50 research outputs found

    Constructing Time Machines

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    The existence of time machines, understood as spacetime constructions exhibiting physically realised closed timelike curves (CTCs), would raise fundamental problems with causality and challenge our current understanding of classical and quantum theories of gravity. In this paper, we investigate three proposals for time machines which share some common features: cosmic strings in relative motion, where the conical spacetime appears to allow CTCs; colliding gravitational shock waves, which in Aichelburg-Sexl coordinates imply discontinuous geodesics; and the superluminal propagation of light in gravitational radiation metrics in a modified electrodynamics featuring violations of the strong equivalence principle. While we show that ultimately none of these constructions creates a working time machine, their study illustrates the subtle levels at which causal self-consistency imposes itself, and we consider what intuition can be drawn from these examples for future theories.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures, TeX with harvmac; Review article prepared for Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Ultrarelativistic boost of spinning black rings

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    We study the D=5 Emparan-Reall spinning black ring under an ultrarelativistic boost along an arbitrary direction. We analytically determine the resulting shock pp-wave, in particular for boosts along axes orthogonal and parallel to the plane of rotation. The solution becomes physically more interesting and simpler if one enforces equilibrium between the forces on the ring. We also comment on the ultrarelativistic limit of recently found supersymmetric black rings with two independent angular momenta. Essential distinct features with respect to the boosted Myers-Perry black holes are pointed out.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. v2: added multipole expansions at spatial infinity, and a comparison with the boosted Myers-Perry solution in a new appendix. To appear in JHE

    Effect of charged partons on black hole production at the Large Hadron Collider

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    The cross section for black hole production in hadron colliders is calculated using a factorization hypothesis in which the parton-level process is integrated over the parton density functions of the protons. The mass, spin, charge, colour, and finite size of the partons are usually ignored. We examine the effects of parton electric charge on black hole production using the trapped-surface approach of general relativity. Accounting for electric charge of the partons could reduce the black hole cross section by one to four orders of magnitude at the Large Hadron Collider. The cross section results are sensitive to the Standard Model brane thickness. Lower limits on the amount of energy trapped behind the event horizon in the collision of charged particles are also calculated.Comment: corrected typo in figure 1b; added some clarification in 3 places; 21 pages, 9 figures, JHEP3 forma

    Black Hole Cross Section at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Black hole production at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was first discussed in 1999. Since then, much work has been performed in predicting the black hole cross section. In light of the start up of the LHC, it is now timely to review the state of these calculations. We review the uncertainties in estimating the black hole cross section in higher dimensions. One would like to make this estimate as precise as possible since the predicted values, or lower limits, obtain for the fundamental Planck scale and number of extra dimensions from experiments will depend directly on the accuracy of the cross section. Based on the current knowledge of the cross section, we give a range of lower limits on the fundamental Planck scale that could be obtained at LHC energies.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX; added references, corrected typos, expanded discussio

    Head-on collision of ultrarelativistic charges

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    We consider the head-on collision of two opposite-charged point particles moving at the speed of light. Starting from the field of a single charge we derive in a first step the field generated by uniformly accelerated charge in the limit of infinite acceleration. From this we then calculate explicitly the burst of radiation emitted from the head-on collision of two charges and discuss its distributional structure. The motivation for our investigation comes from the corresponding gravitational situation where the head-on collision of two ultrarelativistic particles (black holes) has recently aroused renewed interest.Comment: 4 figures, uses the AMSmat

    Black Hole Production at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Black hole production at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is an interesting consequence of TeV-scale gravity models. The predicted values, or lower limits, for the fundamental Planck scale and number of extra dimensions will depend directly on the accuracy of the black hole production cross-section. We give a range of lower limits on the fundamental Planck scale that could be obtained at LHC energies. In addition, we examine the effects of parton electric charge on black hole production using the trapped-surface approach of general relativity. Accounting for electric charge of the partons could reduce the black hole cross-section by one to four orders of magnitude at the LHC.Comment: CTP Symposium on Supersymmetry at LHC: Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives at the British University in Egypt 11-14 March 200

    Large-N bounds on, and compositeness limit of, gauge and gravitational interactions

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    In a toy model of gauge and gravitational interactions in D4D \ge 4 dimensions, endowed with an invariant UV cut-off Λ\Lambda, and containing a large number NN of non-self-interacting matter species, the physical gauge and gravitational couplings at the cut-off, αgg2ΛD4\alpha_g \equiv g^2 \Lambda^{D-4} and αGGNΛD2\alpha_G \equiv G_N \Lambda^{D-2}, are shown to be bounded by appropriate powers of 1N{1\over N}. This implies that the infinite-bare-coupling (so-called compositeness) limit of these theories is smooth, and can even resemble our world. We argue that such a result, when extended to more realistic situations, can help avoid large-N violations of entropy bounds, solve the dilaton stabilization and GUT-scale problems in superstring theory, and provide a new possible candidate for quintessence.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, minor modifications in notations and reference

    Gravitational anomalies in a dispersive approach

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    The gravitational anomalies in two dimensions, specifically the Einstein anomaly and the Weyl anomaly, are fully determined by means of dispersion relations. In this approach the anomalies originate from the peculiar infrared feature of the imaginary part of the relevant formfactor which approaches a δ\delta-function singularity at zero momentum squared when m0m \to 0.Comment: 10 page

    Charge and mass effects on the evaporation of higher-dimensional rotating black holes

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    To study the dynamics of discharge of a brane black hole in TeV gravity scenarios, we obtain the approximate electromagnetic field due to the charged black hole, by solving Maxwell's equations perturbatively on the brane. In addition, arguments are given for brane metric corrections due to backreaction. We couple brane scalar and brane fermion fields with non-zero mass and charge to the background, and study the Hawking radiation process using well known low energy approximations as well as a WKB approximation in the high energy limit. We argue that contrary to common claims, the initial evaporation is not dominated by fast Schwinger discharge.Comment: Published version. Minor typos corrected. 29 pages, 5 figure