7 research outputs found

    Long-lasting insecticidal nets and the quest for malaria eradication : a mathematical modeling approach

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    Recent dramatic declines in global malaria burden and mortality can be largely attributed to the large-scale deployment of insecticidal-based measures, namely long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying. However, the sustainability of these gains, and the feasibility of global malaria eradication by 2040, may be affected by increasing insecticide resistance among the Anopheles malaria vector. We employ a new differential-equations based mathematical model, which incorporates the full, weather-dependent mosquito lifecycle, to assess the population-level impact of the large-scale use of LLINs, under different levels of Anopheles pyrethroid insecticide resistance, on malaria transmission dynamics and control in a community. Moreover, we describe the bednet-mosquito interaction using parameters that can be estimated from the large experimental hut trial literature under varying levels of effective pyrethroid resistance. An expression for the basic reproduction number, R0, as a function of population-level bednet coverage, is derived. It is shown, owing to the phenomenon of backward bifurcation, that R0 must be pushed appreciably below 1 to eliminate malaria in endemic areas, potentially complicating eradication efforts. Numerical simulations of the model suggest that, when the baseline R0 is high (corresponding roughly to holoendemic malaria), very high bednet coverage with highly effective nets is necessary to approach conditions for malaria elimination. Further, while >50% bednet coverage is likely sufficient to strongly control or eliminate malaria from areas with a mesoendemic malaria baseline, pyrethroid resistance could undermine control and elimination efforts even in this setting. Our simulations show that pyrethroid resistance in mosquitoes appreciably reduces bednet effectiveness across parameter space. This modeling study also suggests that increasing pre-bloodmeal deterrence of mosquitoes (deterring them from entry into protected homes) actually hampers elimination efforts, as it may focus mosquito biting onto a smaller unprotected host subpopulation. Finally, we observe that temperature affects malaria potential independently of bednet coverage and pyrethroid-resistance levels, with both climate change and pyrethroid resistance posing future threats to malaria control.National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) is an Institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture through NSF Award #EF-0832858, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. ABG also acknowledges the support, in part, of the Simons Foundation (Award #585022).http://link.springer.com/journal/2852021-05-23hj2020Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    Mathematical modeling of the impact of periodic release of sterile male mosquitoes and seasonality on the population abundance of malaria mosquitoes

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    This study presents a new mathematical model for assessing the impact of sterile insect technology (SIT) and seasonal variation in local temperature on the population abundance of malaria mosquitoes in an endemic setting. Simulations of the model, using temperature data from Kipsamoite area of Kenya, show that a peak abundance of the mosquito population is attained in the Kipsamoite area when the mean monthly temperature reaches 30∘C. Furthermore, in the absence of seasonal variation in local temperature, our results show that releasing more sterile male mosquitoes (e.g., 100,000) over a one year period with relatively short duration between releases (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly) is more effective than releasing smaller numbers of the sterile male mosquitoes (e.g., 10,000) over the same implementation period and frequency of release. It is also shown that density-dependent larval mortality plays an important role in determining the threshold number of sterile male mosquitoes that need to be released in order to achieve effective control (or elimination) of the mosquito population in the community. In particular, low(high) density-dependent mortality requires high(low) numbers of sterile male mosquitoes to be released to achieve such control. In the presence of seasonal variation in local temperature, effective control of the mosquito population using SIT is only feasible if a large number of the sterile male mosquitoes (e.g., 100,000) is periodically released within a very short time interval (at most weekly). In other words, seasonal variation in temperature necessitates more frequent releases (of a large number) of sterile male mosquitoes to ensure the effectiveness of the SIT intervention in curtailing the targeted mosquito population.The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) for funding the Working Group on Climate Change and Vector-borne Diseases (VBDs). NIMBioS is an Institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture through NSF Award #EF-0832858, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. ABG also acknowledge the support, in part, of the Simons Foundation (Award #585022) and the National Science Foundation (Award #1917512).https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/jbs2021-04-18hj2020Mathematics and Applied Mathematic

    Mathematical assessment of the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on curtailing the 2019 novel Coronavirus

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    Please read abstract in the article.The Simons Foundation and the National Science Foundation.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/mbshj2021Mathematics and Applied Mathematic