100 research outputs found

    Efektywne wykorzystanie nowych technologii na lekcjach

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    książka wydana przez Centrum Edukacji Obywatelskiej, tłumaczenie Patrycja Schmyd

    Calibrating and testing tissue equivalent proportional counters with 37Ar

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    A method for testing and calibrating tissue equivalent proportional counters with37Ar is described.37Ar is produced by exposure of argon in its normal isotope composition to thermal neutrons. It is shown that - up to volume ratios of 0.01 of argon to the tissue equivalent gas - there is no appreciable effect of the argon admixture on the function of the proportional counter. Conventional calibration methods with characteristic x-rays or with -particles require modifications of the detectors, and they test only small sub-volumes in the counters. In contrast, argon permits calibrations and tests of the resolution that are representative for the entire counter volume and that do not require changes in detector construction. The method is equally applicable to multi-element proportional counters; it is here exemplified by its application to a long cylindrical counter of simplified design that is part of such a multi-element configuration

    Electromagnetic Cascades and Cascade Nucleosynthesis in the Early Universe

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    We describe a calculation of electromagnetic cascading in radiation and matter in the early universe initiated by the decay of massive particles or by some other process. We have used a combination of Monte Carlo and numerical techniques which enables us to use exact cross sections, where known, for all the relevant processes. In cascades initiated after the epoch of big bang nucleosynthesis Îł\gamma-rays in the cascades will photodisintegrate 4^4He, producing 3^3He and deuterium. Using the observed 3^3He and deuterium abundances we are able to place constraints on the cascade energy deposition as a function of cosmic time. In the case of the decay of massive primordial particles, we place limits on the density of massive primordial particles as a function of their mean decay time, and on the expected intensity of decay neutrinos.Comment: compressed and uuencoded postscript. We now include a comparison with previous work of the photon spectrum in the cascade and the limits we calculate for the density of massive particles. The method of calculation of photon spectra at low energies has been improved. Most figures are revised. Our conclusions are substantially unchange

    Ranking differentially expressed genes from Affymetrix gene expression data: methods with reproducibility, sensitivity, and specificity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from microarray data, users of the Affymetrix GeneChip system need to select both a preprocessing algorithm to obtain expression-level measurements and a way of ranking genes to obtain the most plausible candidates. We recently recommended suitable combinations of a preprocessing algorithm and gene ranking method that can be used to identify DEGs with a higher level of sensitivity and specificity. However, in addition to these recommendations, researchers also want to know which combinations enhance reproducibility.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We compared eight conventional methods for ranking genes: weighted average difference (WAD), average difference (AD), fold change (FC), rank products (RP), moderated <it>t </it>statistic (modT), significance analysis of microarrays (samT), shrinkage <it>t </it>statistic (shrinkT), and intensity-based moderated <it>t </it>statistic (ibmT) with six preprocessing algorithms (PLIER, VSN, FARMS, multi-mgMOS (mmgMOS), MBEI, and GCRMA). A total of 36 real experimental datasets was evaluated on the basis of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) as a measure for both sensitivity and specificity. We found that the RP method performed well for VSN-, FARMS-, MBEI-, and GCRMA-preprocessed data, and the WAD method performed well for mmgMOS-preprocessed data. Our analysis of the MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project's datasets showed that the FC-based gene ranking methods (WAD, AD, FC, and RP) had a higher level of reproducibility: The percentages of overlapping genes (POGs) across different sites for the FC-based methods were higher overall than those for the <it>t</it>-statistic-based methods (modT, samT, shrinkT, and ibmT). In particular, POG values for WAD were the highest overall among the FC-based methods irrespective of the choice of preprocessing algorithm.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that to increase sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility in microarray analyses, we need to select suitable combinations of preprocessing algorithms and gene ranking methods. We recommend the use of FC-based methods, in particular RP or WAD.</p

    A robust measure of correlation between two genes on a microarray

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The underlying goal of microarray experiments is to identify gene expression patterns across different experimental conditions. Genes that are contained in a particular pathway or that respond similarly to experimental conditions could be co-expressed and show similar patterns of expression on a microarray. Using any of a variety of clustering methods or gene network analyses we can partition genes of interest into groups, clusters, or modules based on measures of similarity. Typically, Pearson correlation is used to measure distance (or similarity) before implementing a clustering algorithm. Pearson correlation is quite susceptible to outliers, however, an unfortunate characteristic when dealing with microarray data (well known to be typically quite noisy.)</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a resistant similarity metric based on Tukey's biweight estimate of multivariate scale and location. The resistant metric is simply the correlation obtained from a resistant covariance matrix of scale. We give results which demonstrate that our correlation metric is much more resistant than the Pearson correlation while being more efficient than other nonparametric measures of correlation (e.g., Spearman correlation.) Additionally, our method gives a systematic gene flagging procedure which is useful when dealing with large amounts of noisy data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>When dealing with microarray data, which are known to be quite noisy, robust methods should be used. Specifically, robust distances, including the biweight correlation, should be used in clustering and gene network analysis.</p

    Real-time phase-contrast x-ray imaging: a new technique for the study of animal form and function

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    BACKGROUND: Despite advances in imaging techniques, real-time visualization of the structure and dynamics of tissues and organs inside small living animals has remained elusive. Recently, we have been using synchrotron x-rays to visualize the internal anatomy of millimeter-sized opaque, living animals. This technique takes advantage of partially-coherent x-rays and diffraction to enable clear visualization of internal soft tissue not viewable via conventional absorption radiography. However, because higher quality images require greater x-ray fluxes, there exists an inherent tradeoff between image quality and tissue damage. RESULTS: We evaluated the tradeoff between image quality and harm to the animal by determining the impact of targeted synchrotron x-rays on insect physiology, behavior and survival. Using 25 keV x-rays at a flux density of 80 ÎĽW/mm(-2), high quality video-rate images can be obtained without major detrimental effects on the insects for multiple minutes, a duration sufficient for many physiological studies. At this setting, insects do not heat up. Additionally, we demonstrate the range of uses of synchrotron phase-contrast imaging by showing high-resolution images of internal anatomy and observations of labeled food movement during ingestion and digestion. CONCLUSION: Synchrotron x-ray phase contrast imaging has the potential to revolutionize the study of physiology and internal biomechanics in small animals. This is the only generally applicable technique that has the necessary spatial and temporal resolutions, penetrating power, and sensitivity to soft tissue that is required to visualize the internal physiology of living animals on the scale from millimeters to microns

    Study of photo-proton reactions driven by bremsstrahlung radiation of high-intensity laser generated electrons

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    Photo-nuclear reactions were investigated using a high power table-top laser. The laser system at the University of Jena ( I similar to 3-5 x 10(19) W cm(-2)) produced hard bremsstrahlung photons ( kT similar to 2(9 MeV) via a laser-gas interaction which served to induce ( gamma, p) and ( gamma, n) reactions in Mg, Ti, Zn and Mo isotopes. Several ( gamma, p) decay channels were identified using nuclear activation analysis to determine their integral reaction yields
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