in product design and development requires an integrated approach, because of the many stakeholders and variables (e.g. cost, environmental impact, energy, safety, quality) involved in a complete product life cycle. In educating young engineers, the same integrated approach should be strived for, because a mono disciplinary approach is often less effective. Therefor, direct application of the theory in practical cases is necessary. This paper describes experiences with effective LCE education using the advantages of project-led education. This is illustrated by describing LCE relevant courses and evaluation of graduation assignments including successful integration of LCE elements

    Nucleon Resonances and Quark Structure

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    A pedagogical review of the past 50 years of study of resonances, leading to our understanding of the quark content of baryons and mesons. The level of this review is intended for undergraduates or first-year graduate students. Topics covered include: the quark structure of the proton as revealed through deep inelastic scattering; structure functions and what they reveal about proton structure; and prospects for further studies with new and upgraded facilities, particularly a proposed electron-ion collider.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figure

    Studi Eksplorasi Kualifikasi dan Kompetensi Guru Bidang Studi Biologi Smp—sma sebagai Basis Program Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan

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    The study has been carried out aiming to (1) describe the qualifications of teachers of biology majors IPA/at the level of junior high/high school in Bintuni straits. (2) describe the professional and pedagogic competence Biology teachers in junior/senior high school. (3) describe the problems and needs of teachers of Biology for developing junior/senior high school teachers komptensi in the bay of bintuni straits. this research is a descriptive exploratory study types. the subject of this research is the field of study teacher ipa/biology in junior high/high school education unit and the object of the research is the qualification, competence and field of study teacher needs Biology. data about the qualifications, the competence and the need for teachers to be analyzed in qualitative, descriptive, i.e. with make, average (procentated). The results showed that educational qualifications teachers of SCIENCE/biology as a whole on the junior level or high school reached 95.2% is a strata (S1) of 21 teachers response and 4.8% qualified diploma (D3). Alignment of academic qualification with majors in SCIENCE/biology taught at junior high school-education unit is 71% while not appropriate(mismatched) 29%. While the Biology teacher in high school or junior high school level master professional competence 44.5% and pedagogic competence competence which controlled 30,7%.Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kualifikasi guru bidang studi Biologi pada tingkat SMP/SMA di Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni; (2) mendeskripsikan kompetensi profesional dan pedagogik guru Biologi SMP/SMA; (3) mendeskripsikan permasalahan dan kebutuhan guru Biologi untuk mengembangkan komptensi guru SMP/SMA di Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif eksploratif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru bidang studi Biologi pada satuan pendidikan SMP/SMA dan objek penelitian ini adalah kualifikasi, kompetensi serta kebutuhan guru bidang studi Biologi. Data tentang kualifikasi, kompetensi dan kebutuhan guru dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif, yakni dengan menjumlah dan merata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualifikasi pendidikan guru Biologi secara keseluruhan pada tingkat SMP maupun SMA mencapai 95,2% adalah strata satu (S1) dari 21 guru yang terdata dan 4,8% berkualifikasi diploma (D3). Kesesuaian antara kualifikasi akademik dengan bidang studi Biologi yang diajarkan pada satuan pendidikan SMP-SMA sebesar 71% dan yang tidak sesuai sebesar 29%. Sementara itu, guru Biologi pada tingkat SMP maupun SMA yang menguasai kompetensi profesional 44,5% dan kompetensi pedagogik 30,7%

    Akzeptanz von Location Based Services

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    Die enormen Investitionen in UMTS-Lizenzen und den Aufbau einer neuen Netzinfrastruktur zwingen die Mobilfunkanbieter zur Erschließung neuer Umsatzpotenziale. Durch Entwicklung neuer mobiler Mehrwertdienste hoffen sie, die „Killerapplikation“ der 3. Mobilfunkgeneration zu finden, die ähnlich wie der Short Message Service (SMS) für GSM, zum Treiber des UMTS-Markterfolges werden kann. Nach Meinung vieler Marktbeobachter könnten Location Based Services, d.h. mobile Dienste, die sich an den aktuellen Standort des Nutzers anpassen, diese Rolle für UMTS übernehmen. Location Based Services können jedoch am Markt nur langfristig erfolgreich sein, wenn sie seitens potenzieller Nutzer akzeptiert werden. Die Konsumentenakzeptanz ortsbezogener mobiler Anwendung ist aber bisher wenig untersucht. Aus diesem Grund beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Studie mit der Identifizierung und Analyse von Determinanten der Akzeptanz von Location Based Services. Dazu wird basierend auf theoretischen Erkenntnissen und Ergebnissen bisheriger Studien ein Hypothesensystem hinsichtlich der Einflussfaktoren der konsumentenseitigen Akzeptanz von standortbezogenen Diensten konzipiert. Als Ergebnis lässt sich festhalten, dass die Einstellung zur Nutzung von LBS positiv durch die wahrgenommenen Preiswürdigkeit, die wahrgenommene Dienstqualität sowie stark durch das wahrgenommemen Vergnügen bestimmt wird. Die Zielgröße Akzeptanz wird primär durch die Einstellung zur Nutzung und die subjektive Norm direkt determiniert

    Selektion auf Methioninreichtum des Samenproteins bei heimischen Leguminosen

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    While grain legumes can be regarded as highly valuable protein source for animal nutrition, certain drawbacks inhibit their use as sole foodstuff for livestock. The nutrient quality is reduced by low concentrations of tryptophan and sulfur amino acids. In the past substantial breeding effort has been invested in the reduction of antinutritional components and disease resistance while the protein quality has not been a focal point. To improve the protein quality the elevation of the low sulfur amino acid content is of prominent importance especially for organic production where high methionine feed components are rare. The present work tries to establish a method to select methionine enriched grain legumes for further breeding steps. Agronomical important European grain legume species were investigated (Lupinus angustifolius L., Pisum sativum L. and Vicia Faba L.). Plants grown from chemically mutagenized seeds were screened according to leaf chlorophyll content, radicle growth in a phytotoxic ethionine solution and seed S-contents. Results indicate usefulness of the screening procedure for L. angustifolius (increase of methionine content by up to 20%) and partly for P. sativum, while not for V. faba