187 research outputs found

    The chronic fatigue syndrome and hyperventilation

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    Severe fatigue and related factors in cancer patients before the initiation of treatment

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    It is generally known that fatigue is a common symptom during cancer treatment, and in cancer survivors. However, fatigue was never studied after diagnosis, before cancer treatment was initiated. This study investigated the prevalence of severe fatigue, and related factors, in cancer patients before the initiation of treatment. One hundred and seventy-nine patients with various malignancies were assessed before start of treatment with curative intention, including the Checklist Individual Strength, Sickness Impact Profile, Beck Depression Inventory Primary Care, Symptom Checklist-90, and six Numeric Rating Scales to measure fatigue, pain and physical activity. To test which factors contributed to severe fatigue a logistic regression analysis was performed. In total 23.5% patients were severely fatigued, varying between diagnoses; prostate cancer (14.3%), breast cancer (20.3%), and gastrointestinal cancer (28.1%). Currently lower physical activity (P=0.013), more depressive mood (P=0.014), impaired sleep and rest during the day and night (P=0.045), and fatigue 1 year before diagnosis (P=0.005) contributed to severe fatigue. Relatively large numbers of cancer patients already experience severe fatigue before initiation of treatment, varying between 14–28%. The factors that contributed to severe fatigue at this stage were physical activity, depressive mood, impaired sleep and rest, and fatigue 1 year before diagnosis

    The (ir)relevance of the abandoned criterion II for the diagnosis of serrated polyposis syndrome:a retrospective cohort study

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) recently updated the diagnostic criteria for serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS). One of the three previous diagnostic criteria (criterion II 2010) is now abandoned: ≥ 1 serrated polyp (SP) proximal to the sigmoid in a first-degree relative (FDR) of a patient with SPS. Individuals fulfilling this abandoned criterion now receive the same surveillance recommendations as all FDRs of patients with SPS. We aimed to compare the incidence of advanced neoplasia (AN) in FDRs with vs. without fulfillment of the abandoned criterion II 2010. We retrospectively recruited FDRs of patients with SPS who underwent a colonoscopy, and stratified them according to fulfilment of criterion II 2010 at baseline. Our primary and secondary outcomes were AN incidence during surveillance and at baseline, respectively. We included 224 FDRs of patients with SPS, of whom 36 (16%) fulfilled criterion II 2010 at baseline. One hundred and five underwent surveillance after baseline. Criterion II 2010-positive FDRs were at increased risk of AN, both during surveillance (hazard ratio 8.94, 95% CI 2.15–37.1, p =.003) as well as at baseline (adjusted odds-ratio 9.30, 95% CI 3.7–23.3, p <.001). FDRs of patients with SPS that underwent colonoscopy and fulfilled the abandoned criterion II 2010 for SPS diagnosis were at increased risk of AN at baseline and during surveillance in this small, retrospective cohort study. Our results should be interpreted with caution but suggest that adherence to surveillance recommendations for all FDRs of patients with SPS is important, especially for those that would have fulfilled the now abandoned criterion II 2010

    Clinical assessment of the physical activity pattern of chronic fatigue syndrome patients: a validation of three methods

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    Contains fulltext : 79568.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Effective treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) relies on a correct classification of so called 'fluctuating active' versus 'passive' patients. For successful treatment with CBT is it especially important to recognise the passive patients and give them a tailored treatment protocol. In the present study it was evaluated whether CFS patient's physical activity pattern can be assessed most accurately with the 'Activity Pattern Interview' (API), the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) or the CFS-Activity Questionnaire (CFS-AQ). METHODS: The three instruments were validated compared to actometers. Actometers are until now the best and most objective instrument to measure physical activity, but they are too expensive and time consuming for most clinical practice settings. In total 226 CFS patients enrolled for CBT therapy answered the API at intake and filled in the two questionnaires. Directly after intake they wore the actometer for two weeks. Based on receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves the validity of the three methods were assessed and compared. RESULTS: Both the API and the two questionnaires had an acceptable validity (0.64 to 0.71). None of the three instruments was significantly better than the others. The proportion of false predictions was rather high for all three instrument. The IPAQ had the highest proportion of correct passive predictions (sensitivity 70.1%). CONCLUSION: The validity of all three instruments appeared to be fair, and all showed rather high proportions of false classifications. Hence in fact none of the tested instruments could really be called satisfactory. Because the IPAQ showed to be the best in correctly predicting 'passive' CFS patients, which is most essentially related to treatment results, it was concluded that the IPAQ is the preferable alternative for an actometer when treating CFS patients in clinical practice

    Measurement properties of the EQ-5D across four major geriatric conditions: Findings from TOPICS-MDS

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    Background: As populations age, chronic geriatric conditions linked to progressive organ failure jeopardize health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Thus, this research assessed the validity and applicability of the EQ-5D (a common HRQoL instrument) across four major chronic geriatric conditions: hearing issues, joint damage, urinary incontinence, or dizziness with falls. Methods: The study sample comprised 25,637 community-dwelling persons aged 65 years and older residing in the Netherlands (Data source: TOPICS-MDS, www.topics-mds.eu ). Floor and ceiling effects were examined. To assess convergent validity, random effects meta-correlations (Spearman's rho) were derived between individual EQ-5D domains and related survey items. To further examine construct validity, the association between sociodemographic characteristics and EQ-5D summary scores were assessed using linear mixed models. Outcomes were compared to the overall study population as well as a 'healthy' subgroup reporting no major chronic conditions. Results: Whereas ceiling effects were observed in the overall study population and the 'healthy' subgroup, such was not the case in the geriatric condition subgroups. The majority of hypotheses regarding correlations between survey items and sociodemographic associations were supported. EQ-5D summary scores were lower in respondents who were older, female, widowed/single, lower educated, and living alone. Increasing co-morbidity had a clear negative effect on EQ-5D scores. Conclusion: This study supported the construct validity of the EQ-5D across four major geriatric conditions. For older persons who are generally healthy, i.e. reporting few to no chronic conditions, the EQ-5D confers poor discriminative ability due to ceiling effects. Although the overall dataset initially suggested poor discriminative ability for the EQ-5D, such was not the case within subgroups presenting with major geriatric conditions

    Study protocol of the TIRED study:A randomised controlled trial comparing either graded exercise therapy for severe fatigue or cognitive behaviour therapy with usual care in patients with incurable cancer

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    Background: Fatigue is a common and debilitating symptom for patients with incurable cancer receiving systemic treatment with palliative intent. There is evidence that non-pharmacological interventions such as graded exercise therapy (GET) or cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) reduce cancer-related fatigue in disease-free cancer patients and in patients receiving treatment with curative intent. These interventions may also result in a reduction of fatigue in patients receiving treatment with palliative intent, by improving physical fitness (GET) or changing fatigue-related cognitions and behaviour (CBT). The primary aim of our study is to assess the efficacy of GET or CBT compared to usual care (UC) in reducing fatigue in patients with incurable cancer. Methods: The TIRED study is a multicentre three-armed randomised controlled trial (RCT) for incurable cancer patients receiving systemic treatment with palliative intent. Participants will be randomised to GET, CBT, or UC. In addition to UC, the GET group will participate in a 12-week supervised exercise programme. The CBT group will receive a 12-week CBT intervention in addition to UC. Primary and secondary outcome measures will be assessed at baseline, post-intervention (14 weeks), and at follow-up assessments (18 and 26 weeks post-randomisation). The primary outcome measure is fatigue severity (Checklist Individual Strength subscale fatigue severity). Secondary outcome measures are fatigue (EORTC-QLQ-C30 subscale fatigue), functional impairments (Sickness Impact Profile total score, EORTC-QLQ-C30 subscale emotional functioning, subscale physical functioning) and quality of life (EORTC-QLQ-C30 subscale QoL). Outcomes at 14 weeks (primary endpoint) of either treatment arm will be compared to those of UC participants. In addition, outcomes at 18 and 26 weeks (follow-up assessments) of either treatment arm will be compared to those of UC participants. Discussion: To our knowledge, the TIRED study is the first RCT investigating the efficacy of GET and CBT on reducing fatigue during treatment with palliative intent in incurable cancer patients. The results of this study will provide information about the possibility and efficacy of GET and CBT for severely fatigued incurable cancer patients

    Proactieve en gestructureerde zorg voor kwetsbare oudere patiënten in de eerstelijn: Achtergrond, opzet en uitvoering van een screenings- en zorgprogramma

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    De huidige zorg voor de oudere, kwetsbare patiënt is reactief, gefragmenteerd en voldoet niet aan de behoefte van de patiënt. Gezien de verwachte sterke toename van de groep thuiswonende, kwetsbare oudere patiënten is een transitie nodig naar proactieve en geïntegreerde zorg. In de hier beschreven studie onderzoeken we twee innovatieve interventies in deze zorg: een screenings- en monitoringsprogramma voor kwetsbare ouderen op basis van routine zorggegevens en een multidisciplinair interventie programma door een verpleegkundige ouderenzorg in de huisartsenpraktijk. De effectiviteit van de interventies wordt onderzocht in een drie-armige, cluster gerandomiseerde trial, die plaats vindt binnen 58 huisartsenpraktijken in Utrecht, de Bilt en Maarssenbroek. 3008 patiënten zijn geïncludeerd. Primaire uitkomstmaat is het effect van de interventies op de dagelijkse bezigheden, gemeten met de Katz vragenlijst. Secundaire uitkomstmaten zijn kwaliteit van leven, mortaliteit, opname in een verzorgings- of verpleeghuis, bezoek aan een spoedeisende hulp of huisartsenpost, opnames in het ziekenhuis en mantelzorgbelasting. In dit artikel beschrijven we de achtergrond, opzet en uitvoering van een proactief en gestructureerd screenings- en zorgprogramma voor kwetsbare thuiswonende ouderen. De resultaten van de interventies worden elders beschreven

    Psychometric evaluation of the Decision Support Tool for Functional Independence in community-dwelling older people

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    Background: The aging population is increasingly faced with daily life limitations, threatening their Functional Independence (FI). These limitations extend different life domains and require a broad range of community-care professionals to be addressed. The Decision Support Tool for Functional Independence (DST-FI) facilitates community-care professionals in providing uncontradictory recommendations regarding the maintenance of FI in community-dwelling older people. The current study aims to determine the validity and reliability of the DST-FI. Methods: Sixty community-care professionals completed a twofold assessment. To assess construct validity, participants were asked to assign predefined recommendations to fifty cases of older people to maintain their level of FI. Hypotheses were tested regarding the expected recommendations per case. Content validity was assessed by questions on relevance, comprehensiveness, and comprehensibility of the current set of recommendations. Twelve participants repeated the assessment after two weeks to enable both within- and between rater reliability properties, expressed by an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. Results: Seven out of eight predefined hypotheses confirmed expectations, indicating high construct validity. As the recommendations were indicated ‘relevant’ and ‘complete’, content validity was high as well. Agreement between raters was poor to moderate while agreement within raters was moderate to excellent, resulting in moderate overall reliability. CONCLUSION: The DST-FI suggests high validity and moderate reliability properties when used in a population of community-dwelling older people. The tool could facilitate community-care professionals in their task to preserve FI in older people. Future research should focus on psychometric properties like feasibility, acceptability, and developing and piloting strategies for implementation in community-care

    Substantial and sustained improvement of serrated polyp detection after a simple educational intervention: Results from a prospective controlled trial

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    Objective: Serrated polyps (SPs) are an important cause of postcolonoscopy colorectal cancers (PCCRCs), which is likely the result of suboptimal SP detection during colonoscopy. We assessed the long-term effect of a simple educational intervention focusing on optimising SP detection. Design: An educational intervention, consisting of two 45 min training sessions (held 3 years apart) on serrated polyp detection, was given to endoscopists from 9 Dutch hospitals. Hundred randomly selected and untrained endoscopists from other hospitals were selected as control group. Our primary outcome measure was the proximal SP detection rate (PSPDR) in trained versus untrained endoscopists who participated in our faecal immunochemical test (FIT)-based population screening programme. Results: Seventeen trained and 100 untrained endoscopists were included, who performed 11 305 and 51 039 colonoscopies, respectively. At baseline, PSPDR was equal between the groups (9.3% vs 9.3%). After training, the PSPDR of trained endoscopists gradually increased to 15.6% in 2018. This was significantly higher than the PSPDR of untrained endoscopists, which remained stable around 10% (p=0.018). All below-average (ie, PSPDR ≤6%) endoscopists at baseline improved their PSPDR after training session 1, as did 57% of endoscopists with average PSPDR (6%-12%) at baseline. The second training session further improved the PSPDR in 44% of endoscopists with average PSPDR after the first training. Conclusion: A simple educational intervention was associated with substantial long-term improvement of PSPDR in a prospective controlled trial within FIT-based population screening. Widespread implementation of such interventions might be an easy way to improve SP detection, which may ultimately result in fewer PCCRCs. Trial registration number: NCT03902899

    Interventions to reduce interpersonal stigma towards patients with a mental dysregulation for ambulance and emergency department healthcare professionals: review protocol for an integrative review

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    Introduction Worldwide, there is an increase in the extent and severity of mental illness. Exacerbation of somatic complaints in this group of people can result in recurring ambulance and emergency department care. The care of patients with a mental dysregulation (ie, experiencing a mental health problem and disproportionate feelings like fear, anger, sadness or confusion, possibly with associated behaviours) can be complex and challenging in the emergency care context, possibly evoking a wide variety of feelings, ranging from worry or pity to annoyance and frustration in emergency care staff members. This in return may lead to stigma towards patients with a mental dysregulation seeking emergency care. Interventions have been developed impacting attitude and behaviour and minimising stigma held by healthcare professionals. However, these interventions are not explicitly aimed at the emergency care context nor do these represent perspectives of healthcare professionals working within this context. Therefore, the aim of the proposed review is to gain insight into interventions targeting healthcare professionals, which minimise stigma including beliefs, attitudes and behaviour towards patients with a mental dysregulation within the emergency care context. Methods and analysis The protocol for a systematic integrative review is presented, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Protocols recommendations. A systematic search was performed on 13 July 2023. Study selection and data extraction will be performed by two independent reviewers. In each step, an expert with lived experience will comment on process and results. Software applications RefWorks-ProQuest, Rayyan and ATLAS. ti will be used to enhance the quality of the review and transparency of process and results. Ethics and dissemination No ethical approval or safety considerations are required for this review. The proposed review will be submitted to a relevant international journal. Results will be presented at relevant medical scientific conferences
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