84 research outputs found

    Mott transition in anharmonic confinement

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    Two effects are identified that affect the visibility of the Mott transition in an atomic gas in an optical lattice confined in a power-law potential. The transition can be made more pronounced by increasing the power law, but at the same time, experimental uncertainty in the number of particles will induce corresponding fluctuations in the measured condensate fraction. Calculations in two dimensions indicate that a potential slightly more flat-bottomed than a quadratic one is to be preferred for a wide range of particle number fluctuation size.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Shape oscillation of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We present a theoretical and experimental analysis of the transverse monopole mode of a fast rotating Bose-Einstein condensate. The condensate's rotation frequency is similar to the trapping frequency and the effective confinement is only ensured by a weak quartic potential. We show that the non-harmonic character of the potential has a clear influence on the mode frequency, thus making the monopole mode a precise tool for the investigation of the fast rotation regime

    Design aspects related to the reliability of the LHC beam dump kicker systems

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    The two LHC beam dump kicker systems consist each of 14 pulse generator and magnet subsystems. Their task is to extract on request the beams in synchronisation with the gap in the beam. This operation must be fail-safe to avoid disastrous consequences due to loss of the beam inside the LHC. Only a failing operation of one of the 14 pulse generators is allowed. To preserve this tolerance premature beam dumps are forced immediately after early detection of internal faults. However, these faults should occur rarely in order not to be a source of undesirable downtime of the LHC. The report determines first the level of reliability required for the main components of the system. In particular faults which could cause spontaneously non-synchronised beam dumps are identified. Then, technical solutions are evaluated on failure behaviour. Those having a most likely failure mode which does not cause dump triggers are favoured. These solutions need redundancy and are more complex but have the advantage to be fault tolerant. The design goal can be achieved with a combination of high quality components, redundant signal paths, fault tolerant subsystems, continuous surveillance and check-list validation tests before the start of the injection of beam in the LHC

    Effect of Quadratic Zeeman Energy on the Vortex of Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    The spinor Bose-Einstein condensate of atomic gases has been experimentally realized by a number of groups. Further, theoretical proposals of the possible vortex states have been sugessted. This paper studies the effects of the quadratic Zeeman energy on the vortex states. This energy was ignored in previous theoretical studies, although it exists in experimental systems. We present phase diagrams of various vortex states taking into account the quadratic Zeeman energy. The vortex states are calculated by the Gross-Pitaevskii equations. Several new kinds of vortex states are found. It is also found that the quadratic Zeeman energy affects the direction of total magnetization and causes a significant change in the phase diagrams.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Quadrupole Oscillation of a Single-Vortex Condensate: Evidence for Kelvin Modes

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    We study the two transverse quadrupole modes of a cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate with a single centered vortex. We show that the counter-rotating mode is more strongly damped than in the absence of a vortex, whereas the co-rotating mode is not affected appreciably by the vortex. We interpret this result as a decay of the counter-rotating quadrupole mode into two excitations of the vortex line, the so-called Kelvin modes. This is supported by direct observation of the wiggling vortex line.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Kelvin Modes of a fast rotating Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    Using the concept of diffused vorticity and the formalism of rotational hydrodynamics we calculate the eigenmodes of a harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate containing an array of quantized vortices. We predict the occurrence of a new branch of anomalous excitations, analogous to the Kelvin modes of the single vortex dynamics. Special attention is devoted to the excitation of the anomalous scissors mode.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Phase field approach to optimal packing problems and related Cheeger clusters

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    In a fixed domain of RN\Bbb{R}^N we study the asymptotic behaviour of optimal clusters associated to α\alpha-Cheeger constants and natural energies like the sum or maximum: we prove that, as the parameter α\alpha converges to the "critical" value (N1N)+\Big (\frac{N-1}{N}\Big ) _+, optimal Cheeger clusters converge to solutions of different packing problems for balls, depending on the energy under consideration. As well, we propose an efficient phase field approach based on a multiphase Gamma convergence result of Modica-Mortola type, in order to compute α\alpha-Cheeger constants, optimal clusters and, as a consequence of the asymptotic result, optimal packings. Numerical experiments are carried over in two and three space dimensions

    Vortex oscillations in confined Bose-Einstein condensate interacting with 1D optical lattice

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    We study Bose-Einstein condensate of atomic Boson gases trapped in a composite potential of a harmonic potential and an optical lattice potential. We found a series of collective excitations that induces localized vortex oscillations with a characteristic wavelength. The oscillations might be observed experimentally when radial confinement is tight. We present the excitation spectra of the vortex oscillation modes and propose a way to experimentally excite the modes.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures. Title, abstract and references are update

    Vortex nucleation through edge states in finite Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the vortex nucleation in a finite Bose-Einstein condensate. Using a set of non-local and chiral boundary conditions to solve the Schro¨\ddot{o}dinger equation of non-interacting bosons in a rotating trap, we obtain a quantitative expression for the characteristic angular velocity for vortex nucleation in a condensate which is found to be 35% of the transverse harmonic trapping frequency.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Both figures and the text have been revise

    Diffused vorticity approach to the oscillations of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a harmonic plus quartic trap

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    The collective modes of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate confined in an attractive quadratic plus quartic trap are investigated. Assuming the presence of a large number of vortices we apply the diffused vorticity approach to the system. We then use the sum rule technique for the calculation of collective frequencies, comparing the results with the numerical solution of the linearized hydrodynamic equations. Numerical solutions also show the existence of low-frequency multipole modes which are interpreted as vortex oscillations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure