1,229 research outputs found

    Starting Salary Differences Between Women and Men: Organization-Level Findings and an Analysis of Current Policy Options

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    This study examined the starting salaries paid by over 250 employers to 2,800 university graduates. Of the overall female-male salary difference of 4,396,themajority,or4,396, the majority, or 3,175 (72%), occurred between employers; 1,221(281,221 (28%) occurred within employers. One policy implication is that within-organization policies such as pay equity could address up to 1,221 (28%) of the female-male pay difference. Although adjustment for qualifications such as degree level, grade point average, and college major reduced the pay difference between women and men, our findings indicate that, on average, the same employer pays graduating women 3.5% to 5.8% less than graduating men with similar qualifications

    New Directions in Compensation Research: Synergies, Risk, and Survival

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    We describe and use two theoretical frameworks, the resource-based view of the firm and institutional theory, as lenses for examining three promising areas of compensation research. First, we examine the nature of the relationship between pay and effectiveness. Does pay typically have a main effect or, instead, does the relationship depend on other human resource activities and organization characteristics? If the latter is true, then there are synergies between pay and these other factors and thus, conclusions drawn from main effects models may be misleading. Second, we discuss a relatively neglected issue in pay research, the concept of risk as it applies to investments in pay programs. Although firms and researchers tend to focus on expected returns from compensation interventions, analysis of the risk, or variability, associated with these returns may be essential for effective decision-making. Finally ,pay program survival, which has been virtually ignored in systematic pay research, is investigated. Survival appears to have important consequences for estimating pay plan risk and returns, and is also integral to the discussion of pay synergies. Based upon our two theoretical frameworks, we suggest specific research directions for pay program synergies, risk, and survival

    Recognizing the Shared Ownership of Subsurface Resource Pools

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    Sigma E controls biogenesis of the antisense RNA MicA

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    Adaptation stress responses in the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli and its relatives involve a growing list of small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs). Previous work by us and others showed that the antisense RNA MicA downregulates the synthesis of the outer membrane protein OmpA upon entry into stationary phase. This regulation is Hfq-dependent and occurs by MicA-dependent translational inhibition which facilitates mRNA decay. In this article, we investigate the transcriptional regulation of the micA gene. Induction of MicA is dependent on the alarmone ppGpp, suggestive of alternative σ factor involvement, yet MicA accumulates in the absence of the general stress/stationary phase σ(S). We identified stress conditions that induce high MicA levels even during exponential growth—a phase in which MicA levels are low (ethanol, hyperosmolarity and heat shock). Such treatments are sensed as envelope stress, upon which the extracytoplasmic sigma factor σ(E) is activated. The strict dependence of micA transcription on σ(E) is supported by three observations. Induced overexpression of σ(E) increases micA transcription, an ΔrpoE mutant displays undetectable MicA levels and the micA promoter has the consensus σ(E) signature. Thus, MicA is part of the σ(E) regulon and downregulates its target gene, ompA, probably to alleviate membrane stress

    Discrimination by Parts: A Fixed-Effects Analysis of Starting Pay Differences across Gender

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    A unique employer-level data set is used to provide insight not only to the degree of discrimination that may exist , but also to the source of that potential discrimination. Results from decomposing individual wage equations indicate that, as legislatively defined, employers do not appear to be discriminating against their women hires to a large extent. When aggregated, however, the pay, job placement, and hiring discrimination estimates yield an overall discrimination estimate of a 6% gap in pay between men and women. These results suggest that a more comprehensive approach may be warranted in flagging possible discriminatory behavior.Discrimination; Gender; Pay; Wage; Women

    Frictional coupling between sliding and spinning motion

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    We show that the friction force and torque, acting at a dry contact of two objects moving and rotating relative to each other, are inherently coupled. As a simple test system, a sliding and spinning disk on a horizontal flat surface is considered. We calculate, and also measure, how the disk is slowing down, and find that it always stops its sliding and spinning motion at the same moment. We discuss the impact of this coupling between friction force and torque on the physics of granular materials.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; submitte

    Oil and the Porcupine Caribou Herd — Can we quantify the impacts?

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    We report on a number of ongoing studies and discuss what projects are in place to further refine and test relationships

    Research of the relationship between the economic macroindicators of singleindustry city and aggregated indicators of small business

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    The report describes the research of dependencies between socio-economic macroindicators of the monogorod Yurga and the financial and economic indicators of small enterprises

    Pregnancy rate as an indicator of nutritional status in Rangifer. implications of lactational infertility

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    Monitofing pregnancy rates to detect changes in nutrition is best accomplished by sampling lactating females because they will be more responsive to changes in nutrienr availability: nutrition influences pregnancy fate of lactating caribou both through autumn body condition and lactational infertility