28 research outputs found

    Controversies surrounding human papilloma virus infection, head & neck vs oral cancer, implications for prophylaxis and treatment

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    Head & Neck Cancer (HNC) represents the sixth most common malignancy worldwide and it is historically linked to well-known behavioural risk factors, i.e., tobacco smoking and/or the alcohol consumption. Recently, substantial evidence has been mounting that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is playing an increasing important role in oral cancer. Because of the attention and clamor surrounding oral HPV infection and related cancers, as well as the use of HPV prophylactic vaccines, in this invited perspective the authors raise some questions and review some controversial issues on HPV infection and its role in HNC, with a particular focus on oral squamous cell carcinoma

    p21WAF1/CIP1expression in stage I cutaneous malignant melanoma: its relationship with p53, cell proliferation and survival

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    The expression of p21, p53 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was analysed by immunohistochemistry in a consecutive series of 369 clinical stage I cutaneous malignant melanoma patients. Correlation of the detected expression levels with each other, with clinicopathological data and with melanoma survival were statistically evaluated. p21 expression was significantly associated with p53 and PCNA expression levels. In addition, high levels of p53 and PCNA were significantly interrelated. Tumour thickness, recurrent disease, high TNM category and older (≥ 55 years) age at diagnosis were inversely associated with p21 expression. Gender, bleeding, tumour thickness, Clark's level of invasion, TNM category and p53 index were all important predictors of both recurrence-free and overall survival of melanoma. In Cox's multivariate analysis including 164 patients with a complete set of data, only high tumour thickness and bleeding predicted poor recurrence-free survival (P= 0.0042 and 0.0087 respectively) or overall survival (P= 0.0147 and 0.0033 respectively). Even though elevated p21 expression may be associated with more favourable prognosis in clinical stage I cutaneous melanoma, our results suggest that cell cycle regulatory effects of p21 can be overcome by some other and stronger, partly yet unknown, mechanisms. 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Ghrelin and atherosclerosis:human, experimental animal and cell culture studies

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    Abstract Atherosclerosis is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases and the leading cause of death globally. Atherosclerosis is a complex, chronic disease characterized by lipid accumulation and inflammation within the intima layer of vessel wall. Novel biomarkers and therapeutics are still being sought to provide both better diagnosis and treatment. Ghrelin represents an attractive target for studies into atherosclerosis. Ghrelin is a gastric peptide hormone, which has multiple functions, including regulation of appetite and energy metabolism. Emerging evidence suggests that it may also have a role in the cardiovascular and immune systems. The aim of the present study was to explore the role of ghrelin in atherosclerosis. The specific aims were 1) to investigate the association between the plasma ghrelin level and early atherosclerosis as determined by carotid artery intima media thickness (IMT) in a large (n =  1024) cross-sectional population-based study of middle-aged subjects, 2) to measure the associations between plasma ghrelin levels and already established risk factors of atherosclerosis in human subjects, 3) to assess the effects of ghrelin on atherogenesis in vitro by analyzing monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) binding and acetylated LDL uptake using macrophages, and 4) to study the influence of ghrelin on atherosclerosis using ghrelin vaccination in a mouse model of atherosclerosis. Plasma total ghrelin levels were positively associated with carotid IMT in male subjects. Association studies demonstrated plasma ghrelin levels to be negatively associated with total and LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride concentrations as well as with body mass index (BMI), and positively assocated with high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentration in postmenopausal women and in a population-based study. In addition, estrogen increased plasma acylated ghrelin levels in postmenopausal women. Cell culture studies demonstrated that ghrelin could increase the binding of oxidized LDL and monocytes to endothelial cells. Interestingly, when endothelial cells were stimulated with tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), then ghrelin prevented monocyte adhesion. The study with LDL receptor knockout mice, revealed that ghrelin vaccination could increase plasma ghrelin levels but had no effects on the development of atherosclerosis. However, the plasma MCP-1 level decreased in mice immunized with ghrelin vaccine. In conclusion, these studies suggest that ghrelin has modulatory functions in the vascular system and atherogenesis though the effect may not be as dominant as that of the known traditional risk factors. Whether this effect of ghrelin is positive or negative in atherogenesis will be clarified in further studies.Tiivistelmä Sydän- ja verisuonitaudit ovat suurin kuolinsyy niin Suomessa kuin useimmissa länsimaissakin. Näiden sairauksien taustalla on yleensä valtimonkovettumatauti eli ateroskleroosi, joka voi kliinisesti ilmentyä mm. sepelvaltimotautina, aivoveritulppana ja laskimotautina. Ateroskleroosissa tulehdussoluja ja kolesterolia kertyy verisuonen seinämään muodostaen ahtauman eli ateroomaplakin valtimoon. Valtimonkovettumataudin riskitekijäitä tunnetaan jo hyvin, mutta uusia tautia ennustavia merkkiaineita sekä hoitomuotoja tarvitaan yhä. Greliini on mahalaukusta eritettävä peptidihormoni, joka osallistuu elimistössä mm. ruokahalun, energiametabolian, tulehdustekijöiden sekä sydän- ja verenkiertoelimistön toiminnan säätelyyn. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia greliinin yhteyttä ihmisen valtimonkovettumatautiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin käyttämällä kahta eri potilasaineistoa, soluviljelykokeita sekä valtimonkovettumataudin hiirimallia. Laajassa väestöpohjaisessa potilasaineistossa tutkittiin veren greliinipitoisuuden yhteyttä kaulavaltimon seinämän paksuuteen, jota pidetään valtimonkovettumista kuvaavana tekijänä. Veren greliinipitoisuuden yhteyttä valtimonkovettumataudin tunnettuihin riskitekijöihin tutkittiin myös laajassa potilasaineistossa sekä vaihdevuosi-ikäisillä naisilla, joille annettiin estrogeenikorvaushoitoa. Solukokeilla selvitettiin greliinin vaikutusta tärkeisiin valtimonkovettumataudin syntyvaiheisiin käyttäen monosyytti-, endoteelisolu- sekä makrofaagi-soluviljelmiä. Greliinin vaikutusta ateroskleroosiin in vivo selvitettiin rokottamalla LDL-reseptoripuutteiset hiiret greliini-rokotteella. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin yhteys veren korkean greliinipitoisuuden ja kaulavaltimon seinämän paksuuden välillä miehillä laajassa potilasaineistossa (n =  1024). Tulosta tukivat soluilla tehdyt kokeet, joissa greliini lisäsi hapettuneen LDL:n sitoutumista makrofaageihin sekä monosyyttien tarttumista endoteelisolujen pinnalle. Greliinin vaikutukset monosyyttien tarttumiseen endoteelisolujen pinnalle olivat päinvastaiset silloin, kun endoteelisolut käsiteltiin tulehdusta stimuloivalla tekijällä. Matalat veren greliinipitoisuudet olivat myös yhteydessä korkeisiin LDL-kolesteroli- ja triglyseriditasoihin sekä painoindeksiin ja matalaan HDL-kolesterolitasoon potilasaineistoissa. Estrogeeni nosti veren greliinipitoisuutta vaihdevuosi-ikäisillä naisilla. Greliinirokote ei vaikuttanut ateroskleroosin kehittymiseen hiirimallissa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella greliinillä näyttäisi osallistuvan valtimonkovettumataudin kehitykseen, vaikkakin sen vaikutus on pienempi kuin aiemmin tunnetuilla taudin riskitekijöillä

    Expression of transcription factor AP-2 in colorectal adenomas and adenocarcinomas; comparison of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation

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    Aims—To investigate whether the three different AP-2 isoforms are expressed differently in colorectal adenomas and carcinomas. Methods—The study comprised 43 randomly selected patients diagnosed and treated at Kuopio University Hospital in 1996 for colorectal adenocarcinoma (n = 30) and colorectal adenoma (n = 13). The expression of AP-2α, AP-2ß, and AP-2γ was analysed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and the mRNA status of AP-2α was determined by in situ hybridisation (ISH) and confirmed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). AP-2 expression patterns were correlated with clinicopathological variables. Results—In adenomas and carcinomas, AP-2ß cytoplasmic positivity was higher than that of AP-2α or AP-2γ. AP-2α expression was reduced in advanced Dukes's stage carcinomas. In high grade carcinomas, both AP-2α and AP-2γ expression was reduced. ISH demonstrated increased AP-2α values in high grade carcinomas. Seven of 30 carcinoma specimens displayed a moderate or strong mRNA signal, despite being negative for AP-2α protein. RT-PCR from AP-2α mRNA and protein positive tumours confirmed that the positive signal in ISH originated from the exon 2 of TFAP2A. Conclusions—AP-2α was reduced in advanced Dukes's stage adenocarcinomas. Together with reduced AP-2γ expression in high grade carcinomas, this might contribute to tumour progression. The discrepancy between mRNA and protein expression suggests that post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms might modify the availability of functional AP-2α protein in colorectal carcinoma. Key Words: AP-2 proteins • immunohistochemistry • in situ hybridisation • colorectal neoplasm

    Versican expression in pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: an immunohistochemical study

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    Aims: To study the expression of versican, a large proteoglycan involved in repressing adhesion between cells and the extracellular matrix in pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC), and its relation to the expression of p53 and catenins, histological differentiation, clinical data, and prognosis. Methods: For the retrospective survey, primary tumours for analyses were obtained from 118 patients diagnosed with PSCC of the oropharynx or hypopharynx. The immunohistochemical expression of versican was studied and was related to the expression pattern of p53 and catenins, in addition to clinical data and survival. Results: In the primary tumours, strong stromal versican expression was graded as low in 59 (50%) and high in 59 (50%) cases. In addition, intracellular versican staining was seen in nine (8%) tumours. In local lymph node metastases, strong stromal versican staining was significantly more frequent compared with the primary tumours (p  =  0.018). Strong stromal versican staining was more frequently seen in less advanced tumours (p  =  0.015). There was no association between versican expression and the other investigated variables (p53, catenins, TNM status, and histological grade). Neither stromal nor intracellular versican expression predicted overall survival in these patients. Conclusions: Versican was more strongly expressed in the stroma of local metastases and in the earlier stages of disease in PSCC. However, versican expression was not an independent prognostic factor in this entity