363 research outputs found

    Effek Samping Penggunaan Ponsel

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    Enny, in this paper explain that many mobile phone users around the us, but only a portion of the concerned about the dangers of cell phones. This paper was compiled to determine the impact and solutions of cell phone radiation. Mobile phones emit electromagnetic waves which will affect the surrounding environment. Based on existing information, cell phone radiation is thought to cause cancer. Waves emitted from mobile phones over the air is causing electromagnetic radiation. Potential disrubtion of health consequences of radiation electromagnetic field has become an issue which examined till now, so found a variety of health disorders as a result of mobile phone users that includes the impact of mild and severe impact. Experts have discovered some efforts to minimize the effects of cell phone radiation on health of mobile phone users. Every user should know the dangers of mobile phone users. Radiation caused cell phone not only arise when used, but when putting a cell phone in your Pocket can also be exposed to any radiation. Therefore, mobile users need to know how to use a cell phone. Users should pay attention to the level of radiation caused by cell phones, so that the influence of electromagnetic radiation on health can be scaled down for mobile users

    Kewenangan Wakil Menteri di Indonesia Ditinjau dari Hukum Administrasi Negara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan kewenangan Wakil Menteri dalam sistem pemerintahan presidensial Data yang penulis peroleh kemudian diolah dengan tinjauan hukum yaitu dengan analisis langsung terhadap Peraturan Presiden No 60 tahun 2012 Tentang Wakil Menteri dan Undang Undang No 39 tahun 2008 Tentang Kementerian Negara yang kemudian digunakan sebagai bahan hukum primer. Kedudukan Wakil Menteri dalam sistem Presidensial di Indonesia masih mengalami ketidakjelasan dimana dalam Pasal 9 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 2008 tentang Kementerian Negara menyebutkan bahwa Kementerian Negara membawahi struktur birokrasi yang terdiri atas, Sekretariat jenderal (Sekjen), Direktorat Jenderal (Dirjen), Ispektorat Jenderal (Irjend), akan tetapi didalam Pasal 1 Peraturan Presiden Nomor 60 Tahun 2012 tentang Wakil Menteri disebutkan bahwa ā€œWakil Menteri berada dibawah dan bertanggung jawab kepada Menteriā€. Keberadaan Peraturan Presiden ini menjadi legitimasi yuridis kedudukan Wakil Menteri saat ini meskipun tidak sejalan dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 2008 tentang KIementerian Negara. Wakil Menteri diberikan kewenangan melalui Peraturan Presiden Nomor 60 tahun 2012 untuk meringankan beban kerja yang ada pada Kementerian Negara dalam hal ini membantu tugas Menteri yang kemudian disebutkan dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1), Pasal 2 ayat (2) dan Pasal 3 Peraturan Presiden Nomor 60 Tahun 2012 tentang Wakil Menteri. Kewenangan dari jabatan Wakil Menteri terjabarkan dalam beberapa pengkategorian yang didasari oleh beberapa teori kewenangan yaitu jabatan Wakil Menteri yang didasarkan pada jenis kewenangannya (prosedural, substansial, personal dan offisial) dan jabatan Wakil Menteri yang didasarkan pada sumber kewenangannya (atribusi, delegasi dan mandat)

    Memahami Komunikasi Tumbuhan-Tanah dalam Areal Rhizosfir untuk Optimasi Pengelolaan Lahan

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    . Similar to human, plants also develop a communication system to achieve their prosperity. Plants utilize chemical compounds of their root exudates as the ā€œlanguangeā€. Plants are the initiator of communications, since they define the purposes of building communication. Root exudates are released either to attract or to demenish the soil microbes target as an ā€œinvitation letterā€ to some microbes. To build a mycorrhizal association, for examples, plants issue sugars, amino acids and strygolactones to the rhizosphere. Fungi will reply the invitation by secreting flavonoid compounds that determine host-mycorrhizal specifications. The presence of flavonoids is another invitation to rhizobia to establish association in legume rhizosphere. Plants will select attracted bacteria to build the most host-specific rhizobium association by secreting canavanine compounds that are toxic to non-target rhizobia. Occasionally, an error happened in issuing invitation. When plant release strygolactone in a very low dosages, it will be failure to build mycorrhizal associations otherwise pathogen colonizations, although plants produce either phytoantisipine to prevent pathogens infection or phytoalexin to counter infected pathogens. Communication among roots of neighboring plants is conducted by producing allellopathy compound to limit root growth of the competitors. Invasive plants or weeds generally also produce catechine compounds over the allellophaty that will eliminate soil beneficial microbes of the indigenous plants. As a result, the native plants will be vulnerable to disease and lead to distinct. Responding to the presence of neighboring roots, plants also produce glucosinolate compounds. Glucocynolate consentration will be increased in line with the richness of vegetation biodiversity. These compounds are toxic to the pathogen, which is why plants cultivated in monoculture become more susceptible to disease. Furthermore, to improve soil glucocynolate and to manage the dynamics in the rhizosphere, need to a shift cultivation after several rotations of a commodity with the local varieties

    Gambaran Epidemiologi Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue di Jakarta Tahun 1986-1987

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    An epidemiological analysis study of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) suspected cases has been done at two hospitals in Jakarta; namely Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital and Sumber Waras Hospital, from 1986 to 1987. From 3,164 suspected DHF cases there were 1,868 paired serum and all of them were tested with H.I. against D2 antigen from PN Biofarma based on microtechnique method by Qark & Cassals. Among them 1Ā£10 were positive ( 70.1%) according to WHO Criteria. Analysis of DHF cases with positive H.I. test shows that the number of DHF cases started to increase continuously from February 1986, until June 1987 with a second and third peak on January and April 1987. The dominant age group were 5 - 7years old children (30.1%) and 15 - 20years old adults (15.8%). There were no significant difference between males and females, although the frequency among females was higher then males. Factors which influence those patterns : sex, age, seasonal variation were discussed in detail in this paper

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Merek Terdaftar

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    Berdasarkan Pasal 1 UU No.15 tahun 2001 tentang Merek, yang dimaksud Merek adalah tanda yang berupa gambar, nama, kata, huruf angka-angka, susunan warna, atau kombinasi dari unsur-unsur tersebut yang memiliki daya pembeda dan digunakan dalam dunia perdagangan barang atau jasa. Merek ada merek dagang dan merek jasa. Sedang merek kolektif adalah merek yang digunakan pada barang atau jasa dengan karakteristik yang sama yang diperdagangkan oleh beberapa orang atau badan hukum secara bersama-sama untuk membedakan barang atau jasa sejenisnya. Dalam merek ada istilah lisensi yaitu izin yang diberikan oleh pemilik merek terdaftar kepada seseorang atau beberapa orang secara bersama-sama atau badan hukum untuk menggunakan merek tersebut, untuk barang atau jasa. Dalam dunia perdagangan sering terjadi pelanggaran merek. Pelanggaran merek pada hakikatnya dilakukan oleh para pihak yang mempunyai etikad tidak baik untuk memperoleh keuntungan, yang dapat merugikan pemilik merek yang sah. Indikasi pelanggaran Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Merek No.15 Tahun 2001, ada beberapa klasifikasi mengenai pemalsuan merek yaitu menggunakan merek yang sama secara keseluruhan, menggunakan merek yang sama pada pokoknya, menggunakan tanda yang sama, menggunakan tanda yang sama pada pokoknya dengan indikasi geografis. Selain itu ada juga pemalsuan terhadap merek terdaftar. Padahal merek terdaftar harus dilindungi oleh Negara melalui undang-undang Merek. Contoh kasus Merek, yaitu pelanggaran merek Honda yang dilakukan oleh PT. Tossa Motor terhadap PT. Astra Honda Moto

    Strategi Pengembangan Situs Manusia Purba Sangiran Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Budaya

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    Tourism proved to contribute in the acceptance of local revenues and plays a role in alleviating poverty. Tourism also plays a role in efforts to improve the nation's identity and encourage awareness and community pride of the natural and cultural wealth. With the tourism, a country or more specifically of local government where it is located, will get revenue from the income of each tourism destination. Potential tourism attraction in Sangiran, Sragen has not fully optimally managed,so that the existence of a tourism asset has not received the maximun response from visitors in the form of tourist visits. The problem in this research is how the potential of cultural tourism Sangiran site and what strategies are applied to the future development of Sangiran Site as a tour. This research aims to find the strategies in Sangiran tourism development according with the character as world heritage site. This research uses SWOT analysis, to find strengths weaknesses factors, opportunities and challenges faced in the development of these attractions. This research is a qualitative which look at research as a process, in order to gain a deep understanding with regard to community interaction in the area of research, Sangiran Site, Kalijambe, Sragen, Central Java Province. The results shown that as rated world's cultural heritage, tourism development position Sangiran located in a strategic position, if it is able to use optimally the power and opportunities that it has. One strength of tourist object is because of the uniqueness and rarity, as shown by a collection of objects on display in the Museum of Ancient Man Sangiran. The cultural heritage objects, dating from prehistoric times, either in the form of early human fossils millions of years old, as well as other antique objects which the old is hundreds years old is very important to understand the life of the ancestors of Indonesia in the past. Efforts to prevent the theft of Sangiran Site's fossils, so in addition to the on going elucidation of the importance of cultural heritage, legal sanctions should be enforced, due to the exploitation of fossil violating Republic Act No. 11 Year 2010 About the Cultural Heritage. Therefore, it is considered important and urgent, in order to be formed Awareness group as one component in society which have an important role and contribution in the development tourism of Sangiran Site. Keywords: Strategic,Development,Tourist object, Cultural Heritage

    Penulisan Sastra Anak

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    Any effort to develop human beings with a sensitive, selfĀ­dependent, and responsible character could start from the time theyare still atan early age and even from the time they are still in theirmother\u27s womb. After a childis born, such an effort can be doneboth in the home environment and outside it, including the timewhen the child gains education at school and outside it because therethe child getsmodels. At school it can be done by making the childlistento a story read\u27 or retold by the teacher. Therefore, the teacherhad better have a motivation andan ability to write a story forchildren. Because the story, as a part of children\u27s literature, ispresented to children, its elements should be chosen from objectsfound around children and events usually experiencedby children.The language used shouldbe in accordance with the child\u27s age andpsychological development. The writing technique should involvethe story-building elements, or the story\u27s mental structures, whichinclude its(I) plot, (2) characterization, (3) story-telling style, (4)setting, and(5) theme. Besides that, attention should also be paid tophysical elements in the sense that (I) the text in the storybookshouldbe accompanied with attractive pictures; (2) the form and sizeof the letters should make them easily perceived by children who arestill learning to read, and (3) the paper should be sufficiently thickandofgood quality

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Kreatif Siswa Melalui Strategi Rekayasa Teks

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    Salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa.adalah keterampilan menulis. Keterampilan ini terkait erat dengan kemampuan siswa menuangkan gagasan, perasaan, pengalaman secara kreatif ke dalam simbol-simbol tertulis. Penuangan kreativitas itu dapat dipacu oleh guru melalui beberapa strategi. Salah satu strategi yang dapat digunakan adalah rekayasa teks. Rekayasa (otak-atik) dalam bahasa Indonesia sepadan dengan kata engineering dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam tulisan ini disajikan contoh rekayasa teks yang berjudul "Sekar Romania" ke dalam bentuk tadut. Perekayasaan ini mempertimbangkan faktor sosiobudaya (kebahasaan) masyarakat bersangkutan. Proses rekayasa teks dapat dilakukan oleh siswa dalam rangka pelestarian bahasa dan hasil rekayasa teks ini dapat pula dijadikan bahan pembelajaran
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