582 research outputs found

    Diagnosis and surveillance of rinderpest using reverse transcription - PCR

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    PCR technique was used as an alternative method to detect evidence of rinderpest virus for diagnosis and in epidemiological surveys. Viral RNA was purified in 20 to 30 min using a commercial kit (RNaid (BIO 101). Primers used mapped in the nucleocapsid protein gene of rinderpest virus and gave specific and sensitive amplification from pathological samples. The size of the amplified fragment was 297 bp and the result was confirmed using internal non-radioactive probe SB1. The specificity of the PCRproducts was also confirmed by cleavage using restriction enzyme RsaI to give a major band of 200 bp

    Influence des facteurs technologiques et physico-chimiques sur le taux d’extraction reelle de la raffinerie de canne du perimetre sucrier de ferke 1 en cîte d’ivoire

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    L'étude vise à déterminer les principaux facteurs responsables de  l'extraction réelle à la raffinerie de canne de Ferké 1, en vue de l'amélioration du rendement sucre. La production canniÚre livrée à l'usine concerne 11 variétés cultivées dans 4 plantations. L'extraction réelle, l'extraction au premier moulin, le rythme de broyage, le taux d'imbibition et la teneur en fibre de la canne à sucre ont été mesurés. Les données ont été traitées à l'aide du logiciel STATISTICA 6 FR. L'extraction a été effectuée aprÚs broyage de la canne dans une batterie de 3 moulins associée à un diffuseur. Au cours des années entre 2002 ou 2003 à 2005 ou 2006, l'extraction réelle a été, en moyenne, de 90,6 %. Les principaux facteurs déterminant l'extraction réelle ont été, d'abord, la teneur en fibre de la canne à sucre puis le taux d'imbibition de celle-ci durant le process. Enfin, l'amélioration de l'extraction réelle de l'usine passe par la réduction du délai entre la coupe et le broyagede la canne

    Formulation D’Aliments Infantiles a Base De Farines D’Igname Enrichies Au Soja

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    The aim of this study was to determine factors to be taken into account in the infant flours formulated from yam and soy fermented flours. For this purpose, soybean flour (Glycine max) was fermented for 48 hours and incorporated into yam flour (Dioscorea rotundata-cayenensis, kponan and Dioscorea alata, BĂȘte BĂštĂš) fermented for 24 hours at different levels (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%). Nutrient qualities of gruel of the formulations thus prepared were evaluated. Protein content increased with the rate of soy incorporated. For D. alata, protein content ranged from 6.56 ± 0.01 g / 100 g (unfermented yam flour) and 7.38 ± 0.27 01 g / 100 g (fermented yam flour) to 21.88 ± 1.09 g / 100 g of 40% soy rate incorporation. For D. cayenensis, protein content ranged from 4.81 ± 0.01 g / 100 g (unfermented yam flour) and 5.25 ± 0.43 g / 100 (fermented yam flour) to 20.92 ± 0,21 g / 100 g of 40% soy rate incorporation. Fermentation of yams and soybeans induces an increase of protein content in yam and soy based flours. Protein content in most formulated complementary foods containing soy flours were comparable to values of commercial flours (FARINORÂź and SOJABEBEÂź). However, formulated flours were poor in calcium, iron and zinc. Calcium content of formulated yam based flours was lower than commercial one; FARINORÂź (136.36mg/100kcal) and SOJABEBEÂź (66.88mg/100kcal). Iron densities ranged from 0,18mg/100kcal (SOJABEBEÂź) to 3.81mg/100 kcal (FARINORÂź). The results obtained show that, swelling power and solubility decreased with the rate of soy incorporated. In addition, phenolic compounds of fortified yam based flours with soy, resulted a lower content. 30 % incorporation of soy in yam flours, owing to increase significantly yam/soy based flours enzymatic hydrolysis?. Sensory tests limited maximum level of soy to 30% and 20%. Sensory profile of yam flour fortified with fermented soybeans (30% and 20%) was determined.Key words: infant flour, yam, soy, nutritio

    Assessment of the duration of maternal antibodies specific to the homologous peste des petits ruminant vaccine “Nigeria 75/1" in DjallonkĂ© lambs

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    The duration of maternal immunity was determined from 112 lambs born from vaccinated ewes with the homologous PPR vaccine “Nigeria 75/1" at day 90 and day 120 of pregnancy. Serum samples were collected from lambs starting from day 15 to day 150 after birth and analyzedusing the PPR specific competitive ELISA. At day 75 and day 90 after birth, 70% and 95% of these lambs respectively became negative. So it is recommended to vaccinate lambs against PPR in the interval from 75 to 90 days after birth

    Impact of the insecticide endosulfan on growth of the African giant snail Achatina achatina (L.)

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    The impact of the insecticide endosulfan was assessed on the growth of the African giant snails, litterliving animals found in cocoa fields throughout tropical Africa. Two doses of endosulfan, C1, 6.25 a.i g/l and C2, 12.50 a.i g/l were applied twice with one month of interval to the litter of the snails. After quarantine, snails were allowed to feed on this litter and the elongation of their shells as well as their growth was measured every nine days. The results, daily weight gain (g/j) of -0.028 ± 0.004 for C1 and - 0.033 ± 0.007 for C2 showed that snails which received endosulfan in their feed had a very weak growth compared to the control one, which have a daily weight gain of 0.032 ± 0.006. The product seems to disrupt weight regulation. But the insecticide had little influence on the shell elongation. High dose o endosulfan reduced more the weight gain and shell elongation compared to the recommended dose for insects control in cocoa plantation. These results implied that the repeated application of endosulfan for pest control in cocoa plantations may impair the growth of African giant snails.Key words: Achatina, endosulfan, pest control, insecticide, cocoa

    Origine de la minĂ©ralisation des eaux des aquifĂšres discontinus sous couvert forestier de la zone Sud de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire : cas de la rĂ©gion d’Abidjan-Agboville

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    Les eaux souterraines constituent l’une des principales sources d’approvisionnement en eau potable de la population de la rĂ©gion d’Agboville-Abidjan. Cette Ă©tude se propose d’amĂ©liorer les connaissances sur les nappes souterraines et de dĂ©terminer l’origine de la minĂ©ralisation des eaux souterraines de la rĂ©gion Ă  partir d’une combinaison des mĂ©thodes hydrochimiques et de l’analyse statistique multivariĂ©e. L’étude hydrochimique montre que les eaux de la rĂ©gion ont une tempĂ©rature moyenne de 27,7 ± 0,1 °C. Elles sont acides, avec un pH qui varie entre 3,8 et 6,9. Ces eaux sont faiblement minĂ©ralisĂ©es, ce qui confirme un trait chimique bien connu dans le pays et une diversitĂ© de faciĂšs chimiques en rapport avec la nature lithologique des terrains. Cependant, d’importantes valeurs de la conductivitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es dans les eaux de certaines localitĂ©s telles que Gori M’Po (819 ÎŒS.cm-1) et Lobo Akoudzin (503 ÎŒS.cm-1). Dans la rĂ©gion, les eaux souterraines se regroupent en quatre hydrofaciĂšs qui sont dominĂ©s par les eaux bicarbonatĂ©es calciques (61%) et les eaux chlorurĂ©es sodi-potassiques (22%). Les faciĂšs bicarbonatĂ©s sodi-potassiques (10%), et chlorurĂ©s calciques (7%) sont peu reprĂ©sentĂ©s dans ces eaux. Les principaux ions Ă  l’origine de la minĂ©ralisation des eaux sont issus de l’altĂ©ration des roches, de l’hydrolyse des minĂ©raux silicatĂ©s tels que l’anorthite dans les plagioclases et de la dĂ©composition des minĂ©raux ferro-magnĂ©siens comme la biotite et l’amphibole prĂ©sentes dans les roches. A cela s’ajoute le pluviolessivage des sols et une pollution d’origine humaine liĂ©e aux activitĂ©s anthropiques.Mots clĂ©s. Abidjan-Agboville, analyse multivariĂ©e, eaux souterraines et hydrochimie

    Xanthomatose normolipidemique a localisation nasale chez une patiente de 18 ans

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    Introduction : Exposer un cas de xanthomatose normolipidĂ©mique.Observation : il s’agit d’une adolescente de 18 ans qui a prĂ©sentĂ© une masse des cavitĂ©s nasales dont le bilan paraclinique a plaidĂ© en faveur d’un xanthogranulome juvĂ©nile. L’évolution Ă  court terme a Ă©tĂ© satisfaisante aprĂšs l’exĂ©rĂšse chirurgicale par une voie combinĂ©e externe et endonasle.Conclusion : il s’agit d’une prĂ©sentation inhabituelle de la xanthomatose dont les difficultĂ©s diagnostiques d’ordre multifactoriel, ont Ă©tĂ© relevĂ©es.Mots clĂ©s : CavitĂ©s nasales – Xanthomatoses –granulomatoses chroniquesIntroduction : To expose a case of normolipidemic xanthomatosisCase report : An 18 years aged girl has presented a swelling involving the nasal cavities. Paraclinical examens have evoked a case of juvenile xanthogranuloma. Earlier outcome was good after a surgical removal which has combined external and endonasal way.Conclusion: it’s an unusual feature of xanthomatis. The difficulties of diagnosis which seemed caused by many factors have been point out.Keyswords : Nasal cavities – Xanthomatosis – Chronic granulom

    In vitro anticholinestarase and cholinergic effect of the aqueous extract of Trema guineensis on rabbit duodenum

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    Purpose: In previous studies, the aqueous extract of Trema guineensis (Ulmaceae) was shown to increase rabbit duodenal contractions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mechanism of the stimulation of the rabbit duodenum by the aqueous extract of Trema guineensis (Ulmaceae). Methods: The in vitro organ bath method was used in our experiments. The enzyme was extracted from rabbit duodenum. The acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was determined by Ellman\'s assay using acethylthiocholine iodide as substrate. The rate of hydrolysis of acetylcholinesterase was monitored at 412 nm using a spectrophotometer. Results: The effective concentration which induces 50% effect of Hypo+ (EC50) was obtained with 8 x 10-2 mg/ml of Hypo+. The tests carried out in the presence of atropine showed a considerable reduction in the amplitudes of intestinal contractions. Hypo+ exerted mixed competitive inhibition on acetylcholinesterase (Vmax = 8.33 μM/min and KM= 6.25 x 10-4 M). These results indicate that the crude extract of Trema guineensis contains anti-AChE and cholinomimetic substances. These two properties can explain the increase of duodenal contraction by Hypo+. Conclusion:These results support the use of Trema guineensis as a laxative due to its stimulating effects on duodenal contractility. Keywords: Trema guineensis, Myostimulation, Acetylcholinesterase, Hypo+, Duodenal contractionTropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 8 (1) 2009: pp. 11-1

    Physicochemical characteristics of kernel during fruit maturation of four coconut cultivars (Cocos nucifera L.)

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    Physicochemical characteristics of kernels from four cultivars of coconut were studied with the aim of increasing the value of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.), the main income of most equatorial coastal farmers. Studies were undertaken on West African Tall (WAT), Malaysian Yellow Dwarf (MYD), Equatorial Guinea Green Dwarf (EGD) and the improved PB121 hybrid, PB121+. Analyses were concerned with kernel weight, thickness, dry matter, oil, proteins and soluble sugars content at six stages (ranks) of nuts maturity. Chromatographic profiles of fatty acids of extracted oils were also determined. The results showed positive interaction between cultivar and maturity stage for all examined parameters. Then, PB121+ nuts, without kernel at the beginning of maturation, had the greatest weight (358.7 g) at rank 26. Kernel thickness was maximum (13.28 mm) in WAT at rank 26 due to nuts complete maturity. Oil content increased until the highest value of 73.01% in WAT at rank 23 before decreasing. Total soluble sugars, essentially non-reducing sugars, were maximum (9.09 g/100 g) in MYD fruits at rank 26. The fatty acids profiles showed an increasing proportion of lauric acid during nuts maturation. These results indicated the possibility of specific utilisations of coconut kernels according to cultivar and maturity stage
