4,778 research outputs found

    The effect of dark strings on semilocal strings

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    Dark strings have recently been suggested to exist in new models of dark matter that explain the excessive electronic production in the galaxy. We study the interaction of these dark strings with semilocal strings which are solutions of the bosonic sector of the Standard Model in the limit sin2θw=1\sin^2\theta_{\rm w}=1, where θw\theta_{\rm w} is the Weinberg angle. While embedded Abelian-Higgs strings exist for generic values of the coupling constants, we show that semilocal solutions with non-vanishing condensate inside the string core exist only above a critical value of the Higgs to gauge boson mass ratio when interacting with dark strings. Above this critical value, which is greater than unity, the energy per unit length of the semilocal-dark string solutions is always smaller than that of the embedded Abelian-Higgs-dark string solutions and we show that Abelian-Higgs-dark strings become unstable above this critical value. Different from the non-interacting case, we would thus expect semilocal strings to be stable for values of the Higgs to gauge boson mass ratio larger than unity. Moreover, the one-parameter family of solutions present in the non-interacting case ceases to exist when semilocal strings interact with dark strings.Comment: 16 pages including 6 figures; stability analysis adde

    Angularly excited and interacting boson stars and Q-balls

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    We study angularly excited as well as interacting non-topological solitons, so-called Q-balls and their gravitating counterparts, so-called boson stars in 3+1 dimensions. Q-balls and boson stars carry a non-vanishing Noether charge and arise as solutions of complex scalar field models in a flat space-time background and coupled minimally to gravity, respectively. We present examples of interacting Q-balls that arise due to angular excitations, which are closely related to the spherical harmonics. We also construct explicit examples of rotating boson stars that interact with non-rotating boson stars. We observe that rotating boson stars tend to absorb the non-rotating ones for increasing, but reasonably small gravitational coupling. This is a new phenomenon as compared to the flat space-time limit and is related to the negative contribution of the rotation term to the energy density of the solutions. In addition, our results indicate that a system of a rotating and non-rotating boson star can become unstable if the direct interaction term in the potential is large enough. This instability is related to the appearance of ergoregions.Comment: 20 pages including 9 figures; for higher quality figures please contact the authors; v2: minor changes, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Geodesic motion in the space-time of cosmic strings interacting via magnetic fields

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    We study the geodesic motion of test particles in the space-time of two Abelian-Higgs strings interacting via their magnetic fields. These bound states of cosmic strings constitute a field theoretical realization of p-q-strings which are predicted by inflationary models rooted in String Theory, e.g. brane inflation. In contrast to previously studied models describing p-q-strings our model possesses a Bogomolnyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit. If cosmic strings exist it would be exciting to detect them by direct observation. We propose that this can be done by the observation of test particle motion in the space-time of these objects. In order to be able to make predictions we have to solve the field equations describing the configuration as well as the geodesic equation numerically. The geodesics can then be classified according to the test particle's energy, angular momentum and momentum along the string axis. We find that the interaction of two Abelian-Higgs strings can lead to the existence of bound orbits that would be absent without the interaction. We also discuss the minimal and maximal radius of orbits and comment on possible applications in the context of gravitational wave emission.Comment: v1: 22 pages including 17 figures; v2: new figure added, section on observables added; acccepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A generalization of bounds for cyclic codes, including the HT and BS bounds

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    We use the algebraic structure of cyclic codes and some properties of the discrete Fourier transform to give a reformulation of several classical bounds for the distance of cyclic codes, by extending techniques of linear algebra. We propose a bound, whose computational complexity is polynomial bounded, which is a generalization of the Hartmann-Tzeng bound and the Betti-Sala bound. In the majority of computed cases, our bound is the tightest among all known polynomial-time bounds, including the Roos bound

    Glueball condensates as holographic duals of supersymmetric Q-balls and boson stars

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    We study non-spinning Q-balls and boson stars in 4-dimensional Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space-time. We use an exponential scalar field potential that appears in gauge-mediated supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM). We investigate the dependence of the charge and mass of these non-topological solitons on the negative cosmological constant, the frequency that appears in the periodic time-dependence as well as on the ratio between the SUSY breaking scale and the Planck mass. Next to fundamental solutions without nodes in the scalar field function we also construct radially excited solutions. In the second part of the paper we put the emphasis on the holographic interpretation of these solutions in terms of Bose-Einstein condensates of scalar glueballs that are described by a strongly coupled Quantum Field Theory (QFT) on the boundary of global AdS.Comment: 17 pages including 11 figures; v2: 19 pages including 13 figures, references added, figures adde

    Symmetry breaking in (gravitating) scalar field models describing interacting boson stars and Q-balls

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    We investigate the properties of interacting Q-balls and boson stars that sit on top of each other in great detail. The model that describes these solutions is essentially a (gravitating) two-scalar field model where both scalar fields are complex. We construct interacting Q-balls or boson stars with arbitrarily small charges but finite mass. We observe that in the interacting case - where the interaction can be either due to the potential or due to gravity - two types of solutions exist for equal frequencies: one for which the two scalar fields are equal, but also one for which the two scalar fields differ. This constitutes a symmetry breaking in the model. While for Q-balls asymmetric solutions have always corresponding symmetric solutions and are thus likely unstable to decay to symmetric solutions with lower energy, there exists a parameter regime for interacting boson stars, where only asymmetric solutions exist. We present the domain of existence for two interacting non-rotating solutions as well as for solutions describing the interaction between rotating and non-rotating Q-balls and boson stars, respectively.Comment: 33 pages including 21 figures; v2: version considerably extended: 6 new figures added, equations of motion added, discussion on varying gravitational coupling added, references adde

    Rotating Boson Stars in 5 Dimensions

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    We study rotating boson stars in five spacetime dimensions. The boson fields consist of a complex doublet scalar field. Considering boson stars rotating in two orthogonal planes with both angular momenta of equal magnitude, a special ansatz for the boson field and the metric allows for solutions with nontrivial dependence on the radial coordinate only. The charge of the scalar field equals the sum of the angular momenta. The rotating boson stars are globally regular and asymptotically flat. For our choice of a sixtic potential the rotating boson star solutions possess a flat spacetime limit. We study the solutions in flat and curved spacetime.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    The geometry of manifolds and the perception of space

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    This essay discusses the development of key geometric ideas in the 19th century which led to the formulation of the concept of an abstract manifold (which was not necessarily tied to an ambient Euclidean space) by Hermann Weyl in 1913. This notion of manifold and the geometric ideas which could be formulated and utilized in such a setting (measuring a distance between points, curvature and other geometric concepts) was an essential ingredient in Einstein's gravitational theory of space-time from 1916 and has played important roles in numerous other theories of nature ever since.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1301.064

    The multiform motor cortical output: kinematic, predictive and response coding

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    Observing actions performed by others entails a subliminal activation of primary motor cortex reflecting the components encoded in the observed action. One of the most debated issues concerns the role of this output: Is it a mere replica of the incoming flow of information (kinematic coding), is it oriented to anticipate the forthcoming events (predictive coding) or is it aimed at responding in a suitable fashion to the actions of others (response coding)? The aim of the present study was to disentangle the relative contribution of these three levels and unify them into an integrated view of cortical motor coding. We combined transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electromyography recordings at different timings to probe the excitability of corticospinal projections to upper and lower limb muscles of participants observing a soccer player performing: (i) a penalty kick straight in their direction and then coming to a full stop, (ii) a penalty kick straight in their direction and then continuing to run, (iii) a penalty kick to the side and then continuing to run. The results show a modulation of the observer's corticospinal excitability in different effectors at different times reflecting a multiplicity of motor coding. The internal replica of the observed action, the predictive activation, and the adaptive integration of congruent and non-congruent responses to the actions of others can coexist in a not mutually exclusive way. Such a view offers reconciliation among different (and apparently divergent) frameworks in action observation literature, and will promote a more complete and integrated understanding of recent findings on motor simulation, motor resonance and automatic imitation

    A Fuzzy Set Approach to Measuring Violence Against Women and Its Severity

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    We develop a scale of severity of violence against women based on fuzzy set theory. The scale can be used to derive fuzzy indexes of violence which account for the prevalence, frequency and severity of violence. Using the results of the survey conducted by the European Agency for Human Rights (FRA) we find strong congruence of ranking between the proposed scale and three widely used alternatives – the Conflict Tactic Scale, The Severity of Violence Against Women Scale and the Index of Spouse Abuse. Unlike existing alternatives, however, the scale that we propose is based on objective information rather than subjective assessment; it is parsimonious in terms of the amount of information that it requires; and it is less vulnerable to risks of cultural bias. As an example of the uses to which fuzzy measurement of violence can be put, we compute fuzzy indexes of intimate partner violence for European countries and find a clear, inverse correlation across countries with the degree of gender equality