549 research outputs found

    Autonomous Evolutionary Art

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    Eiben, A.E. [Promotor

    The Empathy and Systemizing Quotient:The Psychometric Properties of the Dutch Version and a Review of the Cross-Cultural Stability

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    The 'Empathy Quotient' (EQ) and 'Systemizing Quotient' (SQ) are used worldwide to measure people's empathizing and systemizing cognitive styles. This study investigates the psychometric properties of the Dutch EQ and SQ in healthy participants (n = 685), and high functioning males with autism spectrum disorder (n = 42). Factor analysis provided support for three subscales of the abridged 28-item EQ: Cognitive Empathy, Emotional Empathy and Social Skills. Overall, the Dutch EQ and SQ appeared reliable and valid tools to assess empathizing and systemizing cognitive style in healthy adults and high functioning adults with autism. The literature showed good cross-cultural stability of the SQ and EQ in Western countries, but in Asian countries EQ is less stable and less sensitive to sex differences

    Favorable parental perception of behaviour at two years' corrected age in very preterm-born children

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    Problems in behavioural and emotional outcome are amongst the long-term sequelae of preterm birth. The exact prevalence and associations with perinatal risk factors are unknown. Minimal research has been performed in pre-school aged children, compared to school age. The primary aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of parent-reported behavioural and emotional problems at the age of two in children born at less than 30 weeks' gestational age and/or birth weight less than 1000 g. The secondary aim was to determine whether perinatal factors were associated with the behavioural and emotional outcome. Perinatal characteristics of 144 preterm-born children from the NeoLiFeS cohort were collected retrospectively. Of these children, 101 parents filled out a Childs Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) at the corrected age of two. The results of the CBCL tests were presented as Z-scores, a Z-score of 0 indicating the mean of behavioural scores in the norm population. A Z-score higher than zero indicates less behavioural problems than average, a negative Z-score indicates more problems. Associations between perinatal risk factors and CBCL-scores were analysed using linear regression analyses. Prevalences of clinically relevant CBCL scores were low, 4%, 2% and 5% for total score, internalizing score or externalizing score, respectively. Being part of a twin was associated with higher internalizing Z-scores, indicating less problems in emotional behaviour. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia was associated with lower Z-scores in total and externalizing behaviour. In conclusion, in our cohort generally very few problems in behavioural and emotional outcome were reported at the age of two

    Extending the use of the Endoscopic Endonasal Sinus and Skull Base Surgery Questionnaire in a cross-sectional study:Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis versus healthy controls

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    Objectives There are several instruments to assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Unfortunately, none of them evaluates all three health domains (physical, social and psychological) important to assess the overall well-being of the patient. The Endoscopic Endonasal Sinus and Skull Base Surgery Questionnaire (EES-Q) does assess all these elements. Initially, the EES-Q is validated to evaluate the impact of endoscopic endonasal surgery (EES) on HRQoL. The aim of this study is to assess whether EES-Q outcomes differ in patients with CRS compared with healthy individuals. Therefore, extending the use of the EES-Q for all CRS patients. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Tertiary referral hospital. Participants One hundred patients with uncontrolled CRS (50% with nasal polyps) scheduled to receive EES. The questionnaire was completed preoperatively. Healthy control subjects (n = 100) without any history of sinusitis or a known current medical treatment at a hospital were included. Main outcome measures Mann-Whitney U test was performed to identify differences in EES-Q scores (domain scores and EES-Q score). Results The median EES-Q score in CRS patients (33.8) was significantly higher (p < 0.001) than in the control group (10.4). As well as the physical (52.5 vs. 16.4, p < 0.001), psychological (13.8 vs. 5.0, p < 0.001) and social (37.5 vs. 2.5, p < 0.001) domain scores. Conclusions With this study, we are extending the use of the EES-Q. It indicates that the EES-Q can be a valuable clinical tool to assess multidimensional HRQoL in all patients with CRS

    Time to full enteral feeding after necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm-born children is related to neurodevelopment at 2-3 years of age

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    BACKGROUND: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is associated with poorer neurodevelopment. It is, however, unclear which factors besides surgery affect neurodevelopment in preterm-born children surviving NEC. AIMS: We determined whether time to full enteral feeding (FEFt) and post-NEC complications after NEC were associated with neurodevelopment. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective observational cohort study. SUBJECTS: Two to three year old preterm-born children who survived NEC (Bells stage ≥ 2). We categorized children in two groups, one group shorter and equal and one group longer than the group's median FEFt. Post-NEC complications included recurrent NEC and/or post-NEC stricture. OUTCOME MEASURES: Bayley Scales of Infants and Toddler Development III (Bayley-III) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Associations between Bayley-III and CBCL scores with FEFt and Post-NEC complications were determined using linear regression analyses, adjusted for severity of illness and potential confounders. RESULTS: We included 44 children, median gestational age of 27.9 [IQR: 26.7-29.3] weeks, birth weight 1148 [IQR: 810-1461] grams. Median FEFt after NEC was 20 [IQR: 16-30] days. Median follow-up age was 25.7 [IQR: 24.8-33.5] months. FEFt > 20 days was associated with lower cognitive and lower motor composite scores of the Bayley-III (B: -8.6, 95% CI -16.7 to -0.4, and B: -9.0, 95% CI, -16.7 to -1.4). FEFt was not associated with CBCL scores. Post-NEC complications (n = 11) were not associated with Bayley-III scores nor with CBCL scores. CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged FEFt after NEC in preterm-born children surviving NEC is associated with lower cognitive and lower motor composite scores at the age of 2-3 years. These results show the importance of limiting the duration of the nil per mouth regimen if and when possible

    Sweat it out? The effects of physical exercise on cognition and behavior in children and adults with ADHD:A systematic literature review

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    As attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed developmental disorders in childhood, effective yet safe treatment options are highly important. Recent research introduced physical exercise as a potential treatment option, particularly for children with ADHD. The aim of this review was to systematically analyze potential acute and chronic effects of cardio and non-cardio exercise on a broad range of functions in children with ADHD and to explore this in adults as well. Literature on physical exercise in patients with ADHD was systematically reviewed based on categorizations for exercise type (cardio versus non-cardio), effect type (acute versus chronic), and outcome measure (cognitive, behavioral/socio-emotional, and physical/(neuro)physiological). Furthermore, the methodological quality of the reviewed papers was addressed. Cardio exercise seems acutely beneficial regarding various executive functions (e.g., impulsivity), response time and several physical measures. Beneficial chronic effects of cardio exercise were found on various functions as well, including executive functions, attention and behavior. The acute and chronic effects of non-cardio exercise remain more questionable but seem predominantly positive too. Research provides evidence that physical exercise represents a promising alternative or additional treatment option for patients with ADHD. Acute and chronic beneficial effects of especially cardio exercise were reported with regard to several cognitive, behavioral, and socio-emotional functions. Although physical exercise may therefore represent an effective treatment option that could be combined with other treatment approaches of ADHD, more well-controlled studies on this topic, in both children and adults, are needed

    The Dutch Empathy Quotient (EQ) and Systemizing Quotient (SQ)

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    De Empathie Quotiënt (EQ) en de Systematiseren Quotiënt (SQ) zijn wereldwijd gebruikte vragenlijsten om de cognitieve stijl van personen te meten. In een recent gepubliceerde studie [Groen, Y., Fuermaier, A.B.M.,Den Heijer, A.E., Tucha, O., &amp; Althaus, M. (2015). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders] worden de psychometrische eigenschappen van de Nederlandse EQ en SQ gepresenteerd, welke hier worden samengevat. In de studie werd een steekproef uit de algemene bevolking (n = 685) en een groep hoog-functionerende mannen met een autisme spectrum stoornis (ASS; n = 42) beschreven. Factoranalyse van de EQ gaf aanwijzing voor drie eerder gevonden subschalen die verondersteld worden Cognitieve Empathie, Emotionele Empathie en Sociale Vaardigheden te meten. Over het geheel genomen bleken de EQ en SQ betrouwbare en valide vragenlijsten om empathiserende en systematiserende cognitieve stijl te meten bij gezonde volwassenen en volwassenen met ASS. Verder werden de Nederlandse psychometrische eigenschappen vergeleken met die van andere internationale studies. De literatuur liet een goede cross-culturele stabiliteit zien voor Westerse landen, echter in Aziatische landen was de EQ minder stabiel en minder gevoelig voor man-vrouw verschillen.Worldwide, the Empathy Quotient (EQ) and Systemizing Quotient (SQ) are being used to measure the cognitive style of people. In a recently published study [Groen, Y., Fuermaier, A.B.M.,Den Heijer, A.E., Tucha, O., &amp; Althaus, M. (2015). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders] the psychometric properties of the Dutch EQ and SQ are described, which are being summarized here. The study describes a community sample (n = 685) and a group of high functioning males with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; n = 42). Factor analysis suggested the presence of three sub scales within the EQ, which are Cognitive Empathy, Emotional Empathy and Social Skills. In general, the EQ and SQ appeared to be reliable and valid questionnaires for the measurement of empathizing and systemizing cognitive styles in healthy adults as well as in adults with ASD. Furthermore, the Dutch psychometric properties were compared to those of other international studies. Literature showed good cross-cultural stability for Western countries. In Asian countries, however, the EQ was less stable and less sensitive for differences between men and women

    Authorship ans aesthetics experiments: comparision of results between human and computational systems

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    [Abstract] This paper presents the results of two experiments comparing the functioning of a computational system and a group of humans when performing tasks related to art and aesthetics. The first experiment consists of the identification of a painting, while the second one uses the Maitland Graves’s aesthetic appreciation test. The proposed system employs a series of metrics based on complexity estimators and low level features. These metrics feed a learning system using neural networks. The computational approach achieves similar results to those achieved by humans, thus suggesting that the system captures some of the artistic style and aesthetics features which are relevant to the experiments performed
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