24 research outputs found

    Leveraging Self-Supervised Training for Unintentional Action Recognition

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    Unintentional actions are rare occurrences that are difficult to defineprecisely and that are highly dependent on the temporal context of the action.In this work, we explore such actions and seek to identify the points in videoswhere the actions transition from intentional to unintentional. We propose amulti-stage framework that exploits inherent biases such as motion speed,motion direction, and order to recognize unintentional actions. To enhancerepresentations via self-supervised training for the task of unintentionalaction recognition we propose temporal transformations, called TemporalTransformations of Inherent Biases of Unintentional Actions (T2IBUA). Themulti-stage approach models the temporal information on both the level ofindividual frames and full clips. These enhanced representations show strongperformance for unintentional action recognition tasks. We provide an extensiveablation study of our framework and report results that significantly improveover the state-of-the-art.<br

    Identification of Genovariants of Yersinia pestis Strains Belonging to Main Subspecies Using PCR with Hybridization-Fluorescent Registration of Results

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    For the first time ever developed has been the method of identification of genovariants in Yersinia pestis strains belonging to the main subspecies using PCR with hybridization-fluorescent registration of results. A complex of DNA-targets, the most of which are newly detected ones, have been utilized to differentiate between genovariants of antique (0.ANT, 1.ANT, 2.ANT, 4.ANT), medievalis (2.MED, 2.MED0), and orientalis (1.ORI) biovars. Application of these targets in PCR with hybridization-fluorescent registration of results provides for a rapid, effective and reliable classifying of the strains of the genovariants, circulating in various geographical regions. Efficacy of the method has been validated via analysis of 110 Y. pestis strains, isolated in the territory of the Russian Federation, neighboring countries and beyond, including 37 strains of antique, 53 strains of medievalis, and 20 strains of orientalis biovars

    Caspian Sandy Natural Focus: Phylogenetic History and Origin of <i>Yersinia pestis</i> Strains

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    The purpose of the work was to analyze the phylogenetic relations and origin of Yersinia pestis strains isolated in different periods of epizootic activity of the Caspian sandy natural focus (CSNF) of plague in the XX–XXI centuries.Materials and methods. We used 40 Y. pestis strains from CSNF and adjacent plague foci, isolated in 1922–2015. Carried out was whole genome sequencing of 19 Y. pestis strains from CSNF. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using whole genome SNP analysis based on 1914 identified SNPs. The search for marker SNPs was conducted using the Snippy 4.6 software. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the Maximum Likelihood algorithm, the GTR nucleotide substitution model.Results and discussion. The whole genome SNP analysis has revealed that Y. pestis strains of the medieval biovar from CSNF belong to 2.MED1 phylogenetic lineage and fall into two major branches. One of them circulated in the focus in the first half of the XX century, and the other – in the second half of the XX – early XXI centuries. It is shown that strains of the first branch were the cause of outbreaks and individual cases of plague in the CSNF in the first half of the XX century. They are closely related to strains from the Caspian North-Western steppe and Volga-Ural sandy natural plague foci, which caused numerous outbreaks with high mortality rate in the same period. Y. pestis strains from the CSNF of the second half of the XX and early XXI centuries belong to the second phylogenetic branch of the 2.MED1 line, at the node of which the strains from the Northern Aral Sea region of 1945 lay. The latter were the predecessors of all strains isolated in the CSNF after a long inter-epizootic period that occurred in the middle of the XX century. There can also be traced a genetic relation between the strains from CSNF and the Dagestan plain-foothill focus

    Long-Term Persistence of <i>Yersinia pestis</i> in Association with Acanthamoeba castellanii in Experiment

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    The aim of the study was to test the feasibility of long-term survival and preservation of the properties of Yersinia pestis in association with soil amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii. Materials and methods. Y. pestis strains and acanthamoeba isolated in the common area of the Gorno-Altai high-mountain plague focus were used for the study. The systematic affiliation of protozoa was determined through analyzing the 18S rRNA gene fragment sequencing data, followed by alignment with amoeba sequences from the NCBI GenBank database. A fluorescent Y. pestis strain was obtained by electroporation using the pTurboGFP-B plasmid. Co-cultivation was carried out in saline buffer in the absence of nutrients for the cells of plague pathogen. The influence of co-culturing with protozoa on Y. pestis properties was determined using microbiological, biological, and molecular-genetic methods. Results and discussion. The cell viability preservation for 22 months of the experiment in Y. pestis strain belonging to the main subspecies of the antique biovar, the 4.ANT phylogenetic line in co-culture with amoeba cells in the absence of additional nutrients has been established. Co-cultivation with amoebae did not lead to a change in the cultural, morphological, genetic and virulent properties of the plague pathogen strain. The data obtained confirm the possibility of using Acanthamoeba castellanii by the plague microbe to persist in soil biocenoses and open up the prospect of studying the mechanisms of plague pathogen surviving during extended inter-epizootic periods

    Structural-Functional Analysis of Cryptic Plasmids in <i>Yersinia pestis</i> Strains from Two Natural Plague Foci of Russia

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    Identified are the complete nucleotide sequences of two cryptic plasmids - pCKF from the Central-Caucasian high-mountain plague focus and pTP33 - from Tuva mountain plague focus in Russia. It is established that the size of the pCKF is 5.4 kbp, and its G-C pair composition accounts for 38.4 %. The plasmid contains 8 open reading frames, encoding transport and secretion functions, in particular, secretion systems of the VI type. The size of another cryptic plasmid, pTP33, is 33.8 kbp, and G-C pair composition accounts for 50.3 %. It contains 52 open reading frames, the majority of which have been classified as phage proteins. Hence, it is inferred that pTP33 is a ring genome of phage. It also has two genes of two-component protein system, toxin-antitoxin, YoeB/YefM, that affects replication apparatus of bacteria

    Phylogenetic Analysis of <i>Yersinia pestis</i> Strains of Medieval Biovar from Natural Plague Foci of the Russian Federation and Bordering Countries

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    Objective of the study is to conduct phylogenetic investigation of Yersinia pestis strains (medieval biovar) from plague foci of Russia and bordering countries, using SNP-analysis of the genome-wide sequences of these strains. Materials and methods. Carried out has been sequencing of 14 Y. pestis strains, medieval biovar, from 13 natural plague foci of Russia and neighboring states, as well as their comparison to 9 strains of the same biovar, contained in the NCBI GenBank database. Using software products - Wombac 2.0 and Bionumerics 7.1, revealed is the presence of 1875 core SNPs, on the basis of which a dendrogram of phylogenetic relations between medieval strains is constructed. Results and conclusions. In consequence of genome-wide SNP-analysis, it is established that Y. pestis strains, medieval biovar, from plague foci of Russia and bordering states are assigned to 2.MED1 phylogenetic line and fall under two major evolutionary branches, the first one of which includes strains from the Caucasus and Caspian-Sea regions, and the second one - from Central Asia and China. The data obtained can be used for the development of molecular-genetic methods for differentiation of Y. pestis strains, medieval biovar

    Updating of Intra-Specific <i>Yersinia pestis</i> Classification, Based on the Results of Whole-Genome Sequencing of the Strains from the Russian Federation and the Neighboring States

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    Carried out has been genome-wide sequencing of 20 Yersinia pestis strains from all 11 natural plague foci in Russia and some foci in the neighboring states. Phylogenetic analysis on the basis of 1918 core SNPs, identified in the genomes of these strains and 16 Y. pestis strains from NCBI GenBank, has revealed 5 clusters of closely related strains. Taking these clusters into account, up-dated has been subspecific classification of plague agent. New taxonomy has combined 5 subspecies: major (ssp. pestis ), Caucasian (ssp. caucasica ), ulegeisk (ssp. ulegeica ), and two novel ones - Central Asian (ssp. central asiatica ) and Angolan (ssp. angola ). Central Asian subspecie comprises evolutionally related strains, earlier classified as altaica and hissarica, as well as the strains from Talas high-mountain focus in Kirghizia and Uzbekistan, and microtus strains from China. Central asiatica is divided into three biovars - altai, hissar, and microtus. Set forward is a serviceable designation for the strains: 0.PE4a - for altai ones, 0.PE4h - for hissar, 0.PE4t - for talas, and 0.PE4m - for microtus, and also for ulegeica subspecie - 0.PE5

    Variability of <i>pgm</i>‑Region Genes in <i>Yersinia pestis</i> Strains from the Caspian Sandy and Adjacent Plague Foci

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    The aim of the study was to compare the nucleotide sequences of pgm‑region genes in Yersinia pestis strains isolated on the territory of the Caspian sandy and adjacent plague foci in 1925–2015. Materials and methods. 65 Y. pestis strains from the Caspian sandy and adjacent plague foci were used in the work. DNA isolation was performed using the PureLink Genomic DNA Mini Kit. Whole genome sequencing was conducted in Ion S5 XL System (Thermo Fischer Scientific). Data processing was carried out using Ion Torrent Suite software package 3.4.2 and NewblerGS Assembler 2.6. To compare the obtained sequences with the NCBI GenBank database, the Blast algorithm was used. The phylogenetic analysis was performed according to the data of whole genome SNP analysis based on 1183 identified SNPs. The search for marker SNPs was performed using the Snippy 4.6 program. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the Maximum Likelihood algorithm, the GTR nucleotide substitution model. Results and discussion. The nucleotide sequences of pgm‑region genes of 65 Y. pestis strains from the Caspian sandy and adjacent plague foci have been assessed. Single nucleotide substitutions have been identified in Y. pestis strains from the Caspian sandy and Kobystan plain-foothill foci in the hmsR, astB, ybtS, ypo1944, ypo1943, ypo1936 genes, as well as a deletion of 5 bp in the ypo1945 gene, which is characteristic of strains of one of the phylogenetic lines of Y. pestis from the foci of Caucasus and Transcaucasia, isolated in 1968–2001. The data obtained can be used to differentiate Y. pestis strains from the Caspian sandy focus, as well as to establish the directions of microevolution of the plague pathogen in this region and adjacent foci

    Development of an Integrated System for Molecular-Genetic Identification of <i>Yersinia pestis</i> Strains

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    The paper describes a developed comprehensive system for molecular-genetic identification of Yersinia pestis strains according to their appurtenance to certain subspecies, biovars, phylo-geographic populations, using realtime PCR (RT-PCR), allele-specific RT-PCR, and multiplex PCR with hybridization fluorescent registration of results on a solid substrate. Application of this system makes it possible to establish the appurtenance of Y. pestis strains to the following phylogenetic branches: 0.ANT1, 0.ANT2, 0.ANT3, 0.ANT5, 3.ANT, 4.ANT of antique biovar of the main subspecies; 2.MED0, 2.MED1, 2.MED2, 2.MED3, 2.MED4 of medieval biovar of the main subspecies; 1.IN1, 1.IN2, 1.IN3 of intermedium biovar of the main subspecies; 1.ORI1, 1.ORI2, 1.ORI3 of oriental biovar of the main subspecies; 0.PE3 (angolica subspecies), 0.PE7 (tibetica subspecies) and 0.PE10 (qinghaica subspecies). The first stage of the studies within the frames of the developed system is indication of plague agent using registered diagnostic drugs. The second stage is the determination of belonging to individual subspecies through RT-PCR or by the method of multiplex PCR system with hybridization-fluorescent registration of results on a solid substrate, which also allows for establishing to which biovars of the main subspecies and the main phylogenetic lines of the ancient biovar the strains belong. The third stage is the identification of strain appurtenance to phylogenetic branches by the AS-RT-PCR method. The designed complex system for molecular-genetic identification of Y. pestis strains can be applied at the regional and federal levels of the laboratory network of the Russian Federation for diagnostics of infectious diseases. Its use will considerably facilitate and increase the efficiency of intraspecific differentiation of Y. pestis strains within the framework of the epidemiological investigation of outbreaks or importation of strains of plague pathogen into the territory of the Russian Federation or during the certification of strains in collection activities

    Spatial Structure of <i>Yersinia pestis</i> Population Belonging to Altai Biovar, Subspecies central asiatica Acording to Genome-Wide Sequencing Data

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    The aim of the work was to conduct phylogenetic analysis of Y. pestis strains, biovar altaica ssp. central asiatica, isolated in Gorno-Altai high-mountain and Sailyugem natural plague foci on the territory of Russia and Mongolia in 1965–2020, by full-genome sequencing data.Materials and methods. To determine the population structure of the biovar altaica ssp. central asiatica, 34 whole genome sequences were used (including 20 Y. pestis strains of the biovar altaica, 18 of which were sequenced by us). To isolate DNA from the Y. pestis strains, a PureLink Genomic DNA Mini Kit (Invitrogen, USA) was applied. Sequencing of the nucleotide sequences of Y. pestis strains was carried out in Ion PGM system Lifetechnologies. The analysis and processing of the obtained data were performed with the help of Newblergs Assembler 2.6 and IonTorrent Suite software package, 3.4.2. The search for SNPs was performed using the Wombac 2.0 program. The Maximum Likelihood dendrogram was built in the PhyML 3.1. The dendrogram was visualized using the FigTree 1.4.3 software.Results and discussion. Based on the data of whole genome analysis, taking into account the 1871 revealed polymorphic nucleotides, the spatial structure of the biovar altaica ssp. central asiatica has been determined. It includes several phylogeographic branches: the Kurai-Tarkhatinskaya (cluster 0.PE4a-1) and the Ulandryk-Mongolian (0.PE4a-2), which is in agreement with the geographical regions of the isolation of strains forming these branches in the Altai Mountains. The Kurai-Tarkhatinskaya branch is further divided into the Kurai (sub-cluster 0.PE4a-1-1, formed by the strains of 2009–2018) and Tarkhatinskaya (subcluster 0.PE4a-1-2, formed by the strains of 2012–2020) sub-branches, while the Ulandryk-Mongolian branch of evolution is split into sub-branches represented by strains from the Ulandryk meso focus (sub-cluster 0.PE4a-2-2, strains 1965–2010) and the Sailyugem focus of Mongolia (sub-cluster 0.PE4a-2-1, strains 1964–1990)