110 research outputs found

    The Anderson-Mott transition induced by hole-doping in Nd1-xTiO3

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    The insulator/metal transition induced by hole-doping due to neodymium vacancies of the Mott- Hubbard antiferromagnetic insulator, Nd1-xTiO3, is studied over the composition range 0.010(6) < x < 0.243(10). Insulating p-types conduction is found for x < 0.071(10). Anderson localization in the presence of a Mott-Hubbard gap, is the dominant localization mechanism for the range of 0.074(10) < x < 0.089(1) samples. For x < 0.089(1), n-type conduction is observed and the activation energy extrapolates to zero by x < 0.1. The 0.095(8) < x < 0.203(10) samples are Fermi-liquid metals and the effects of strong electronic correlations are evident near the metal-to-insulator boundaries in features such as large Fermi liquid T2 coefficients. For 0.074(9) < x < 0.112(4), a weak negative magnetoresistance is found below ~ 15 K and it is attributed to the interaction of conduction electrons with Nd3+ magnetic moments. Combining information from our companion study of the magnetic properties of Nd1-xTiO3 solid solution, a phase diagram is proposed. The main conclusions are that long range antiferromagnetic order disappears before the onset of metallic behavior and that the Anderson-Mott transition occurs over a finite range of doping levels. Our results differ from conclusions drawn from a similar study on the hole doped Nd1-xCaxTiO3 system which found the co-existence of antiferromagnetic order and metallic behavior and that the Mott transition occurs at a discrete doping level

    Field-induced Bose-Einstein Condensation of triplons up to 8 K in Sr3Cr2O8

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    Single crystals of the spin dimer system Sr3Cr2O8 have been grown for the first time. Magnetization, heat capacity, and magnetocaloric effect data up to 65 T reveal magnetic order between applied fields of Hc1 ~ 30.4 T and Hc2 ~ 62 T. This field-induced order persists up to ~ 8 K at H ~ 44 T, the highest observed in any quantum magnet where Hc2 is experimentally-accessible. We fit the temperature-field phase diagram boundary close to Hc1 using the expression Tc = A(H-Hc1)^v. The exponent v = 0.65(2), obtained at temperatures much smaller than 8 K, is that of the 3D Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) universality class. This finding strongly suggests that Sr3Cr2O8 is a new realization of a triplon BEC where the universal regimes corresponding to both Hc1 and Hc2 are accessible at He-4 temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted by PR

    Magnetic Order and Fluctuations in the Presence of Quenched Disorder in the Kagome Staircase System (Co(1-x)Mg(x))3V2O8

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    Co3V2O8 is an orthorhombic magnet in which S=3/2 magnetic moments reside on two crystallographically inequivalent Co2+ sites, which decorate a stacked, buckled version of the two dimensional kagome lattice, the stacked kagome staircase. The magnetic interactions between the Co2+ moments in this structure lead to a complex magnetic phase diagram at low temperature, wherein it exhibits a series of five transitions below 11 K that ultimately culminate in a simple ferromagnetic ground state below T~6.2 K. Here we report magnetization measurements on single and polycrystalline samples of (Co(1-x)Mg(x))3V2O8 for x<0.23, as well as elastic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements on single crystals of magnetically dilute (Co(1-x)Mg(x))3V2O8 for x=0.029 and x=0.194, in which non-magnetic Mg2+ ions substitute for magnetic Co2+. We find that a dilution of 2.9% leads to a suppression of the ferromagnetic transition temperature by ~15% while a dilution level of 19.4% is sufficient to destroy ferromagnetic long-range order in this material down to a temperature of at least 1.5 K. The magnetic excitation spectrum is characterized by two spin-wave branches in the ordered phase for (Co(1-x)Mg(x))3V2O8 (x=0.029), similar to that of the pure x=0 material, and by broad diffuse scattering at temperatures below 10 K in (Co(1-x)Mg(x))3V2O8 (x=0.194). Such a strong dependence of the transition temperatures to long range order in the presence of quenched non-magnetic impurities is consistent with two-dimensional physics driving the transitions. We further provide a simple percolation model that semi-quantitatively explains the inability of this system to establish long-range magnetic order at the unusually-low dilution levels which we observe in our experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure

    Gapped and gapless short range ordered magnetic states with (12,12,12)(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}) wavevectors in the pyrochlore magnet Tb2+x_{2+x}Ti2−x_{2-x}O7+δ_{7+\delta}

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    Recent low temperature heat capacity (CP_P) measurements on polycrystalline samples of the pyrochlore antiferromagnet Tb2+x_{2+x}Ti2−x_{2-x}O7+δ_{7+\delta} have shown a strong sensitivity to the precise Tb concentration xx, with a large anomaly exhibited for x∼0.005x \sim 0.005 at TC∼0.5T_C \sim 0.5 K and no such anomaly and corresponding phase transition for x≤0x \le 0. We have grown single crystal samples of Tb2+x_{2+x}Ti2−x_{2-x}O7+δ_{7+\delta}, with approximate composition x=−0.001,+0.0042x=-0.001, +0.0042, and +0.0147+0.0147, where the x=0.0042x=0.0042 single crystal exhibits a large CP_P anomaly at TCT_C=0.45 K, but neither the x=−0.001x=-0.001 nor the x=+0.0147x=+0.0147 single crystals display any such anomaly. We present new time-of-flight neutron scattering measurements on the x=−0.001x=-0.001 and the x=+0.0147x=+0.0147 samples which show strong (12,12,12)\left(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}\right) quasi-Bragg peaks at low temperatures characteristic of short range antiferromagnetic spin ice (AFSI) order at zero magnetic field but only under field-cooled conditions, as was previously observed in our x=0.0042x = 0.0042 single crystal. These results show that the strong (12,12,12)\left(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}\right) quasi-Bragg peaks and gapped AFSI state at low temperatures under field cooled conditions are robust features of Tb2_2Ti2_2O7_7, and are not correlated with the presence or absence of the CP_P anomaly and phase transition at low temperatures. Further, these results show that the ordered state giving rise to the CP_P anomaly is confined to 0≤x≤0.010 \leq x \leq 0.01 for Tb2+x_{2+x}Ti2−x_{2-x}O7+δ_{7+\delta}, and is not obviously connected with conventional order of magnetic dipole degrees of freedom.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
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