659 research outputs found

    Experimental Investigations of Elastic Tail Propulsion at Low Reynolds Number

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    A simple way to generate propulsion at low Reynolds number is to periodically oscillate a passive flexible filament. Here we present a macroscopic experimental investigation of such a propulsive mechanism. A robotic swimmer is constructed and both tail shape and propulsive force are measured. Filament characteristics and the actuation are varied and resulting data are quantitatively compared with existing linear and nonlinear theories

    Optimal feeding and swimming gaits of biflagellated organisms

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    Locomotion is widely observed in life at micrometric scales and is exhibited by many eukaryotic unicellular organisms. Motility of such organisms can be achieved through periodic deformations of a tail-like projection called the eukaryotic flagellum. Although the mechanism allowing the flagellum to deform is largely understood, questions related to the functional significance of the observed beating patterns remain unresolved. Here, we focus our attention on the stroke patterns of biflagellated phytoplanktons resembling the green alga Chlamydomonas. Such organisms have been widely observed to beat their flagella in two different ways - a breast-stroke and an undulatory stroke-both of which are prototypical of general beating patterns observed in eukaryotes. We develop a general optimization procedure to determine the existence of optimal swimming gaits and investigate their functional significance with respect to locomotion and nutrient uptake. Both the undulatory and the breaststroke represent local optima for efficient swimming. With respect to the generation of feeding currents, we found the breaststroke to be optimal and to enhance nutrient uptake significantly, particularly when the organism is immersed in a gradient of nutrients. Keywords: optimization; stroke kinematics; low Reynolds number; efficiencyNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-0323672)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CTS-0624830

    A two-dimensional model of low-Reynolds number swimming beneath a free surface

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    Biological organisms swimming at low Reynolds number are often influenced by the presence of rigid boundaries and soft interfaces. In this paper we present an analysis of locomotion near a free surface with surface tension. Using a simplified two-dimensional singularity model, and combining a complex variable approach with conformal mapping techniques, we demonstrate that the deformation of a free surface can be harnessed to produce steady locomotion parallel to the interface. The crucial physical ingredient lies in the nonlinear hydrodynamic coupling between the disturbance flow created by the swimmer and the free boundary problem at the fluid surface

    Structure evolution in electrorheological fluids flowing through microchannels

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    Enhanced knowledge of the transient behavior and characteristics of electrorheological (ER) fluids subject to time dependent electric fields offers the potential to advance the design of fast actuated hydraulic devices. In this study, the dynamic response of electrorheological fluid flows in rectilinear microchannels was investigated experimentally. Using high-speed microscopic imaging, the evolution of particle aggregates in ER fluids subjected to temporally stepwise electric fields was visualized. Nonuniform growth of the particle structures in the channel was observed and correlated to field strength and flow rate. Two competing time scales for structure growth were identified. Guided by experimental observations, we developed a phenomenological model to quantitatively describe and predict the evolution of microscale structures and the concomitant induced pressure gradient.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Maximum Mobility and Manipulation (M3) Progra
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