3,455 research outputs found

    Bioactive composites for bone tissue engineering

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    One of the major challenges of bone tissue engineering is the production of a suitable scaffold material. In this review the current composite materials options available are considered covering both the methods of both production and assessing the scaffolds. A range of production routes have been investigated ranging from the use of porogens to produce the porosity through to controlled deposition methods. The testing regimes have included mechanical testing of the materials produced through to in vivo testing of the scaffolds. While the ideal scaffold material has not yet been produced, progress is being made

    Cloning and Functional Analysis of three Cold Regulated <em>CBF</em> Genes in the Overwintering Crucifer <em>Boechera stricta</em>

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    In this research, we isolated three CBF (C-repeat-Binding Factors) genes from two genotypes of Boechera stricta with contrasting freezing tolerance and characterized their structure and expression patterns in response to cold treatment. An amino acid sequence comparison revealed that the CBF genes in B. stricta showed high conservation in the AP2 domain and PKKP/RAGR motif like other cold adaptable Brassicaceae. The pairwise sequence alignment of the CBF genes isolated from two genotypes of B. stricta showed non-synonymous mutations in CBF 2 and 3. Gene expression analysis demonstrated that CBF genes in B. stricta have expression patterns similar to CBFs in A. thaliana in response to cold treatment, while differential expression at the molecular level in CBF and COR genes was presented between two genotypes of B. stricta. Our results suggest that signal transduction of three CBF genes can be one of the central pathways in the development of freezing tolerance in B. stricta

    Magnetic interactions in transition metal doped ZnO : An abinitio study

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    We calculate the nature of magnetic interactions in transition-metal doped ZnO using the local spin density approximation and LSDA+\textit{U} method of density functional theory. We investigate the following four cases: (i) single transition metal ion types (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu) substituted at Zn sites, (ii) substitutional magnetic transition metal ions combined with additional Cu and Li dopants, (iii) substitutional magnetic transition metal ions combined with oxygen vacancies and (iv) pairs of magnetic ion types (Co and Fe, Co and Mn, etc.). Extensive convergence tests indicate that the calculated magnetic ground state is unusually sensitive to the k-point mesh and energy cut-off, the details of the geometry optimizations and the choice of the exchange-correlation functional. We find that ferromagnetic coupling is sometimes favorable for single type substitutional transition metal ions within the local spin density approximation. However, the nature of magnetic interactions changes when correlations on the transition-metal ion are treated within the more realistic LSDA + \textit{U} method, often disfavoring the ferromagnetic state. The magnetic configuration is sensitive to the detailed arrangement of the ions and the amount of lattice relaxation, except in the case of oxygen vacancies when an antiferromagnetic state is always favored.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figure

    Non-monotonic temperature dependent transport in graphene grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition

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    Temperature-dependent resistivity of graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is investigated. We observe in low mobility CVD graphene device a strong insulating behavior at low temperatures and a metallic behavior at high temperatures manifesting a non-monotonic in the temperature dependent resistivity.This feature is strongly affected by carrier density modulation. To understand this anomalous temperature dependence, we introduce thermal activation of charge carriers in electron-hole puddles induced by randomly distributed charged impurities. Observed temperature evolution of resistivity is then understood from the competition among thermal activation of charge carriers, temperature-dependent screening and phonon scattering effects. Our results imply that the transport property of transferred CVD-grown graphene is strongly influenced by the details of the environmentComment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Z_3 Strings and their Interactions

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    We construct Z_3 vortex solutions in a model in which SU(3) is spontaneously broken to Z_3. The model is truncated to one in which there are only two dimensionless free parameters and the interaction of vortices within this restricted set of models is studied numerically. We find that there is a curve in the two dimensional space of parameters for which the energy of two asymptotically separated vortices equals the energy of the vortices at vanishing separation. This suggests that the inter-vortex potential for Z_3 strings might be flat for these couplings, much like the case of U(1) strings in the Bogomolnyi limit. However, we argue that the intervortex potential is attractive at short distances and repulsive at large separations leading to the possibility of unstable bound states of Z_3 vortices.Comment: 8 pages; mainly corrected typos in table

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of Population between Two Dynamic Attractors in a Driven Atomic Trap: Ising-class Phase Transition

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    We have observed spontaneous symmetry breaking of atomic populations in the dynamic phase-space double-potential system, which is produced in the parametrically driven magneto-optical trap of atoms. We find that the system exhibits similar characteristics of the Ising-class phase transition and the critical value of the control parameter, which is the total atomic number, can be calculated. In particular, the collective effect of the laser shadow becomes dominant at large atomic number, which is responsible for the population asymmetry of the dynamic two-state system. This study may be useful for investigation of dynamic phase transition and temporal behaviour of critical phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Raman-scattered O VI Features in the Symbiotic Nova RR Telescopii

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    RR Tel is an interacting binary system in which a hot white dwarf (WD) accretes matter from a Mira-type variable star via gravitational capture of its stellar wind. This symbiotic nova shows intense Raman-scattered O VI 1032 and 1038 features at 6825 ˚A and 7082 ˚A. We present high-resolution optical spectra of RR Tel taken in 2016 and 2017 with the Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle (MIKE) spectrograph at Magellan-Clay telescope, Chile. We aim to study the stellar wind accretion in RR Tel from the profile analysis of Raman O VI features. With an asymmetric O VI disk model, we derive a representative Keplerian speed of > 35 km s−1 , and the corresponding scale < 0.8 au. The best-fit for the Raman profiles is obtained with a mass loss rate of the Mira M˙ ∼ 2 × 10−6 M yr−1 and a wind terminal velocity v∞ ∼ 20 km s−1 . We compare the MIKE data with an archival spectrum taken in 2003 with the Fibre-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph (FEROS) at the MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope. It allows us to highlight the profile variation of the Raman O VI features, indicative of a change in the density distribution of the O VI disk in the last two decades. We also report the detection of O VI recombination lines at 3811 ˚A and 3834 ˚A, which are blended with other emission lines. Our profile decomposition suggests that the recombination of O VII takes place nearer to the WD than the O VI 1032 and 1038 emission region.Fil: Heo, J. E.. Observatorio Gemini; Chile. Universidad de La Serena; Chile. Sejong University; Corea del SurFil: Lee, H. W.. Universidad de Sejong; Corea del SurFil: Angeloni, R.. Universidad de La Serena; ChileFil: Palma, Tali. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Departamento de Astrofísica Estelar; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Di Mille, F.. Observatorio Las Campanas; Chil
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