402 research outputs found

    Point vortices on the hyperbolic plane

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    We investigate some properties of the dynamical system of point vortices on the hyperboloid. This system has noncompact symmetry SL(2, R) and a coadjoint equivariant momentum map J. The relative equilibrium conditions are found and the trajectories of relative equilibria with non-zero momentum value are described. We also provide the classification of relative equilibria and the stability criteria for a number of cases, focusing on N=2, 3. Contrary to the system on the sphere, relative equilibria with non-compact momentum isotropy subgroup are found, and are used to illustrate the different stability types of relative equilibria.Comment: To appear in J. Mathematical Physic

    Longitudinal and Transverse Wire Measurements for the Evaluation of Impedance Reduction Measures on the MKE Extraction Kickers

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    In 2003 significant heating of the MKE Extraction kicker magnets in CERN's SPS was confirmed by measurements with beam. The dissipated power was so high that it would seriously jeopardize the good functioning of the kicker by warming the ferrite above the Curie temperature. In an impedance reduction campaign the beam coupling impedance of the present kickers was assessed with wire measurements and possible cures were evaluated. For a reliable impedance determination refined measurement methods had to be used. Any kicker modification should not deteriorate kick field quality and high voltage capability. Shielding the ferrites with printed metallic strips turned out to be a promising solution. Technological issues of the metallic coatings are also discussed

    Upgrade of the SPS extraction Kickers for LHC and CNGS Operation

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    The extraction kickers of the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) need to be upgraded to meet the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and CERN Neutrino to Grand Sasso (CNGS) requirements. Commissioning of the extraction towards one of the LHC rings and the CNGS facility under construction is foreseen for 2003. The ferrites of the kicker magnets will be heated significantly by the circulating beam and need to be cooled to stay below the Curie temperature. A cost-effective solution to this problem is presented consisting of AlN water cooled plates on the top and bottom of the ferrites. Model predictions are compared with preliminary laboratory measurements and machine data from the SPS. Commissioning of the extraction towards the other LHC ring is planned for 2006. Beyond the heat load issues, this latter extraction needs a larger horizontal "kick" and thus a higher magnetic field and larger horizontal beam aperture. The rise and fall time requirements of these kickers are less strict, therefore a new system with lower impedance permitting a larger magnetic field can be used

    High-voltage engineering

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    High-voltage engineering covers the application, the useful use and proper working of high voltages and high fields. Here we give some introductory examples, i.e., ‘septa’ and ‘kicker’ at the Large Hadron Collider (14 TeV), the Super Proton Synchrotron (450 GeV) and the Proton Synchrotron (26 GeV) accelerators as found at the European Orginization for Nuclear Research (CERN) today. We briefly cover the theoretical foundation (Maxwell equations) and aspects of numerical field simulation methods. Concepts relating to electrical fields, insulation geometry and medium and breakdown are introduced. We discuss ways of generating high voltages with examples of AC sources (50/60 Hz), DC sources, and pulse sources. Insulation and breakdown in gases, liquids, solids and vacuum are presented, including Paschen’s law (breakdown field and streamer breakdown). Applications of the above are discussed, in particular the general application of a transformer. We briefly discuss measurement techniques of partial discharges and loss angle tan( ). The many basic high-voltage engineering technology aspects—high-voltage generation, field calculations, and discharge phenomena—are shown in practical accelerator environments: vacuum feed through (triple points), breakdown field strength in air 10 kV/cm, and challenging calculations for real practical geometries

    Agroindustrias y cluster hortícola oportunidad de desarrollo sinaloense

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    Sinaloa, notable protagonista hortofrutícola, produce 38% del jitomate nacional, es segundo productor en mango y aporta la mitad de exportaciones de hortalizas; pero carece de política agroindustrial y de clusters hortícolas, pues poco incursiona en mercados hortofrutícolas procesados y es deficiente en empresas localmente establecidas proveedoras de insumos y maquinaria para la horticultura. Se contrasta la pérdida de dinamismo económico que tales carencias implican para Sinaloa, con el caso de Almería, España

    Propuesta teórica de desarrollo agroindustrial del clúster hortícola sinaloense

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    Porque la estructura económica de Sinaloa, así como su agroindustria, son muy débiles, su horticultura cada año participa menos en la exportación nacional. Su actual clúster hortícola en fresco es bastante incompleto. Urge en esta entidad consolidar la horticultura: teóricamente, crear una cooperativa agroindustrial aunque fuera formada con pequeños y medianos horticultores para procesamiento hortícola, así como para operar un laboratorio en alianza estratégica o jointventure, con laboratorios farmacéuticos y empresas especializadas en el manejo de los productos llamados promisorios y vinculados a la preparación de nutracéuticos, Lo anterior marcaría una tendencia a consolidar un bio-clúster hortícola y fortalecería la actividad agroindustrial de productores, así como también a la economía sinaloense. 

    Agricultura protegida: competitividad mundial, mexicana y sinaloense

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    México libra una lucha frontal contra Florida, EU, principal competidor por el mercado estadounidense de hortaliza fresca, así como contra un pujante Canadá, su otro socio dentro del TLCAN y segundo ya serio competidor en tal mercado, y finalmente frente a España y Holanda. Estos países cifran su competencia en ofrecer al mercado de EU un producto hortícola abrumadoramente de invernadero, por lo cual resulta urgente que nuestro país: 1) busque generalizar esta importantísima tecnología que sustituya aquellas técnicas abismalmente improductivas como son las de cielo abierto y maya sombra; 2) controle su oferta de agricultura protegida e igualmente la de cielo abierto, pues la falta de planeación de ellas ha conducido a una baja de precios al productor

    Commissioning of the CNGS Extraction in SPS LSS4

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    The CNGS project (CERN Neutrino to Gran Sasso) aims at directly detecting νμ - Î½Ï oscillations. For this purpose an intense νμ beam is generated at CERN and directed towards LNGS (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso) in Italy, about 730 km from CERN. The neutrinos are generated from the decay of pions and kaons which are produced by 400 GeV protons hitting a graphite target. The protons are extracted from the SPS straight section 4 (LSS4) in two 10.5 ï­s batches, nominally 2.4 Ñ 1013 protons each, at an interval of 50 ms. The high intensity extracted beam can cause damage to equipment if lost in an uncontrolled way, with the extraction elements particularly at risk. In addition, the beam losses at extraction must be very well controlled to avoid unacceptably high levels of radiation. To guarantee safe operation and limit radiation, the LSS4 extraction system was thoroughly commissioned with beam during the CNGS commissioning in summer 2006. The obtained results in terms of aperture in the extraction channel, longitudinal loss patterns, extraction losses and radiation during nominal operation are summarised in this note

    High Intensity Commissioning of the SPS LSS4 extraction for CNGS

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    The SPS LSS4 fast extraction system will serve both the anti-clockwise ring of the LHC and the CERN Gran Sasso Neutrino project (CNGS). CNGS requires 2 fast extractions of 10.5 microsecond long batches, 50 milliseconds apart. Each batch will consist of 2.4 × 1013 protons at 400 GeV. These intensities are factor of 10 above the equipment damage limit in case of beam loss. Active (interlock system) and passive protection systems have to be in place to guarantee safe operation and to respect the radiation limits in zones close to the extraction region. In summer 2006 CNGS was commissioned including extraction with high intensity. A thorough setting-up of the CNGS extraction was carried out as part of the CNGS commissioning, including aperture and beam loss measurements, and defining and checking of interlock thresholds for extraction trajectory, beam loss monitors and radiation monitors. The relevant systems and risks are introduced in this paper, the commissioning results are summarised and comparisons with simulation predictions are presented

    Contributions of Knowledge Management to Firm Competitiveness from a Complexity Approach

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    In modern times, Knowledge Management (KM) is seen to be a key instrument in developing organizational competitiveness, especially in the context of dynamic organizations, such as knowledge-based firms. In this paper, we assume that firms are capable of developing dynamic functionality through their own initiative; this means that they are able to change and adapt, becoming agile to their surrounding environment. We propose that an approach from complexity theory may explain the phenomena that arises in an organization as it faces turbulent environments for competence. We introduce the importance of complexity approaches to knowledge management. The key questions addressed in this paper are: (1) How is KM managed through complexity theory, ensuring competitiveness is increased? and (2) How does the approach to complexity theory increase the understanding of competitiveness? This research analyses KM tools to implement management systems, based on knowledge and complexity theory. Although competitiveness is perceived as vital for organizations, the approximation of knowledge and complex theory are not yet fully developed and integrated into organizational processes to increase it