6 research outputs found

    First report of uncinaria hamiltoni in orphan eastern mediterranean monk seal pups in greece and its clinical significance

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    The Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) is classified by the IUCN as “endangered,” with a global population estimated to number fewer than 800 individuals. Our understanding of the biology and health status of the species is still limited, rendering every medical case a challenge for conservationists and veterinary clinicians. Although studying and managing disease in wild marine hosts is complex and challenging, studying and mitigating the effects of any disease to the Mediterranean monk seal is of utmost importance for conservation. The aim of this study was to document for the first time the presence of the hookworm Uncinaria hamiltoni in rehabilitated Mediterranean monk seal pups in Greece. A detailed examination protocol was followed for all pups that live-stranded over 30 years in 22 different locations, including physical, parasitological, and other examinations. Hookworms (adults and/or eggs) were detected in all the fecal samples, from all animals. Molecular identification using MtDNA (COI) and ribosomal DNA (D2/D3 28S and internal transcribed spacer [ITS] regions) identified the nematode species as Uncinaria hamiltoni. The clinical impacts and the benefits of anthelmintic treatment as a tool for the conservation management of the species are discussed. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Morphological study of muscular tissue collagen of wild and reared Cornu aspersum (Muller, 1774)

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    Muscular tissue collagen fibrils' diameter and period of reared and wild snails (Cornu aspersum) were measured in order to investigate the role of nutrition on the collagen. Wild adult individuals were collected from Crete (Greece) and compared with adult individual snails reared under laboratory conditions fed a formulated diet. Transmission electron microscope and image analysis algorithms were used in the study. Statistically significant differences between the diameters of the collagen fibrils in the reared and the wild snails were found, and the D-period of the fibrils differed

    Intra-specific morphological variation of the spermatheca in the simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Helix aperta

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    In the majority of internally fertilizing animals, females are equipped with sperm storage organs where they store the sperm received during copulation. In many simultaneously hermaphroditic pulmonates, these organs consist of complex spermathecae that show inter- and intra-specific variation in their structure. This variability is theoretically predicted by postcopulatory sexual selection in the context of sperm competition and cryptic female choice. In this study, the variation in the structure of the spermatheca was investigated in the land snail Helix aperta from four natural populations near Bejaia in northern Algeria. The populations were different in local snail density, probably also reflecting the intensity of sperm competition. We tested whether the spermatheca showed differences that are predicted by sperm competition theory. In addition, we tested whether the spermathecal structure depends on the shell size and/or is correlated with other reproductive organs that are thought to be affected by sexual selection. We found that the fertilization pouch of H. aperta consists of a simple fertilization chamber and 3–9 spermathecal tubules. The four populations did not differ significantly in the mean number of these tubules. However, significant differences were found in the length of the main tubule, the length of the fertilization chamber, and the average length of lateral tubules. In addition, strong associations were detected between the lengths of these structures and the local snail density, while no effect of shell size or reproductive organs was found. Our results indicate that the intensity of sperm competition may not affect the total number of spermathecal tubules, but may increase their lengths. This increase in spermathecal length may reflect an improved sperm storage capacity that is probably beneficial in situations of high sperm competitions intensity