31 research outputs found

    Insights into the Function of the CRM1 Cofactor RanBP3 from the Structure of Its Ran-Binding Domain

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    Proteins bearing a leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) are exported from the nucleus by the transport factor CRM1, which forms a cooperative ternary complex with the NES-bearing cargo and with the small GTPase Ran. CRM1-mediated export is regulated by RanBP3, a Ran-interacting nuclear protein. Unlike the related proteins RanBP1 and RanBP2, which promote disassembly of the export complex in the cytosol, RanBP3 acts as a CRM1 cofactor, enhancing NES export by stabilizing the export complex in the nucleus. RanBP3 also alters the cargo selectivity of CRM1, promoting recognition of the NES of HIV-1 Rev and of other cargos while deterring recognition of the import adaptor protein Snurportin1. Here we report the crystal structure of the Ran-binding domain (RBD) from RanBP3 and compare it to RBD structures from RanBP1 and RanBP2 in complex with Ran and CRM1. Differences among these structures suggest why RanBP3 binds Ran with unusually low affinity, how RanBP3 modulates the cargo selectivity of CRM1, and why RanBP3 promotes assembly rather than disassembly of the export complex. The comparison of RBD structures thus provides an insight into the functional diversity of Ran-binding proteins

    IFN-α inhibits telomerase in human CD8⁺ T cells by both hTERT downregulation and induction of p38 MAPK signaling

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    The cytokine IFN-α is secreted during viral infections and has been shown to inhibit telomerase activity and accelerate T cell differentiation in vivo. However, the mechanism for this inhibition is not clear. In this study, we show that IFN-α inhibits both the transcription and translation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), the catalytic component of telomerase, in activated CD8(+) T cells. This was associated with increased activity of the repressor of hTERT transcription E2 transcription factor and decreased activation of NF-κB that promotes hTERT transcription. However IFN-α did not affect the translocation of hTERT from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. IFN-α also inhibits AKT kinase activation but increases p38 MAPK activity, and both of these events have been shown previously to inhibit telomerase activity. Addition of BIRB796, an inhibitor of p38 activity, to IFN-α-treated cells reversed, in part, the inhibition of telomerase by this cytokine. Therefore, IFN-α can inhibit the enzyme telomerase in CD8(+) T cells by transcriptional and posttranslational mechanisms. Furthermore, the addition of IFN-α to CD8(+)CD27(+)CD28(+) T cells accelerates the loss of both these costimulatory molecules. This suggests that persistent viral infections may contribute to the accumulation of highly differentiated/senescent CD8(+)CD27(-)CD28(-) T cells during aging by promoting IFN-α secretion during repeated episodes of viral reactivation

    IFN-α inhibits telomerase in human CD8⁺ T cells by both hTERT downregulation and induction of p38 MAPK signaling

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    The cytokine IFN-a is secreted during viral infections and has been shown to inhibit telomerase activity and accelerate T cell differentiation in vivo. However, the mechanism for this inhibition is not clear. In this study, we show that IFN-a inhibits both the transcription and translation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), the catalytic component of telomerase, in activated CD8+ T cells. This was associated with increased activity of the repressor of hTERT transcription E2 transcription factor and decreased activation of NF-kB that promotes hTERT transcription. However IFN-a did not affect the translocation of hTERT from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. IFN-a also inhibits AKT kinase activation but increases p38 MAPK activity, and both of these events have been shown previously to inhibit telomerase activity. Addition of BIRB796, an inhibitor of p38 activity, to IFN-a–treated cells reversed, in part, the inhibition of telomerase by this cytokine. Therefore, IFN-a can inhibit the enzyme telomerase in CD8+ T cells by transcriptional and posttranslational mechanisms. Furthermore, the addition of IFN-a to CD8+ CD27+CD28+ T cells accelerates the loss of both these costimulatory molecules. This suggests that persistent viral infections may contribute to the accumulation of highly differentiated/senescent CD8+CD272CD282 T cells during aging by promoting IFN-a secretion during repeated episodes of viral reactivation