793 research outputs found

    Heating efficiency in hydrogen-dominated upper atmospheres

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    Context. The heating efficiency is defined as the ratio of the net local gas-heating rate to the rate of stellar radiative energy absorption. It plays an important role in thermal-escape processes from the upper atmospheres of planets that are exposed to stellar soft X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation (XUV). Aims. We model the thermal-escape-related heating efficiency of the stellar XUV radiation in the hydrogen-dominated upper atmosphere of the extrasolar gas giant HD 209458b. The model result is then compared with previous thermal-hydrogen-escape studies which assumed heating efficiency values between 10-100%. Methods. The photolytic and electron impact processes in the thermosphere were studied by solving the kinetic Boltzmann equation and applying a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo model. We calculated the energy deposition rates of the stellar XUV flux and that of the accompanying primary photoelectrons that are caused by electron impact processes in the H2 to H transition region in the upper atmosphere. Results. The heating by XUV radiation of hydrogen-dominated upper atmospheres does not reach higher than 20% above the main thermosphere altitude, if the participation of photoelectron impact processes is included. Conclusions. Hydrogen-escape studies from exoplanets that assume heating efficiency values that are >= 20 % probably overestimate the thermal escape or mass-loss rates, while those who assumed values that are < 20% probably produce more realistic atmospheric-escape rates.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted to A&

    The Role of N2 as a Geo-Biosignature for the Detection and Characterization of Earth-like Habitats

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    Since the Archean, N2 has been a major atmospheric constituent in Earth's atmosphere. Nitrogen is an essential element in the building blocks of life, therefore the geobiological nitrogen cycle is a fundamental factor in the long term evolution of both Earth and Earth-like exoplanets. We discuss the development of the Earth's N2 atmosphere since the planet's formation and its relation with the geobiological cycle. Then we suggest atmospheric evolution scenarios and their possible interaction with life forms: firstly, for a stagnant-lid anoxic world, secondly for a tectonically active anoxic world, and thirdly for an oxidized tectonically active world. Furthermore, we discuss a possible demise of present Earth's biosphere and its effects on the atmosphere. Since life forms are the most efficient means for recycling deposited nitrogen back into the atmosphere nowadays, they sustain its surface partial pressure at high levels. Also, the simultaneous presence of significant N2 and O2 is chemically incompatible in an atmosphere over geological timescales. Thus, we argue that an N2-dominated atmosphere in combination with O2 on Earth-like planets within circumstellar habitable zones can be considered as a geo-biosignature. Terrestrial planets with such atmospheres will have an operating tectonic regime connected with an aerobe biosphere, whereas other scenarios in most cases end up with a CO2-dominated atmosphere. We conclude with implications for the search for life on Earth-like exoplanets inside the habitable zones of M to K-stars

    PyTranSpot\texttt{PyTranSpot} - A tool for multiband light curve modeling of planetary transits and stellar spots

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    Several studies have shown that stellar activity features, such as occulted and non-occulted starspots, can affect the measurement of transit parameters biasing studies of transit timing variations and transmission spectra. We present PyTranSpot\texttt{PyTranSpot}, which we designed to model multiband transit light curves showing starspot anomalies, inferring both transit and spot parameters. The code follows a pixellation approach to model the star with its corresponding limb darkening, spots, and transiting planet on a two dimensional Cartesian coordinate grid. We combine PyTranSpot\texttt{PyTranSpot} with an MCMC framework to study and derive exoplanet transmission spectra, which provides statistically robust values for the physical properties and uncertainties of a transiting star-planet system. We validate PyTranSpot\texttt{PyTranSpot}'s performance by analyzing eleven synthetic light curves of four different star-planet systems and 20 transit light curves of the well-studied WASP-41b system. We also investigate the impact of starspots on transit parameters and derive wavelength dependent transit depth values for WASP-41b covering a range of 6200-9200 A˚\AA, indicating a flat transmission spectrum.Comment: 17 pages, 22 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Young planets under extreme UV irradiation. I. Upper atmosphere modelling of the young exoplanet K2-33b

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    The K2-33 planetary system hosts one transiting ~5 R_E planet orbiting the young M-type host star. The planet's mass is still unknown, with an estimated upper limit of 5.4 M_J. The extreme youth of the system (<20 Myr) gives the unprecedented opportunity to study the earliest phases of planetary evolution, at a stage when the planet is exposed to an extremely high level of high-energy radiation emitted by the host star. We perform a series of 1D hydrodynamic simulations of the planet's upper atmosphere considering a range of possible planetary masses, from 2 to 40 M_E, and equilibrium temperatures, from 850 to 1300 K, to account for internal heating as a result of contraction. We obtain temperature profiles mostly controlled by the planet's mass, while the equilibrium temperature has a secondary effect. For planetary masses below 7-10 M_E, the atmosphere is subject to extremely high escape rates, driven by the planet's weak gravity and high thermal energy, which increase with decreasing mass and/or increasing temperature. For higher masses, the escape is instead driven by the absorption of the high-energy stellar radiation. A rough comparison of the timescales for complete atmospheric escape and age of the system indicates that the planet is more massive than 10 M_E.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A search for flares and mass ejections on young late-type stars in the open cluster Blanco-1

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    We present a search for stellar activity (flares and mass ejections) in a sample of 28 stars in the young open cluster Blanco-1. We use optical spectra obtained with ESO's VIMOS multi-object spectrograph installed on the VLT. From the total observing time of \sim 5 hours, we find four Hα\alpha flares but no distinct indication of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) on the investigated dK-dM stars. Two flares show "dips" in their light-curves right before their impulsive phases which are similar to previous discoveries in photometric light-curves of active dMe stars. We estimate an upper limit of <<4 CMEs per day per star and discuss this result with respect to a semi- empirical estimation of the CME rate of main-sequence stars. We find that we should have detected at least one CME per star with a mass of 1-15×1016\times10^{16} g depending on the star's X-ray luminosity, but the estimated Hα\alpha fluxes associated with these masses are below the detection limit of our observations. We conclude that the parameter which mainly influences the detection of stellar CMEs using the method of Doppler-shifted emission caused by moving plasma is not the spectral resolution or velocity but the flux or mass of the CME.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, accepted 2014 June 10, received 2014 June 5, in original form 2014 March 24, 14 pages, 5 figure

    A grid of upper atmosphere models for 1--40 MEARTH planets: application to CoRoT-7 b and HD219134 b,c

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    There is growing observational and theoretical evidence suggesting that atmospheric escape is a key driver of planetary evolution. Commonly, planetary evolution models employ simple analytic formulae (e.g., energy limited escape) that are often inaccurate, and more detailed physical models of atmospheric loss usually only give snapshots of an atmosphere's structure and are difficult to use for evolutionary studies. To overcome this problem, we upgrade and employ an already existing upper atmosphere hydrodynamic code to produce a large grid of about 7000 models covering planets with masses 1 - 39 Earth mass with hydrogen-dominated atmospheres and orbiting late-type stars. The modeled planets have equilibrium temperatures ranging between 300 and 2000 K. For each considered stellar mass, we account for three different values of the high-energy stellar flux (i.e., low, moderate, and high activity). For each computed model, we derive the atmospheric temperature, number density, bulk velocity, X-ray and EUV (XUV) volume heating rates, and abundance of the considered species as a function of distance from the planetary center. From these quantities, we estimate the positions of the maximum dissociation and ionisation, the mass-loss rate, and the effective radius of the XUV absorption. We show that our results are in good agreement with previously published studies employing similar codes. We further present an interpolation routine capable to extract the modelling output parameters for any planet lying within the grid boundaries. We use the grid to identify the connection between the system parameters and the resulting atmospheric properties. We finally apply the grid and the interpolation routine to estimate atmospheric evolutionary tracks for the close-in, high-density planets CoRoT-7 b and HD219134 b,c...Comment: 21 pages, 4 Tables, 15 Figure

    Transit Ly-α\alpha signatures of terrestrial planets in the habitable zones of M dwarfs

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    We modeled the transit signatures in the Lya line of a putative Earth-sized planet orbiting in the HZ of the M dwarf GJ436. We estimated the transit depth in the Lya line for an exo-Earth with three types of atmospheres: a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere, a nitrogen-dominated atmosphere, and a nitrogen-dominated atmosphere with an amount of hydrogen equal to that of the Earth. We calculated the in-transit absorption they would produce in the Lya line. We applied it to the out-of-transit Lya observations of GJ 436 obtained by the HST and compared the calculated in-transit absorption with observational uncertainties to determine if it would be detectable. To validate the model, we also used our method to simulate the deep absorption signature observed during the transit of GJ 436b and showed that our model is capable of reproducing the observations. We used a DSMC code to model the planetary exospheres. The code includes several species and traces neutral particles and ions. At the lower boundary of the DSMC model we assumed an atmosphere density, temperature, and velocity obtained with a hydrodynamic model for the lower atmosphere. We showed that for a small rocky Earth-like planet orbiting in the HZ of GJ436 only the hydrogen-dominated atmosphere is marginally detectable with the STIS/HST. Neither a pure nitrogen atmosphere nor a nitrogen-dominated atmosphere with an Earth-like hydrogen concentration in the upper atmosphere are detectable. We also showed that the Lya observations of GJ436b can be reproduced reasonably well assuming a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere, both in the blue and red wings of the Lya line, which indicates that warm Neptune-like planets are a suitable target for Lya observations. Terrestrial planets can be observed in the Lya line if they orbit very nearby stars, or if several observational visits are available.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic