9,017 research outputs found

    Ultra-short pulse compression using photonic crystal fibre

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    A short section of photonic crystal fibre has been used for ultra-short pulse compression. The unique optical properties of this novel medium in terms of high non-linearity and relatively small group velocity dispersion are shown to provide an ideal platform for the standard fibre pulse compression technique used directly on the nano-Joule output pulses from a commercial laser system. We report an order of magnitude reduction of the pulse width to 25 fs FWHM but predict a substantially improved performance with a dedicated fibre design. Good agreement is obtained with a simple model for the spectral broadening in the fibre

    Fast wavelength-tunable ultra-violet laser source for confocal Fura-2AM imaging

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    We report a novel wavelength-flexible laser source for three-dimensional ultra-violet imaging. Based on supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fiber, the resultant broadband laser source extended from A = 331 nm into the visible region of the spectrum. Using an electronically-controlled filter wheel and filter set with a response time of approximately 50 ins, rapid wavelength selection was performed. The described scheme is capable of exciting the current range of ultra-violet-excited fluorophores and the simple and rapid wavelength control also provides a new approach for fast ratiometric imaging of Fura-2AM, facilitating an easy method of performing quantitative intracellular calcium concentration measurements

    Radicals of 0-regular algebras

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    We consider a generalisation of the Kurosh--Amitsur radical theory for rings (and more generally multi-operator groups) which applies to 0-regular varieties in which all operations preserve 0. We obtain results for subvarieties, quasivarieties and element-wise equationally defined classes. A number of examples of radical and semisimple classes in particular varieties are given, including hoops, loops and similar structures. In the first section, we introduce 0-normal varieties (0-regular varieties in which all operations preserve 0), and show that a key isomorphism theorem holds in a 0-normal variety if it is subtractive, a property more general than congruence permutability. We then define our notion of a radical class in the second section. A number of basic results and characterisations of radical and semisimple classes are then obtained, largely based on the more general categorical framework of L. M\'arki, R. Mlitz and R. Wiegandt as in [13]. We consider the subtractive case separately. In the third section, we obtain results concerning subvarieties and quasivarieties based on the results of the previous section, and also generalise to subtractive varieties some results for multi-operator group radicals defined by simple equational rules. Several examples of radical and semisimple classes are given for a range of fairly natural 0-normal varieties of algebras, most of which are subtractive

    A novel technique for wide-field polarimetry with a radiotelescope array

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    We report the use of the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to conduct polarimetric observations of the sky at 5 GHz. The ATCA is normally operated as an interferometer array, but these observations were conducted in a split array mode in which the antenna elements were used as single-dishes with their beams staggered to simultaneously cover a wide area of sky with a resolution of 10 arcmin. The linearly polarized sky radiation was fully characterized from measurements, made over a range of parallactic angles, of the cross correlated signals from the orthogonal linear feeds. We describe the technique and present a polarimetric image of the Vela supernova remnant made as a test of the method. The development of the techniques was motivated by the need for wide-field imaging of the foreground contamination of the polarized component of the cosmic microwave background signal.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A


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    Estimation of the economic value of irrigation water is complicated by a lack of data on the price or marginal cost of water. Through econometric estimation of an aggregate total value product function, this paper obtains marginal irrigation water value estimates for the Middle Atlantic region. Additionally, the impact of temperature and soil conditions on aggregate production within the region is estimated. Ridge regression and covariance analysis are employed to deal with problems of multicollinearity and simultaneous equation bias, respectively. Estimates indicate a substantial and growing return to irrigation within the region.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    A Random Utility Model for Sportfishing: Some Preliminary Results for Florida

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    The gray literature in the field of nonmarket benefit measurement has made extensive use of the random utility (or discrete choice) model in recent years, but few applications appear in the literature. This article provides such an application, illustrating the technique with preliminary results from a regional study modeling east cost sportfishing behavior. The article discusses some of the strengths and weaknesses of the random utility model. It also illustrates how data regularly collected by the National Marine Fisheries Service can be supplemented with economic survey data to estimate these discrete choice behavioral models.Random utility, discrete choice, sportfishing, nonmarket benefits, environmental quality, Environmental Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Torsion in the cohomology of congruence subgroups of SL(4,Z) and Galois representations

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    We report on the computation of torsion in certain homology theories of congruence subgroups of SL(4,Z). Among these are the usual group cohomology, the Tate-Farrell cohomology, and the homology of the sharbly complex. All of these theories yield Hecke modules. We conjecture that the Hecke eigenclasses in these theories have attached Galois representations. The interpretation of our computations at the torsion primes 2,3,5 is explained. We provide evidence for our conjecture in the 15 cases of odd torsion that we found in levels up to 31

    Measuring the Benefits of Improvements in Water Quality: The Chesapeake Bay

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    Federal, state, and local government agencies have joined forces in the ambitious and expensive task of improving the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay. Clean-up efforts will be devoted to three major problems: nutrient over enrichment, toxic substances, and the decline of submerged aquatic vegetation. Although the beneficiaries are ultimately human, criteria for judging the Bay's water quality have been primarily biological and physical. This paper addresses the question of the human values from the Bay. How do people use the Bay and how much are they willing to pay for the changes in water quality that improve their use? With a variety of methods and data sources, we estimate the annual aggregate willingness to pay for a moderate improvement in the Chesapeake Bay's water quality to be in the range of 10to10 to 100 million in 1984 dollars.Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,