46 research outputs found

    Regulation of Budding Yeast Mating-Type Switching Donor Preference by the FHA Domain of Fkh1

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    During Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating-type switching, an HO endonuclease-induced double-strand break (DSB) at MAT is repaired by recombining with one of two donors, HMLα or HMRa, located at opposite ends of chromosome III. MATa cells preferentially recombine with HMLα; this decision depends on the Recombination Enhancer (RE), located about 17 kb to the right of HML. In MATα cells, HML is rarely used and RE is bound by the MATα2-Mcm1 corepressor, which prevents the binding of other proteins to RE. In contrast, in MATa cells, RE is bound by multiple copies of Fkh1 and a single copy of Swi4/Swi6. We report here that, when RE is replaced with four LexA operators in MATa cells, 95% of cells use HMR for repair, but expression of a LexA-Fkh1 fusion protein strongly increases HML usage. A LexA-Fkh1 truncation, containing only Fkh1's phosphothreonine-binding FHA domain, restores HML usage to 90%. A LexA-FHA-R80A mutant lacking phosphothreonine binding fails to increase HML usage. The LexA-FHA fusion protein associates with chromatin in a 10-kb interval surrounding the HO cleavage site at MAT, but only after DSB induction. This association occurs even in a donorless strain lacking HML. We propose that the FHA domain of Fkh1 regulates donor preference by physically interacting with phosphorylated threonine residues created on proteins bound near the DSB, thus positioning HML close to the DSB at MAT. Donor preference is independent of Mec1/ATR and Tel1/ATM checkpoint protein kinases but partially depends on casein kinase II. RE stimulates the strand invasion step of interchromosomal recombination even for non-MAT sequences. We also find that when RE binds to the region near the DSB at MATa then Mec1 and Tel1 checkpoint kinases are not only able to phosphorylate histone H2A (γ-H2AX) around the DSB but can also promote γ-H2AX spreading around the RE region

    Cell Cycle-Dependent Regulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Donor Preference during Mating-Type Switching by SBF (Swi4/Swi6) and Fkh1

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    Saccharomyces mating-type switching occurs through a double-strand break-initiated gene conversion event at MAT, using one of two donors located distantly on the same chromosome, HMLα and HMRa. MATa cells preferentially choose HMLα, a decision that depends on the recombination enhancer (RE) that controls recombination along the left arm of chromosome III. We previously showed that an fhk1Δ mutation reduces HMLα usage in MATa cells, but not to the level seen when RE is deleted. We now report that donor preference also depends on binding of the Swi4/Swi6 (SBF) transcription factors to an evolutionarily conserved SCB site within RE. As at other SCB-containing promoters, SBF binds to RE in the G(1) phase. Surprisingly, Fkh1 binds to RE only in G(2), which contrasts with its cell cycle-independent binding to its other target promoters. SBF and Fkh1 define two independent RE activation pathways, as deletion of both Fkh1 and SCB results in nearly complete loss of HML usage in MATa cells. These transcription factors create an epigenetic modification of RE in a fashion that apparently does not involve transcription. In addition, the putative helicase Chl1, previously involved in donor preference, functions in the SBF pathway

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae Donor Preference During Mating-Type Switching Is Dependent on Chromosome Architecture and Organization

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    Saccharomyces mating-type (MAT) switching occurs by gene conversion using one of two donors, HMLα and HMRa, located near the ends of the same chromosome. MATa cells preferentially choose HMLα, a decision that depends on the recombination enhancer (RE) that controls recombination along the left arm of chromosome III (III-L). When RE is inactive, the two chromosome arms constitute separate domains inaccessible to each other; thus HMRa, located on the same arm as MAT, becomes the default donor. Activation of RE increases HMLα usage, even when RE is moved 50 kb closer to the centromere. If MAT is inserted into the same domain as HML, RE plays little or no role in activating HML, thus ruling out any role for RE in remodeling the silent chromatin of HML in regulating donor preference. When the donors MAT and RE are moved to chromosome V, RE increases HML usage, but the inaccessibility of HML without RE apparently depends on other chromosome III-specific sequences. Similar conclusions were reached when RE was placed adjacent to leu2 or arg4 sequences engaged in spontaneous recombination. We propose that RE's targets are anchor sites that tether chromosome III-L in MATα cells thus reducing its mobility in the nucleus

    Mechanisms of Rad52-Independent Spontaneous and UV-Induced Mitotic Recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Abstract In wild-type diploid cells, heteroallelic recombination between his4A and his4C alleles leads mostly to His+ gene conversions that have a parental configuration of flanking markers, but ∼22% of recombinants have associated reciprocal crossovers. In rad52 strains, gene conversion is reduced 75-fold and the majority of His+ recombinants are crossover associated, with the largest class being half-crossovers in which the other participating chromatid is lost. We report that UV irradiating rad52 cells results in an increase in overall recombination frequency, comparable to increases induced in wild-type (WT) cells, and surprisingly results in a pattern of recombination products quite similar to RAD52 cells: gene conversion without exchange is favored, and the number of 2n − 1 events is markedly reduced. Both spontaneous and UV-induced RAD52-independent recombination depends strongly on Rad50, whereas rad50 has no effect in cells restored to RAD52. The high level of noncrossover gene conversion outcomes in UV-induced rad52 cells depends on Rad51, but not on Rad59. Those outcomes also rely on the UV-inducible kinase Dun1 and Dun1's target, the repressor Crt1, whereas gene conversion events arising spontaneously depend on Rad59 and Crt1. Thus, there are at least two Rad52-independent recombination pathways in budding yeast

    Mechanisms of Rad52-Independent Spontaneous and UV-Induced Mitotic Recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In wild-type diploid cells, heteroallelic recombination between his4A and his4C alleles leads mostly to His+ gene conversions that have a parental configuration of flanking markers, but ∼22% of recombinants have associated reciprocal crossovers. In rad52 strains, gene conversion is reduced 75-fold and the majority of His+ recombinants are crossover associated, with the largest class being half-crossovers in which the other participating chromatid is lost. We report that UV irradiating rad52 cells results in an increase in overall recombination frequency, comparable to increases induced in wild-type (WT) cells, and surprisingly results in a pattern of recombination products quite similar to RAD52 cells: gene conversion without exchange is favored, and the number of 2n − 1 events is markedly reduced. Both spontaneous and UV-induced RAD52-independent recombination depends strongly on Rad50, whereas rad50 has no effect in cells restored to RAD52. The high level of noncrossover gene conversion outcomes in UV-induced rad52 cells depends on Rad51, but not on Rad59. Those outcomes also rely on the UV-inducible kinase Dun1 and Dun1's target, the repressor Crt1, whereas gene conversion events arising spontaneously depend on Rad59 and Crt1. Thus, there are at least two Rad52-independent recombination pathways in budding yeast

    Saccharomyces forkhead protein Fkh1 regulates donor preference during mating-type switching through the recombination enhancer

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    Saccharomyces mating-type switching results from replacement by gene conversion of the MAT locus with sequences copied from one of two unexpressed donor loci, HML or HMR. MATa cells recombine with HMLα ∼90% of the time, whereas MATα cells choose HMRa 80%–90% of the time. HML preference in MATa is controlled by the cis-acting recombination enhancer (RE) that regulates recombination along the entire left arm of chromosome III. Comparison of RE sequences between S. cerevisiae, S. carlsbergensis, and S. bayanus defines four highly conserved regions (A, B, C, and D) within a 270-bp minimum RE. An adjacent E region enhances RE activity. Multimers of region A, D, or E are sufficient to promote selective use of HML. Regions A, D, and E each bind in vivo the transcription activator forkhead proteins Fkh1p and Fkh2p and their associated Ndd1p, although there are no adjacent open reading frames (ORFs). Deletion of FKH1 significantly reduces MATa's use of HML, as does mutation of the Fkh1/Fkh2-binding sites in a multimer of region A. We conclude that Fkh1p regulates MATa donor preference through direct interaction with RE