43 research outputs found
The Dynamics of Ionospheric D Region over East Siberia
Some main results of experimental investigations of the dynamical regime of the ionospheric D-region over East Siberia are presented. Regular measurements of horizontal ionospheric drifts by the radio method of closely spaced receivers, using a long wavelength transmitter operating at a frequency of 200 kHz, were carried out near Irkutsk, USSR, since 1975. The seasonal and inter-annual variations of prevailing wind (zonal and meridional), and amplitudes and phases of semi-diurnal tides are investigated. Evidence is presented to show the response of D-region dynamics to stratospheric warmings. Planetary and gravity waves are found in the wind field. Comparison with results of analogous measurements in Central Europe (Collm, GDR) reveals a longitudinal effect on the dynamical regime of the mid-latitude lower thermosphere
Effects from the coupling from below on the lower thermosphere dynamics
Results of wind measurements at the midlatitude ionospheric D region are presented. The wind regime of the lower thermosphere is rather sensitive to stratospheric temperature variations, especially to sudden stratospheric warmings. The longitudinal effect in D region dynamics was revealed on the basis of simultaneous wind measurements at some points located practically at the same latitude but in different climatic regions. The distance differences are observed in the statistical distributions of wind parameters, during winter the average zonal wind speed over East Siberia was about twice that over Central Europe, and the semidiurnal zonal tide is weaker over East Siberia. The data on the seasonal reconstruction of circulation and the response of the D region wind field to the stratospheric warmings depend on the intensity and locations of stratospheric disturbances in relation to the observatory. These experimental facts are interpreted as a meteorological control of the D region and as a dependence of the lower thermosphere dynamics on the conditions of dissipation of internal waves propagating from the troposphere and stratosphere
Midlatitude seasonal behavior of tides near the mesopause level
Wind measurements near the mesopause level were provided in Badary (Eastern Siberia, USSR) by the D1 method using a low frequency (200 kHz) radio transmitter during 1976 to 1986. The seasonal variations of wind level are analyzed and compared with other midlatitude wind measurements and with some theoretical preditions. It is shown that tidal parameters depend not only on latitude but on the longitude as well. The annual variation of diurnal and semidurnal tide (zonal and meridional) have maxima in summer and minima in winter. There are significant differences between annual variations of phases for diurnal and semidiurnal tides. These differences are especially distinct for summer and autumn. There is no systematic seasonal variation of the phase of the semidiurnal tide (average value similar to 6 hours)
The Soviet contributions towards MAP/WINE
In the winter of 1983 to 1984, the research institutes of the Soviet Union took an active part in the accomplishment of the project Winter in Northern Europe (MAP/WINE) of the Middle Atmosphere Program. Different methods were used to measure temperature, direction and velocity of wind, turbulence, electron concentration in the lower ionosphere, and radio wave absorption. The study of the stratopheric warmings and the related changes in the mesosphere and lower ionosphere was considered of special importance. The analysis of the obtained data has shown, in particular, that during the stratospheric warmings the western wind in winter time becomes weaker and even reverses. At the same time period the electron concentration and the radio wave absorption in the lower ionosphere are often reduced. It is also observed that the high absorption zones move from west to east. These results confirm the concept about the role of the cyclonic circumpolar vortex in the transport of the auroral air to temperate latitudes and about the appearance of conditions for the winter anomalous radio wave absorption
The geomagnetic control of the lower thermosphere wind system over East Siberia
The geomagnetic control of ionospheric D region dynamics was revealed and confirmed on the basis of radiophysical wind measurements (1978 to 1983) over East Siberia. The monthly mean parameters of the wind system are different for quiet and disturbed conditions. There is an increase in stability of the meridional wind with increasing level of geomagnetic activity. The influence of geomagnetic storms on the measured wind is considered on the basis of 31 events. There are effects on the phase of the semidiurnal tidal wind, but variations of amplitude are weak. The effect of the geomagnetic storm depends on the intensity and is more clear-cut for the A sub p is greater than 100
Effects of solar activity in the middle atmosphere dynamical regime over Eastern Siberia, USSR
Lower thermospheric (90 to 120 km) wind data was acquired by ground based spaced-receiver method (HF, LF) near Irkutsk (52 deg N, 104 deg E). There is interrelated solar and meteorological control of lower thermosphere dynamics. Some features of solar control effects on the wind parameters are discussed
The Planetary Wave Activity in Temperatures of the Stratosphere, Mesosphere and in Critical Frequencies of Ionospheric F2 Layer
A large body of experimental evidence lends credit to the existence of a close relationship between ionospheric parameters and the underlying atmosphere. Vertical-incidence ionospheric sounding data and temperature measurements at stratospheric (30 km) and mesospheric (80 km) heights have been used in investigating the interrelation between the occurrence of fluctuations with periods of planetary waves in temperature variations at different heights and in F2 layer critical frequency variations (foF2) under low solar activity conditions for the time interval 2006-2007. The distinctive characteristics of the manifestation of common periodicities of the wave structures under consideration are discussed. The statistically significant periods of stratospheric and mesospheric temperature fluctuations vary from 11 to 49 days, whereas foF2 periodograms show higher-frequency fluctuations with periods of 5, 8, 9, and 10 days. The study revealed a similarity between periodic structures for the variations in the parameters involved
The wind regime of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere during the DYANA campaign-II. Semi-diurnal tide
Co-ordinated ground-based radar measurements carried out during the 15 January-15 March 1990 DYANA campaign at 14 different geographical sites have provided a good opportunity to investigate the characteristics of semi-diurnal tidal variations in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere over a wide spectrum of space/time scales. It is pointed out that significant differences of monthly mean tidal parameters observed at the various sites may be explained by latitudinal and longitudinal effects. Well-defined 2-3-week oscillations of the tidal parameters are found to be typical of all observational sites. Their estimated space scales do not contradict the hypothesis about a possible coupling between these oscillations and the low wave-number processes in the stratosphere. Tidal parameter oscillations with 2-5-day periods may be explained to be effects of the nonstationary processes with longitudinal wave numbers S > 3. © 1994
The wind regime of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere during the DYANA campaign-I. Prevailing winds
During the DYANA campaign, winds and tides at mesospheric and lower thermospheric altitudes were measured by 14 ground based experiments (MF radars, meteor radars and LF-drift systems). The experiments were located between 107°W and 102°E, mostly in northern mid-latitudes with well covered areas in Central and Eastern Europe. Emphasis is placed here upon the vertical profiles and height-time contours of the prevailing zonal and meridional winds with different resolution (15 d, 4d). Generally, westerly winds are observed at heights below 95 km with a strong mesospheric variability and with longitudinal differences between the data of Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia and Canada. Planetary waves and a minor stratospheric warming in the first 10 days of February 1990 are the cause of this behaviour. In connection with the stratospheric warming, a wind reversal to summer east winds reaching from the upper stratosphere up to 95 km is observed. The close connection of the behaviour of the stratosphere with the observed longitudinal differences in the mesospheric response on the stratospheric warming and with the occurrence of wind oscillations (10-15 d) is discussed. © 1994