10 research outputs found

    Pattern, Process, and Natural Disturbance in Vegetation

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    Natural disturbances have been traditionally defined in terms of major catastrophic events originating in the physical environment and, hence, have been regarded as exogenous agents of vegetation change. Problems with this view are: (1) there is a gradient from minor to major events rather than a uniquely definable set of major catastrophes for each kind of disturbance, and (2) some disturbances are initiated or promoted by the biotic component of the system. Floras are rich in disturbance-adapted species. Disturbances have probably exerted selective pressure in the evolution of species strategies. Heathland cyclic successions and gap-phase dynamics in forests have been viewed as endogenous patterns in vegetation. When death in older individuals imposes a rhythm on community reproduction, dynamics may indeed be the result of endogenous factors. However, documented cases of senescence in perennial plants are few and many cyclic successions and cases of gap-phase dynamics are initiated by physical factors. Forest dynamics range from those that are the result of individual tree senescence and fall, through those that are the result of blowdown of small groups of healthy trees, to those that are the result of large wind- storms which level hectares of forest. The effect of wind ranges from simple pruning of dead plant parts to widespread damage of living trees. Wind speed is probably inversely proportional to occurrence frequency. Disturbances vary continuously. There is a gradient from those community dynamics that are initiated by endogenous factors to those initiated by exogenous factors. Evolution has mediated between species and environment; disturbances are often caused by physical factors but the occurrence and outplay of disturbances may be a function of the state of the community as well

    Maximum rooting depth of vegetation types at the global scale

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    The depth at which plants are able to grow roots has important implications for the whole ecosystem hydrological balance, as well as for carbon and nutrient cycling. Here we summarize maximum rooting depth of species belonging to the major terrestrial biomes. We found 290 observations of maximum rooting depth in the literature which covered 255 woody and herbaceous species. Maximum rooting depth ranged from 0.3 m for some tundra species to 68 m for Boscia albitrunca in the central Kalahari; 196 species had roots at least 2 m deep, 50 species had roots at a depth of 5 m or more, and 22 species had roots as deep as 10 m or more. The average for the globe was 4.6 +0.5 m. Maximum root depth by biome was 2.0 m for boreal forest, 2.1 m for cropland, 9.5 m for desert, 5.2 m for sclerophyllous shrubland and forest, 3.9 m for temperate coniferous forest, 2.9 m for temperate deciduous forest, 2.6 m for temperate grassland, 3.7 m for tropical deciduous forest, 7.3 m for tropical evergreen forest, 15.0 m for tropical grassland/savanna, and 0.5 m for tundra. Grouping all species across biomes (except croplands) by three basic functional groups (trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants), the average maximum rooting depth was 7.0 m for trees, 5.1 m for shrubs, and 2.6 m for herbaceous plants

    The cerrado vegetation of Brazil

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    Maximum rooting depth of vegetation types at the global scale

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