232 research outputs found

    Three--body Correlation Effects on the Spin Dynamics of Double--Exchange Ferromagnets

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    We present a variational calculation of the spin wave excitation spectrum of double--exchange ferromagnets in different dimensions. Our theory recovers the Random Phase approximation and 1/S expansion results as limiting cases and can be used to study the intermediate exchange coupling and electron concentration regime relevant to the manganites. In particular, we treat exactly the long range three--body correlations between a Fermi sea electron--hole pair and a magnon excitation and show that they strongly affect the spin dynamics in the parameter range relevant to experiments in the manganites. The manifestations of these correlations are many-fold. We demonstrate that they significantly change the ferromagnetic phase boundary. In addition to a decrease in the magnon stiffness, we obtain an instability of the ferromagnetic state against spin wave excitations close to the Brillouin zone boundary.Within a range of intermediate concentrations, we find a strong softening of the spin wave dispersion as compared to the Heisenberg ferromagnet with the same stiffness, which changes into hardening for other concentrations. We discuss the relevance of these results to experiments in colossal magnetoresistance ferromagnets.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, published in Phys. Rev. B (1 figure added, references added

    Non--Heisenberg Spin Dynamics of Double-Exchange Ferromagnets with Coulomb Repulsion

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    With a variational three--body calculation we study the role of the interplay between the onsite Coulomb, Hund's rule, and superexchange interactions on the spinwave excitation spectrum of itinerant ferromagnets. We show that correlations between a Fermi sea electron--hole pair and a magnon result in a very pronounced zone boundary softening and strong deviations from the Heisenberg spinwave dispersion. We show that this spin dynamics depends sensitively on the Coulomb and exchange interactions and discuss its possible relevance to experiments in the manganites.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published in Physical Review B as rapid communication

    Magnetization Relaxation and Collective Spin Excitations in Correlated Double--Exchange Ferromagnets

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    We study spin relaxation and dynamics of collective spin excitations in correlated double--exchange ferromagnets. For this, we introduce an expansion of the Green's functions equations of motion that treats non--perturbativerly all correlations between a given number of spin and charge excitations and becomes exact within a sub--space of states. Our method treats relaxation beyond Fermi's Golden Rule while recovering previous variational results for the spin--wave dispersion. We find that the momentum dependence of the spin--wave dephasing rate changes qualitatively due to the on--site Coulomb interaction, in a way that resembles experiment, and depends on its interplay with the magnetic exchange interaction and itinerant spin lifetime. We show that the collective spin relaxation and its dependence on the carrier concentration depends sensitively on three--body correlations between a spin excitation and a Fermi sea electron and hole. The above spin dynamics can be controlled via the itinerant carrier population.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, published in Phys. Rev.

    Butterfly vertebra. A case report and a short review of the literature

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    A butterfly vertebra is a rare congenital anomaly, encountered as isolated finding or as part of syndromic diseases. We report a case of a 40-year- old female presenting with low back pain and sciatica due to ‘butterfly’ dysplasia of the first sacral vertebra. This novel case includes posterolateral displacement of the completely separated hemivertebrae, causing left lateral recess stenosis and compression of S1 nerve root. Additionally, we conducted a short review of the literature. Few cases are reported in literature. Only one refers to a sacral vertebra. There is no previous case of a butterfly vertebra that accounts for narrowing of the lateral recess and associated radiculopath

    Femtosecond Coherent Control of Spin with Light in (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnets

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    Using density matrix equations of motion, we predict a femtosecond collective spin tilt triggered by nonlinear, near--ultraviolet (∼\sim3eV), coherent photoexcitation of (Ga,Mn)As ferromagnetic semiconductors with linearly polarized light. This dynamics results from carrier coherences and nonthermal populations excited in the \{111\} equivalent directions of the Brillouin zone and triggers a subsequent uniform precession. We predict nonthermal magnetization control by tuning the laser frequency and polarization direction. Our mechanism explains recent ultrafast pump--probe experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in Physical Review Letter

    Spin dynamics in (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors: the role of correlations

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    We address the role of correlations between spin and charge degrees of freedom on the dynamical properties of ferromagnetic systems governed by the magnetic exchange interaction between itinerant and localized spins. For this we introduce a general theory that treats quantum fluctuations beyond the Random Phase Approximation based on a correlation expansion of the Green's function equations of motion. We calculate the spin susceptibility, spin--wave excitation spectrum, and magnetization precession damping. We find that correlations strongly affect the magnitude and carrier concentration dependence of the spin stiffness and magnetization Gilbert damping.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, content and figures changed, published in Phys. Rev. Let

    A switching multi-level method for the long tail recommendation problem

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    Recommender systems are decision support systems that play an important part in generating a list of product or service recommendations for users based on the past experiences and interactions. The most popular recommendation method is Collaborative Filtering (CF) that is based on the users’ rating history to generate the recommendation. Although, recommender systems have been applied successfully in different areas such as e-Commerce and Social Networks, the popularity bias is still one of the challenges that needs to be further researched. Therefore, we propose a multi-level method that is based on a switching approach which solves the long tail recommendation problem (LTRP) when CF fails to find the target case. We have evaluated our method using two public datasets and the results show that it outperforms a number of bases lines and state-of-the-art alternatives with a further reduce of the recommendation error rates for items found in the long tail
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