18 research outputs found

    Towards an integral computer environment supporting system operations analysis and conceptual design

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    VITROCISET has in house developed a prototype tool named System Dynamic Analysis Environment (SDAE) to support system engineering activities in the initial definition phase of a complex space system. The SDAE goal is to provide powerful means for the definition, analysis, and trade-off of operations and design concepts for the space and ground elements involved in a mission. For this purpose SDAE implements a dedicated modeling methodology based on the integration of different modern (static and dynamic) analysis and simulation techniques. The resulting 'system model' is capable of representing all the operational, functional, and behavioral aspects of the system elements which are part of a mission. The execution of customized model simulations enables: the validation of selected concepts with respect to mission requirements; the in-depth investigation of mission specific operational and/or architectural aspects; and the early assessment of performances required by the system elements to cope with mission constraints and objectives. Due to its characteristics, SDAE is particularly tailored for nonconventional or highly complex systems, which require a great analysis effort in their early definition stages. SDAE runs under PC-Windows and is currently used by VITROCISET system engineering group. This paper describes the SDAE main features, showing some tool output examples

    La logistica nel florovivaismo

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    Dopo un’analisi descrittiva e statistico-economica del comparto florovivaistico marchigiano, nel lavoro sono illustrate i principali vincoli e le opportunità connesse ad un miglioramento della logistica. L’analisi mostra un’offerta ancora frammentata e non adeguata a soddisfare completamente le esigenze della domanda. Sebbene siano presenti forme di associazionismo a livello orizzontale, il coordinamento verticale di filiera è quasi del tutto assente. Viene proposta in conclusione una serie di possibili interventi migliorativi, da realizzare tanto sul versante trasportistico, quanto in quello logistico in senso stretto e, complementarmente, attraverso opportune azioni di marketing territoriale

    Configuration and the capability of firms to innovate: a theoretical framework

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    This paper contributes to the debate on the relationship between supply network configuration and innovation by presenting a conceptual model. This model aims to shed light on a relational capability: the lead firm’s capability to sustain synchronously multiple types of innovation by leveraging the supply network configuration. The relationship between network attributes and multiple innovations is specified with respect to the fashion industry. Several hypotheses are presented in order to explore the influence of both the diversity and density of the lead firm’s supply network on the firm’s stylistic and process innovations. This framework departs from the current dominant logic of analysing each innovation type separately and explores the network configurations enhancing the joint generation or adoption of multiple innovation types

    Relazioni di agenzia e collaborazione per la sostenibilitĂ  nelle catene di fornitura globale

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    Il volume analizza il legame tra politiche di CSR e decisioni di global sourcing concepite da grandi imprese internazionalizzate. Attraverso la chiave di lettura offerta dalla Teoria dell’agenzia, vengono approfondite le collaborazioni tra concorrenti finalizzate a migliorare l’efficacia e l’efficienza delle relazioni di fornitura. Tali collaborazioni muovono dalla necessità di migliorare la conoscenza delle problematiche di sostenibilità nei contesti a elevata incertezza ambientale e propongono un modello di intervento, alternativo a quello della singola impresa, per rispondere alle esigenze di sicurezza provenienti da consumatori e altri stakeholders

    Proximity of data and data on proximity: an insight on the remoteness of neighbouring SMEs

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    In times of increasing overlaps in local and global pressures towards sustainability, nature and quality of data are fundamental for sharing strategies and resources among neighbouring SMEs. While local and global challenges call for systemic approaches and networking strategies, multiple layers of geographical, organizational and technical information seem to determine the real measure of the proximity that enables fruitful inter-organizational collaborations. Grounding on the evidences gathered during five years of observation on latent clusters of agro-food SMEs in Central Italy, this exploratory study provides an insight on theoretical and practical barriers to the identification and removal of the distances that prevent neighbouring firms from sharing strategies towards regional data exchange, health, safety and productivity. The contribution to the scientific debate is twofold. First, a poor in-field understanding of non-spatial proximity seems to emerge as a factor that concurs at creating false expectations for a natural convergence on local inter-organizational collaborations. Second, difficulties in handling the risks associated with the reduction of non-spatial distances between local SMEs seem to emerge as a major cause that disable public and private investments on the development of local networks. Following the examination of parallels and contrasts with concepts previously developed in the literature, an in-deep discussion with local stakeholders on how to operationalize and implement the assessment and facilitation of local networking opportunities is presented along with policy suggestions and directions for further research

    Proximity of data and data on proximity: an insight on the remoteness of neighbouring SMEs

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    In times of increasing overlaps in local and global pressures towards sustainability, nature and quality of data are fundamental for sharing strategies and resources among neighbouring SMEs. While local and global challenges call for systemic approaches and networking strategies, multiple layers of geographical, organizational and technical information seem to determine the real measure of the proximity that enables fruitful inter-organizational collaborations. Grounding on the evidences gathered during five years of observation on latent clusters of agro-food SMEs in Central Italy, this exploratory study provides an insight on theoretical and practical barriers to the identification and removal of the distances that prevent neighbouring firms from sharing strategies towards regional data exchange, health, safety and productivity. The contribution to the scientific debate is twofold. First, a poor in-field understanding of non-spatial proximity seems to emerge as a factor that concurs at creating false expectations for a natural convergence on local inter-organizational collaborations. Second, difficulties in handling the risks associated with the reduction of non-spatial distances between local SMEs seem to emerge as a major cause that disable public and private investments on the development of local networks. Following the examination of parallels and contrasts with concepts previously developed in the literature, an in-deep discussion with local stakeholders on how to operationalize and implement the assessment and facilitation of local networking opportunities is presented along with policy suggestions and directions for further research

    Strategic and organisational determinants of performance in Italian management consulting firms

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    This study focuses on the determinants of performance of management consulting firms. These firms are successful examples of organisations whose ability to incorporate knowledge into the service provided to the clients is critical to their success. The study aims to explain the process by which specific strategic choices and distinctive organisational practices of these firms influence their performance in ways not found in other settings. Specifically, we propose that service and geographic diversification have a positive impact on the performance of management consulting firms. We also propose that partnership leverage, as a distinctive organisational practice developed to increase the retention and commitment of personnel, influences the performance of these firms. We test the theoretical predictions using data from a large sample of Italian management consulting firms and adopting a multilevel linear regression model. Our results support the hypotheses, provide interesting insights and suggest further research

    Diversification, family involvement and firm performance: Empirical evidence from Italian manufacturing firms

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of product and geographic diversification on the performance of Italian manufacturing firms and evaluate the moderating role of family involvement. Design/methodology/approach – The hypotheses have been tested by using a fixed-effects panel data regression model. Findings – Results show a linear relationship between product diversification and firm performance and an inverted U-shaped relationship between geographic diversification and firm performance. Moreover, when considering the status of the family firm, family ties have a negative moderating role on the performance of companies that are product and internationally diversified. Originality/value – By providing theoretical explanations and empirical evidence, the study extends the diversification-performance research by testing this relationship in an unexplored context (i.e. Italy), and by identifying a still not well explored contingency factor (i.e. family involvement). In doing so, diversification and family involvement literatures are brought together and the results show the importance of the type of owner regarding the impact of product and international diversification on firm performance