1,186 research outputs found

    Swelling of acetylated wood in organic liquids

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    To investigate the affinity of acetylated wood for organic liquids, Yezo spruce wood specimens were acetylated with acetic anhydride, and their swelling in various liquids were compared to those of untreated specimens. The acetylated wood was rapidly and remarkably swollen in aprotic organic liquids such as benzene and toluene in which the untreated wood was swollen only slightly and/or very slowly. On the other hand, the swelling of wood in water, ethylene glycol and alcohols remained unchanged or decreased by the acetylation. Consequently the maximum volume of wood swollen in organic liquids was always larger than that in water. The effect of acetylation on the maximum swollen volume of wood was greater in liquids having smaller solubility parameters. The easier penetration of aprotic organic liquids into the acetylated wood was considered to be due to the scission of hydrogen bonds among the amorphous wood constituents by the substitution of hydroxyl groups with hydrophobic acetyl groups.Comment: to be published in J Wood Science (Japanese wood research society

    Effect of superradiance on transport of diffusing photons in cold atomic gases

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    We show that in atomic gases cooperative effects like superradiance and subradiance lead to a potential between two atoms that decays like 1/r1/r. In the case of superradiance, this potential is attractive for close enough atoms and can be interpreted as a coherent mesoscopic effect. The contribution of superradiant pairs to multiple scattering properties of a dilute gas, such as photon elastic mean free path and group velocity, is significantly different from that of independent atoms. We discuss the conditions under which these effects may be observed and compare our results to recent experiments on photon transport in cold atomic gases.Comment: 4 pages and 1 figur

    Space-frequency correlation of classical waves in disordered media: high-frequency and small scale asymptotics

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    Two-frequency radiative transfer (2f-RT) theory is developed for geometrical optics in random media. The space-frequency correlation is described by the two-frequency Wigner distribution (2f-WD) which satisfies a closed form equation, the two-frequency Wigner-Moyal equation. In the RT regime it is proved rigorously that 2f-WD satisfies a Fokker-Planck-like equation with complex-valued coefficients. By dimensional analysis 2f-RT equation yields the scaling behavior of three physical parameters: the spatial spread, the coherence length and the coherence bandwidth. The sub-transport-mean-free-path behavior is obtained in a closed form by analytically solving a paraxial 2f-RT equation

    Chemical Abundance Gradients in the Star-Forming Ring Galaxies

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    Ring waves of star formation, propagating outwardly in the galactic disks, leave chemical abundance gradients in their wakes. We show that the relative [Fe/O] abundance gradients in ring galaxies can be used as a tool for determining the role of the SNIa explosions in their chemical enrichment. We consider two mechanisms which can create outwardly propagating star forming rings in a purely gaseous disk -- a self-induced wave and a density wave, and demonstrate that the radial distribution of the relative [Fe/O] abundance gradients does not depend on the particular mechanism of the wave formation or on the parameters of the star-forming process. We show that the [Fe/O] profile is determined by the velocity of the wave, initial mass function, and the initial chemical composition of the star-forming gas. If the role of SNIa explosions is negligible in the chemical enrichment, the ratio [Fe/O] remains constant throughout the galactic disk with a steep gradient at the wave front. If SNIa stars are important in the production of cosmic iron, the [Fe/O] ratio has gradient in the wake of the star-forming wave with the value depending on the frequency of SNIa explosions.Comment: Uses aas2pp4.sty and epsfig.sty, 7 pages including one figure To appear in Astrophysical Journa

    Metallicity Gradients in the Intracluster Gas of Abell 496

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    Analysis of spatially resolved ASCA spectra of the intracluster gas in Abell 496 confirms there are mild metal abundance enhancements near the center, as previously found by White et al. (1994) in a joint analysis of Ginga LAC and Einstein SSS spectra. Simultaneous analysis of spectra from all ASCA instruments (SIS + GIS) shows that the iron abundance is 0.36 +- 0.03 solar 3-12' from the center of the cluster and rises ~50% to 0.53 +- 0.04 solar within the central 2'. The F-test shows that this abundance gradient is significant at the >99.99% level. Nickel and sulfur abundances are also centrally enhanced. We use a variety of elemental abundance ratios to assess the relative contribution of SN Ia and SN II to the metal enrichment of the intracluster gas. We find spatial gradients in several abundance ratios, indicating that the fraction of iron from SN Ia increases toward the cluster center, with SN Ia accounting for ~50% of the iron mass 3-12' from the center and ~70% within 2'. The increased proportion of SN Ia ejecta at the center is such that the central iron abundance enhancement can be attributed wholly to SN Ia; we find no significant gradient in SN II ejecta. These spatial gradients in the proportion of SN Ia/II ejecta imply that the dominant metal enrichment mechanism near the center is different than in the outer parts of the cluster. We show that the central abundance enhancement is unlikely to be due to ram pressure stripping of gas from cluster galaxies, or to secularly accumulated stellar mass loss within the central cD. We suggest that the additional SN Ia ejecta near the center is the vestige of a secondary SN Ia-driven wind from the cD (following a more energetic protogalactic SN II-driven wind phase), which was partially smothered in the cD due to its location at the cluster center.Comment: 25 pages AASTeX; 6 encapsulated PostScript figures; accepted for publication in ApJ. Replaced with revised versio

    Anisotropic multiple scattering in diffuse media

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    The multiple scattering of scalar waves in diffusive media is investigated by means of the radiative transfer equation. This approach amounts to a resummation of the ladder diagrams of the Born series; it does not rely on the diffusion approximation. Quantitative predictions are obtained, concerning various observables pertaining to optically thick slabs, such as the mean angle-resolved reflected and transmitted intensities, and the shape of the enhanced backscattering cone. Special emphasis is put on the dependence of these quantities on the anisotropy of the cross-section of the individual scatterers, and on the internal reflections due to the optical index mismatch at the boundaries of the sample. The regime of very anisotropic scattering, where the transport mean free path \ell^* is much larger than the scattering mean free path \ell, is studied in full detail. For the first time the relevant Schwarzschild-Milne equation is solved exactly in the absence of internal reflections, and asymptotically in the regime of a large index mismatch. An unexpected outcome concerns the angular width of the enhanced backscattering cone, which is predicted to scale as Δθλ/\Delta\theta\sim\lambda/\sqrt{\ell\ell^*}, in contrast with the generally accepted λ/\lambda/\ell^* law, derived within the diffusion approximation.Comment: 53 pages TEX, including 2 tables. The 4 figures are sent at reques

    Why Are Rotating Elliptical Galaxies Less Elliptical at X-ray Frequencies?

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    If mass and angular momentum were conserved in cooling flows associated with luminous, slowly rotating elliptical galaxies, the inflowing hot gas would spin up, resulting in disks of cold gas and X-ray images that are highly flattened along the equatorial plane out to several effective radii. Such X-ray flattening is not observed at the spatial resolution currently available to X-ray observations. Evidently mass and angular momentum are not in fact conserved. If cooling flows are depleted by localized radiative cooling at numerous sites distributed throughout the flows, then disks of cooled gas do not form and the X-ray images appear nearly circular. However, the distribution of young stars formed from the cooled gas is still somewhat flattened relative to the stellar light. X-ray images of galactic cooling flows can also be circularized by the turbulent diffusion of angular momentum away from the axis of rotation, but the effective viscosity of known processes -- stellar mass loss, supernovae, cooling site evolution, etc. -- is insufficient to appreciably circularize the X-ray images. Radial gradients in the interstellar iron abundance are unaffected by the expected level of interstellar turbulence since these gradients are continuously re-established by Type Ia supernovae.Comment: 17 pages with 6 figures; accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Oxygen Absorption in M87: Evidence for a Warm+Hot ISM

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    We present a re-analysis of the ROSAT PSPC data within the central 100 kpc of M87 to search for intrinsic oxygen absorption similar to that recently measured in several galaxies and groups. Using a spatial-spectral deprojection analysis we find the strongest evidence to date for intrinsic oxygen absorption in the hot gas of a galaxy, group, or cluster. Single-phase plasma models modified by intervening Galactic absorption cannot fit the 0.2-2.2 keV PSPC data as they under-predict the 0.2-0.4 keV region and over-predict the 0.5-0.8 keV region where the emission and absorption residuals are obvious upon visual inspection of the spectral fits. Since the excess emission between 0.2-0.4 keV rules out intrinsic absorption from cold gas or dust, the most reasonable model for the excess emission and absorption features is warm, collisionally ionized gas with a temperature of ~10^6 K. Simple multiphase models (cooling flow, two phases) modified by both intervening Galactic absorption and by a single oxygen edge provide good fits and yield temperatures and Fe abundances of the hot gas that agree with previous determinations by ASCA and SAX. The multiphase models of M87 inferred from the PSPC can account for the excess EUV emission observed with EUVE and the excess X-ray absorption inferred from EINSTEIN and ASCA data above 0.5 keV. Although the total mass of the warm gas implied by the oxygen absorption is consistent with the matter deposited by a cooling flow, the suppression of the mass deposition rate and the distortion of the X-ray isophotes in the region where the radio emission is most pronounced suggest some feedback effect from the AGN on the cooling gas. (Abridged)Comment: 17 pages (13 figures), Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Scalar Quantum Field Theory in Disordered Media

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    A free massive scalar field in inhomogeneous random media is investigated. The coefficients of the Klein-Gordon equation are taken to be random functions of the spatial coordinates. The case of an annealed-like disordered medium, modeled by centered stationary and Gaussian processes, is analyzed. After performing the averages over the random functions, we obtain the two-point causal Green's function of the model up to one-loop. The disordered scalar quantum field theory becomes qualitatively similar to a λϕ4\lambda\phi^{4} self-interacting theory with a frequency-dependent coupling

    Intermediate Element Abundances in Galaxy Clusters

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    We present the average abundances of the intermediate elements obtained by performing a stacked analysis of all the galaxy clusters in the archive of the X-ray telescope ASCA. We determine the abundances of Fe, Si, S, and Ni as a function of cluster temperature (mass) from 1--10 keV, and place strong upper limits on the abundances of Ca and Ar. In general, Si and Ni are overabundant with respect to Fe, while Ar and Ca are very underabundant. The discrepancy between the abundances of Si, S, Ar, and Ca indicate that the alpha-elements do not behave homogeneously as a single group. We show that the abundances of the most well-determined elements Fe, Si, and S in conjunction with recent theoretical supernovae yields do not give a consistent solution for the fraction of material produced by Type Ia and Type II supernovae at any temperature or mass. The general trend is for higher temperature clusters to have more of their metals produced in Type II supernovae than in Type Ias. The inconsistency of our results with abundances in the Milky Way indicate that spiral galaxies are not the dominant metal contributors to the intracluster medium (ICM). The pattern of elemental abundances requires an additional source of metals beyond standard SNIa and SNII enrichment. The properties of this new source are well matched to those of Type II supernovae with very massive, metal-poor progenitor stars. These results are consistent with a significant fraction of the ICM metals produced by an early generation of population III stars.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 7 tables. Submitted to Ap