779 research outputs found

    Autism Interventions in Educational Settings: Delivery within a Response to Intervention Framework

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    Monitoring the progress of and delivering services to students with Autism present a unique challenge. Numerous interventions exist without a common, mandated progress monitoring system or service delivery system. The current study examined the principles of Response to Intervention (RTI) programs in the context of service delivery for students with Autism. An innovative service delivery system, the Autism Response to Systematic Intervention (ARTSI), was designed utilizing these principles. Outcomes of the study included a manual for the program, as well as forms and necessary materials to provide initial program implementation. Initial comment from stakeholders, future directives, and limitations are also discussed

    Your Key to The Courthouse.

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    Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide (PACAP) Signaling in The Prefrontal Cortex Modulates Cued Fear Learning, But Not Spatial Working Memory, in Female Rats

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    A genetic polymorphism within the gene encoding the pituitary adenylate cyclase- activating polypeptide (PACAP) receptor type I (PAC1R) has recently been associated with hyper-reactivity to threat-related cues in women, but not men, with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PACAP is a highly conserved peptide, whose role in mediating adaptive physiological stress responses is well established. Far less is understood about the contribution of PACAP signaling in emotional learning and memory, particularly the encoding of fear to discrete cues. Moreover, a neurobiological substrate that may account for the observed link between PAC1R and PTSD in women, but not men, has yet to be identified. Sex differences in PACAP signaling during emotional learning could provide novel targets for the treatment of PTSD. Here we investigated the contribution of PAC1R signaling within the prefrontal cortex to the acquisition of cued fear in female and male rats. We used a variant of fear conditioning called trace fear conditioning, which requires sustained attention to fear cues and depends on working-memory like neuronal activity within the prefrontal cortex. We found that cued fear learning, but not spatial working memory, was impaired by administration of a PAC1R antagonist directly into the prelimbic area of the prefrontal cortex. This effect was specific to females. We also found that levels of mRNA for the PAC1R receptor in the prelimbic cortex were greater in females compared with males, and were highest during and immediately following the proestrus stage of the estrous cycle. Together, these results demonstrate a sex-specific role of PAC1R signaling in learning about threat-related cues

    Depressive symptoms are associated with analgesic use in people with Alzheimer's disease: Kuopio ALSOVA study.

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    Neuropsychiatric symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD) such as depression may be associated with pain, which according to the literature may be inadequately recognized and managed in this population. This study aimed to identify the factors associated with analgesic use in persons with AD; in particular, how AD severity, functional status, neuropsychiatric symptoms of AD, co-morbidities and somatic symptoms are associated with analgesic use. 236 community-dwelling persons with very mild or mild AD at baseline, and their caregivers, were interviewed over five years as part of the prospective ALSOVA study. Generalized Estimating Equations (GEEs) were used to estimate unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for the factors associated with analgesic use over a five year follow-up. The proportion of persons with AD using any analgesic was low (13.6%) at baseline and remained relatively constant during the follow-up (15.3% at Year 5). Over time, the most prevalent analgesic changed from non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (8.1% of persons with AD at Year 1) to acetaminophen (11.1% at Year 5). Depressive symptoms (measured by the Beck Depression Inventory, BDI) were independently associated with analgesic use, after effects of age, gender, education, AD severity, comorbidities and somatic symptoms were taken into account. For every one unit increase in BDI, the odds of analgesic use increased by 4% (OR = 1.04, 95% confidence interval CI = 1.02-1.07). Caregiver depressive symptoms were not statistically significantly associated with analgesic use of the person with AD. Depressive symptoms were significantly associated with analgesic use during the five year follow-up period. Possible explanations warranting investigation are that persons with AD may express depressive symptoms as painful somatic complaints, or untreated pain may cause depressive symptoms. Greater awareness of the association between depressive symptoms and analgesic use may lead to safer and more effective prescribing for these conditions

    Leveraging Peer Learning for Integration of International Students in the Classroom

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    The international education sector in Ireland is currently worth approximately €1.58bn per annum, and it is projected to grow to €2.1bn per annum by 2020 (Department of Education and Skills, 2016). The academic challenges faced by international students are linked to language skills, academic background, and cultural aspects (Sadykova, 2014). Peer learning is mutually beneficial for provider and recipient, with benefits including higher academic achievement and greater productivity; increased communication skills and a greater sense of belonging; and the development of support systems (Colvin & Ashman, 2010). Domestic peers help international students to compensate for the lack of culture-specific knowledge and skills (Sadykova, 2014). A roadmap was produced for leveraging of peer learning in the multicultural classroom, starting by raising awareness of the academic challenges faced by international students, then easing students into active learning formats via instructor-defined groups and tasks, that increase gradually in size and complexity

    Steps in the Trial of a Criminal Proceeding.

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    6 p

    Fungal communities in veteranised oak branches are not a replacement for naturally occurring dead wood communities

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    Veteranisation is a promising management technique for dead wood creation at sites where dead wood, and ancient and veteran tree abundance is limited; it aims to replicate the microhabitats associated with ancient and veteran trees in younger trees by controlled physical damage of woody tissues. Five veteranisation treatments were applied, using a chainsaw, to healthy branches within the crowns of three mature oak trees. Treatments consisted of variations of cambium girdling, lopping, and lopping with girdling in combination; in addition, two branches that had died naturally were selected from each tree for comparison. Veteranised branches were harvested after 14 months. The fungal community composition was determined in different parts of the branch and their 3-dimensional structure mapped in representative branches. Stereum gausapatum was the most frequently isolated basidiomycete from veteranised branches, which occurred in all treatment types. The most commonly isolated ascomycete of veteranised branches was Ophiostoma quercus, which caused distinctive pockets of discoloured wood and was associated with half girdle treatments. There were significant differences in fungal species composition between veteranised branches and branches that had died naturally. This compositional difference may influence the development of later stage fungal communities, managers must consider these community compositional differences when prescribing veteranisation

    Quantitation of drug sensitivity by human metastatic melanoma colony-forming units.

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    We measured the effect of 6 standard (Adriamycin, BCNU, DTIC, melphalan, vinblastine, actinomycin D) and 3 Phase II agents (cis-platinum, vindesine, AMSA) on melanoma colony-forming units (CFU) in soft agar from biopsies of 50 patients with metastatic melanoma. Melanoma CFU demonstrated marked heterogeneity in chemosensitivity to these 9 drugs. Reduction in survival of CFU below 38% at one-tenth the pharmacologically achievable 1h concentration (our operational definition of chemosensitivity) was obtained in only 19% of 200 in vitro trials, and was usually the same whether or not patients had been exposed to prior chemotherapy, suggesting that melanoma CFU are inherently resistant to presently available chemotherapeutic drugs. The soft-agar assay was 86% accurate (25/29 cases) in identifying drugs to which the tumour was resistant in vivo, and 63% accurate (12/19 trials) in identifying drugs to which the tumour was clinically sensitive, counting mixed responses as responses. In contrast, if mixed responses were classified as progressive disease, the accuracy of identification of sensitivity fell to 42% (8/19 trials). These investigations furnish a quantitative description of the chemosensitivity of human metastatic melanoma CFU. Additionally, these studies serve as a useful step towards the development of an in vitro chemosensitivity test for human melanoma, and provide an operational quantitative basis for further exploration of in vitro-directed therapy in metastatic neoplasms

    Variation in contrast-associated acute kidney injury prophylaxis for percutaneous coronary intervention: Insights from the Veterans Affairs Clinical Assessment, Reporting, and Tracking (CART) program

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    BACKGROUND: Contrast-Associated Acute Kidney Injury (CA-AKI) is a serious complication associated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have an elevated risk for developing this complication. Although CA-AKI prophylactic measures are available, the supporting literature is variable and inconsistent for periprocedural hydration and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), but is stronger for contrast minimization. METHODS: We assessed the prevalence and variability of CA-AKI prophylaxis among CKD patients undergoing PCI between October 2007 and September 2015 in any cardiac catheterization laboratory in the VA Healthcare System. Prophylaxis included periprocedural hydration with normal saline or sodium bicarbonate, NAC, and contrast minimization (contrast volume to glomerular filtration rate ratio ≤ 3). Multivariable hierarchical logistic regression models quantified site-specific prophylaxis variability. As secondary analyses, we also assessed CA-AKI prophylaxis measures in all PCI patients regardless of kidney function, periprocedural hydration in patients with comorbid CHF, and temporal trends in CA-AKI prophylaxis. RESULTS: From 2007 to 2015, 15,729 patients with CKD underwent PCI. 6928 (44.0%) received periprocedural hydration (practice-level median rate 45.3%, interquartile range (IQR) 35.5-56.7), 5107 (32.5%) received NAC (practice-level median rate 28.3%, IQR 22.8-36.9), and 4656 (36.0%) received contrast minimization (practice-level median rate 34.5, IQR 22.6-53.9). After adjustment for patient characteristics, there was significant site variability with a median odds ratio (MOR) of 1.80 (CI 1.56-2.08) for periprocedural hydration, 1.95 (CI 1.66-2.29) for periprocedural hydration or NAC, and 2.68 (CI 2.23-3.15) for contrast minimization. These trends were similar among all patients (with and without CKD) undergoing PCI. Among patients with comorbid CHF (n = 5893), 2629 (44.6%) received periprocedural hydration, and overall had less variability in hydration (MOR of 1.56 (CI 1.38-1.76)) compared to patients without comorbid CHF (1.89 (CI 1.65-2.18)). Temporal trend analysis showed a significant and clinically relevant decrease in NAC use (64.1% of cases in 2008 (N = 1059), 6.2% of cases in 2015 (N = 128, p = \u3c 0.0001)) and no significant change in contrast-minimization (p = 0.3907). CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with CKD undergoing PCI, there was low utilization and significant site-level variability for periprocedural hydration and NAC independent of patient-specific risk. This low utilization and high variability, however, was also present for contrast minimization, a well-established measure. These findings suggest that a standardized approach to CA-AKI prophylaxis, along with continued development of the evidence base, is needed
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