1,353 research outputs found

    Magnetic-field and chemical-potential effects on the low-energy separation

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    We show that in the presence of a magnetic field the usual low-energy separation of the Hubbard chain is replaced by a ``cc'' and ``ss'' separation. Here cc and ss refer to small-momentum and low-energy independent excitation modes which couple both to charge and spin. Importantly, we find the exact generators of these excitations both in the electronic and pseudoparticle basis. In the limit of zero magnetic field these generators become the usual charge and spin fluctuation operators. The cc and ss elementary excitations are associated with the cc and ss pseudoparticles, respectively. We also study the separate pseudoparticle left and right conservation laws. In the presence of the magnetic field the small-momentum and low-energy excitations can be bosonized. However, the suitable bosonization corresponds to the cc and ss pseudoparticle modes and not to the usual charge and spin fluctuations. We evaluate exactly the commutator between the electronic-density operators. Its spin-dependent factor is in general non diagonal and depends on the interaction. The associate bosonic commutation relations characterize the present unconventional low-energy separation.Comment: 29 pages, latex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ground states of integrable quantum liquids

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    Based on a recently introduced operator algebra for the description of a class of integrable quantum liquids we define the ground states for all canonical ensembles of these systems. We consider the particular case of the Hubbard chain in a magnetic field and chemical potential. The ground states of all canonical ensembles of the model can be generated by acting onto the electron vacuum (densities n1n1), suitable pseudoparticle creation operators. We also evaluate the energy gaps of the non-lowest-weight states (non - LWS's) and non-highest-weight states (non - HWS's) of the eta-spin and spin algebras relative to the corresponding ground states. For all sectors of parameter space and symmetries the {\it exact ground state} of the many-electron problem is in the pseudoparticle basis the non-interacting pseudoparticle ground state. This plays a central role in the pseudoparticle perturbation theory.Comment: RevteX 3.0, 43 pages, preprint Univ.Evora, Portuga

    Electrons, pseudoparticles, and quasiparticles in the one-dimensional many-electron problem

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    We generalize the concept of quasiparticle for one-dimensional (1D) interacting electronic systems. The \uparrow and \downarrow quasiparticles recombine the pseudoparticle colors cc and ss (charge and spin at zero magnetic field) and are constituted by one many-pseudoparticle {\it topological momenton} and one or two pseudoparticles. These excitations cannot be separated. We consider the case of the Hubbard chain. We show that the low-energy electron -- quasiparticle transformation has a singular charater which justifies the perturbative and non-perturbative nature of the quantum problem in the pseudoparticle and electronic basis, respectively. This follows from the absence of zero-energy electron -- quasiparticle overlap in 1D. The existence of Fermi-surface quasiparticles both in 1D and three dimensional (3D) many-electron systems suggests there existence in quantum liquids in dimensions 1<<D<<3. However, whether the electron -- quasiparticle overlap can vanish in D>>1 or whether it becomes finite as soon as we leave 1D remains an unsolved question.Comment: 43 pages, latex, no figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Conservation laws and bosonization in integrable Luttinger liquids

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    We examine and explain the Luttinger-liquid character of models solvable by the Bethe ansatz by introducing a suitable bosonic operator algebra. In the case of the Hubbard chain, this involves two bosonic algebras which apply to {\it all} values of UU, electronic density, and magnetization. Only at zero magnetization does this lead to the usual charge - spin separation. We show that our ``pseudoparticle'' operator approach clarifies, unifies, and extends several recent results, including the existence of independent right and left equations of motion and the concept of ``pseudoparticle'' (also known as ``Bethe quasiparticle'').Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, preprint CSI

    Scattering mechanisms and spectral properties of the one-dimensional Hubbard model

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    It is found that the finite-energy spectral properties of the one-dimensional Hubbard model are controlled by the scattering of charged η\eta-spin-zero 2ν2\nu-holon composite objects, spin-zero 2ν2\nu-spinon composite objects, and charged η\eta-spin-less and spin-less objects, rather than by the scattering of independent η\eta-spin 1/2 holons and spin 1/2 spinons. Here ν=1,2,...\nu =1,2,.... The corresponding SS matrix is calculated and its relation to the spectral properties is clarified.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Instabilities of the Hubbard chain in a magnetic field

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    We find and characterize the instabilities of the repulsive Hubbard chain in a magnetic field by studing all response functions at low frequency \omega and arbitrary momentum. The instabilities occur at momenta which are simple combinations of the (U=0) \sigma =\uparrow ,\downarrow Fermi points, \pm k_{F\sigma}. For finite values of the on-site repulsion U the instabilities occur for single \sigma electron adding or removing at momenta \pm k_{F\sigma}, for transverse spin-density wave (SDW) at momenta \pm 2k_F (where 2k_F=k_{F\uparrow}+k_{F\downarrow}), and for charge-density wave (CDW) and SDW at momenta \pm 2k_{F\uparrow} and \pm 2k_{F\downarrow}. While at zero magnetic field removing or adding single electrons is dominant, the presence of that field brings about a dominance for the transverse \pm 2k_F SDW over all the remaining instabilities for a large domain of UU and density n values. We go beyond conformal-field theory and study divergences which occur at finite frequency in the one-electron Green function at half filling and in the transverse-spin response function in the fully-polarized ferromagnetic phase.Comment: LaTeX file, 15 pages plus 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. The figures can be obtained upon request from Pedro Sacramento at [email protected]

    Complete Pseudohole and Heavy-Pseudoparticle Operator Representation for the Hubbard Chain

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    We introduce the pseudohole and heavy-pseudoparticle operator algebra that generates all Hubbard-chain eigenstates from a single reference vacuum. In addition to the pseudoholes already introduced for the description of the low-energy physics, this involves the heavy pseudoparticles associated with Hamiltonian eigenstates whose energy spectrum has a gap relatively to the many-electron ground state. We introduce a generalized pseudoparticle perturbation theory which describes the relevant finite-energy ground state transitions. In the present basis these excitations refer to a small density of excited pseudoparticles. Our operator basis goes beyond the Bethe-ansatz solution and it is the suitable and correct starting point for the study of the finite-frequency properties, which are of great relevance for the understanding of the unusual spectral properties detected in low-dimensional novel materials.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages, no Figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. B (15th of August 1997

    Development of Head Space Sorptive Extraction Method for the Determination of Volatile Compounds in Beer and Comparison with Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction

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    A headspace sorptive extraction method coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HSSE-GC-MS) was developed for the determination of 37 volatile compounds in beer. After optimization of the extraction conditions, the best conditions for the analysis were stirring at 1000 rpm for 180 min, using an 8-mL sample with 25% NaCl. The analytical method provided excellent linearity values (R-2 > 0.99) for the calibration of all the compounds studied, with the detection and quantification limits obtained being low enough for the determination of the compounds in the beers studied. When studying the repeatability of the method, it proved to be quite accurate, since RSD% values lower than 20% were obtained for all the compounds. On the other hand, the recovery study was successfully concluded, resulting in acceptable values for most of the compounds (80-120%). The optimised method was successfully applied to real beer samples of different types (ale, lager, stout and wheat). Finally, an analytical comparison of the optimised HSSE method, with a previously developed and validated stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) method was performed, obtaining similar concentration values by both methods for most compounds

    New perturbation theory of low-dimensional quantum liquids II: operator description of Virasoro algebras in integrable systems

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    We show that the recently developed {\it pseudoparticle operator algebra} which generates the low-energy Hamiltonian eigenstates of multicomponent integrable systems also provides a natural operator representation for the the Virasoro algebras associated with the conformal-invariant character of the low-energy spectrum of the these models. Studying explicitly the Hubbard chain in a non-zero chemical potential and external magnetic field, we establish that the pseudoparticle perturbation theory provides a correct starting point for the construction of a suitable critical-point Hamiltonian. We derive explicit expressions in terms of pseudoparticle operators for the generators of the Virasoro algebras and the energy-momentum tensor, describe the conformal-invariant character of the critical point from the point of view of the response to curvature of the two-dimensional space-time, and discuss the relation to Kac-Moody algebras and dynamical separation.Comment: 35 pages, RevteX, preprint UA