1,211 research outputs found
Casimir Energy of the Universe and the Dark Energy Problem
We regard the Casimir energy of the universe as the main contribution to the
cosmological constant. Using 5 dimensional models of the universe, the flat
model and the warped one, we calculate Casimir energy. Introducing the new
regularization, called {\it sphere lattice regularization}, we solve the
divergence problem. The regularization utilizes the closed-string
configuration. We consider 4 different approaches: 1) restriction of the
integral region (Randall-Schwartz), 2) method of 1) using the minimal area
surfaces, 3) introducing the weight function, 4) {\it generalized
path-integral}. We claim the 5 dimensional field theories are quantized
properly and all divergences are renormalized. At present, it is explicitly
demonstrated in the numerical way, not in the analytical way. The
renormalization-group function (\be-function) is explicitly obtained. The
renormalization-group flow of the cosmological constant is concretely obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, Proceedings of DSU2011(2011.9.26-30,Beijin
Geometric Approach to Quantum Statistical Mechanics and Application to Casimir Energy and Friction Properties
A geometric approach to general quantum statistical systems (including the
harmonic oscillator) is presented. It is applied to Casimir energy and the
dissipative system with friction. We regard the (N+1)-dimensional Euclidean
{\it coordinate} system (X,) as the quantum statistical system of N
quantum (statistical) variables (X) and one {\it Euclidean time} variable
(). Introducing paths (lines or hypersurfaces) in this space
(X,), we adopt the path-integral method to quantize the mechanical
system. This is a new view of (statistical) quantization of the {\it
mechanical} system. The system Hamiltonian appears as the {\it area}. We show
quantization is realized by the {\it minimal area principle} in the present
geometric approach. When we take a {\it line} as the path, the path-integral
expressions of the free energy are shown to be the ordinary ones (such as N
harmonic oscillators) or their simple variation. When we take a {\it
hyper-surface} as the path, the system Hamiltonian is given by the {\it area}
of the {\it hyper-surface} which is defined as a {\it closed-string
configuration} in the bulk space. In this case, the system becomes a O(N)
non-linear model. We show the recently-proposed 5 dimensional Casimir energy
(ArXiv:0801.3064,0812.1263) is valid. We apply this approach to the
visco-elastic system, and present a new method using the path-integral for the
calculation of the dissipative properties.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of ICFS2010 (2010.9.13-18,
Ise-Shima, Mie, Japan
Casimir Energy of the Universe and New Regularization of Higher Dimensional Quantum Field Theories
Casimir energy is calculated for the 5D electromagnetism and 5D scalar theory
in the {\it warped} geometry. It is compared with the flat case. A new
regularization, called {\it sphere lattice regularization}, is taken. In the
integration over the 5D space, we introduce two boundary curves (IR-surface and
UV-surface) based on the {\it minimal area principle}. It is a {\it direct}
realization of the geometrical approach to the {\it renormalization group}. The
regularized configuration is {\it closed-string like}. We do {\it not} take the
KK-expansion approach. Instead, the position/momentum propagator is exploited,
combined with the {\it heat-kernel method}. All expressions are closed-form
(not KK-expanded form). The {\it generalized} P/M propagators are introduced.
We numerically evaluate \La(4D UV-cutoff), \om(5D bulk curvature, warp
parameter) and (extra space IR parameter) dependence of the Casimir energy.
We present two {\it new ideas} in order to define the 5D QFT: 1) the summation
(integral) region over the 5D space is {\it restricted} by two minimal surfaces
(IR-surface, UV-surface) ; or 2) we introduce a {\it weight function} and
require the dominant contribution, in the summation, is given by the {\it
minimal surface}. Based on these, 5D Casimir energy is {\it finitely} obtained
after the {\it proper renormalization procedure.} The {\it warp parameter}
\om suffers from the {\it renormalization effect}. The IR parameter does
not. We examine the meaning of the weight function and finally reach a {\it new
definition} of the Casimir energy where {\it the 4D momenta(or coordinates) are
quantized} with the extra coordinate as the Euclidean time (inverse
temperature). We examine the cosmological constant problem and present an
answer at the end. Dirac's large number naturally appears.Comment: 13 paes, 8 figures, proceedings of 1st Mediterranean Conf. on CQ
Gauge Theory of Composite Fermions: Particle-Flux Separation in Quantum Hall Systems
Fractionalization phenomenon of electrons in quantum Hall states is studied
in terms of U(1) gauge theory. We focus on the Chern-Simons(CS) fermion
description of the quantum Hall effect(QHE) at the filling factor
, and show that the successful composite-fermions(CF) theory
of Jain acquires a solid theoretical basis, which we call particle-flux
separation(PFS). PFS can be studied efficiently by a gauge theory and
characterized as a deconfinement phenomenon in the corresponding gauge
dynamics. The PFS takes place at low temperatures, , where
each electron or CS fermion splinters off into two quasiparticles, a fermionic
chargeon and a bosonic fluxon. The chargeon is nothing but Jain's CF, and the
fluxon carries units of CS fluxes. At sufficiently low temperatures , fluxons Bose-condense uniformly and (partly)
cancel the external magnetic field, producing the correlation holes. This
partial cancellation validates the mean-field theory in Jain's CF approach.
FQHE takes place at as a joint effect of (i) integer QHE of
chargeons under the residual field and (ii) Bose condensation of
fluxons. We calculate the phase-transition temperature and the CF
mass. PFS is a counterpart of the charge-spin separation in the t-J model of
high- cuprates in which each electron dissociates into holon and
spinon. Quasiexcitations and resistivity in the PFS state are also studied. The
resistivity is just the sum of contributions of chargeons and fluxons, and
changes its behavior at , reflecting the change of
quasiparticles from chargeons and fluxons at to electrons at
.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure
Field Quantization in 5D Space-Time with Z-parity and Position/Momentum Propagator
Field quantization in 5D flat and warped space-times with Z-parity is
comparatively examined. We carefully and closely derive 5D
position/momentum(P/M) propagators. Their characteristic behaviours depend on
the 4D (real world) momentum in relation to the boundary parameter () and
the bulk curvature (\om). They also depend on whether the 4D momentum is
space-like or time-like. Their behaviours are graphically presented and the
Z symmetry, the "brane" formation and the singularities are examined. It is
shown that the use of absolute functions is important for properly treating the
singular behaviour. The extra coordinate appears as a {\it directed} one like
the temperature. The problem, which is an important consistency
check of the bulk-boundary system, is solved {\it without} the use of
KK-expansion. The relation between P/M propagator (a closed expression which
takes into account {\it all} KK-modes) and the KK-expansion-series propagator
is clarified. In this process of comparison, two views on the extra space
naturally come up: orbifold picture and interval (boundary) picture.
Sturm-Liouville expansion (a generalized Fourier expansion) is essential there.
Both 5D flat and warped quantum systems are formulated by the Dirac's bra and
ket vector formalism, which shows the warped model can be regarded as a {\it
deformation} of the flat one with the {\it deformation parameter} \om. We
examine the meaning of the position-dependent cut-off proposed by
Randall-Schwartz.Comment: 44 figures, 22(fig.)+41 pages, to be published in Phys.Rev.D, Fig.4
is improve
Gas pressure sintering of Beta-Sialon with Z=3
An experiment conducted on beta-sialon in atmospheric pressure, using a temperature of 2000 C and 4 MPa nitrogen atmosphere, is described. Thermal decomposition was inhibited by the increase of the nitrogen gas pressure
Fluctuation effects of gauge fields in the slave-boson t-J model
We present a quantitative study of the charge-spin separation(CSS) phenomenon
in a U(1) gauge theory of the t-J model of high-Tc superconductures. We
calculate the critical temperature of confinement-deconfinement phase
transition below which the CSS takes place.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, 3 figure
Wall and Anti-Wall in the Randall-Sundrum Model and A New Infrared Regularization
An approach to find the field equation solution of the Randall-Sundrum model
with the extra axis is presented. We closely examine the infrared
singularity. The vacuum is set by the 5 dimensional Higgs field. Both the
domain-wall and the anti-domain-wall naturally appear, at the {\it ends} of the
extra compact axis, by taking a {\it new infrared regularization}. The
stability is guaranteed from the outset by the kink boundary condition. A {\it
continuous} (infrared-)regularized solution, which is a truncated {\it Fourier
series} of a {\it discontinuous} solution, is utilized.The ultraviolet-infrared
relation appears in the regularized solution.Comment: 36 pages, 29 eps figure file
Characterization of the gene for the a subunit of human factor XIII (plasma transglutaminase), a blood coagulation factor.
Assessment of energy consumption as a performance index in high-rise buildings in Hanoi, Vietnam
This research aims to at investigating the actual performance of high-rise office buildings in terms of
the indoor environment and energy consumption. Data collection was based on the onsite
measurement of five buildings in operation in Hanoi, Vietnam. The thermal environment, illuminance,
CO2 concentration, and energy consumption were the basic parameters analyzed as a fundamental
step toward realizing and determining energy-efficient buildings. The current situation can be roughly
was described; the most of methodology follow the western standard and there still be less data that
show the actual situation under building operation documented. To analyze and evaluate, this
research conducted measurement of indoor environment quality (IEQ) and energy consumption of
high-rise office buildings between 2014 and 2015 in Hanoi. From the result, it is presented evident
that the overall energy consumption and indoor environment of office buildings in Vietnam are not in a
negative situation to compare favorably with international standards. However, it is also presented
that there is a large high fluctuation in the thermal environment. The electricity consumption has
strong relationship with outdoor temperature obviously and the peak consumption is observed in the
summer. The consumption doesn’t increase in winter despite indoor temperature show being lower
than the standard comfort criteria-zone. This results in the lower energy consumption in the observed
buildings due to the unique climate of Hanoi and inappropriate building operation mainly because of
such as the insufficient operation of air conditioning systems and the air-tightness of building
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