616 research outputs found

    Simulating Astro-H Observations of Sloshing Gas Motions in the Cores of Galaxy Clusters

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    Astro-H will be the first X-ray observatory to employ a high-resolution microcalorimeter, capable of measuring the shift and width of individual spectral lines to the precision necessary for estimating the velocity of the diffuse plasma in galaxy clusters. This new capability is expected to bring significant progress in understanding the dynamics, and therefore the physics, of the intracluster medium. However, because this plasma is optically thin, projection effects will be an important complicating factor in interpreting future Astro-H measurements. To study these effects in detail, we performed an analysis of the velocity field from simulations of a galaxy cluster experiencing gas sloshing, and generated synthetic X-ray spectra, convolved with model Astro-H Soft X-ray Spectrometer (SXS) responses. We find that the sloshing motions produce velocity signatures that will be observable by Astro-H in nearby clusters: the shifting of the line centroid produced by the fast-moving cold gas underneath the front surface, and line broadening produced by the smooth variation of this motion along the line of sight. The line shapes arising from inviscid or strongly viscous simulations are very similar, indicating that placing constraints on the gas viscosity from these measurements will be difficult. Our spectroscopic analysis demonstrates that, for adequate exposures, Astro-H will be able to recover the first two moments of the velocity distribution of these motions accurately, and in some cases multiple velocity components may be discerned. The simulations also confirm the importance of accurate treatment of PSF scattering in the interpretation of Astro-H/SXS spectra of cluster plasmas.Comment: 27 pages, 20 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Using ACIS on the Chandra X-ray Observatory as a particle radiation monitor

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    The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) is one of two focal-plane instruments on the Chandra X-ray Observatory. During initial radiation-belt passes, the exposed ACIS suffered significant radiation damage from trapped soft protons scattering off the x-ray telescope's mirrors. The primary effect of this damage was to increase the charge-transfer inefficiency (CTI) of the ACIS 8 front-illuminated CCDs. Subsequently, the Chandra team implemented procedures to remove the ACIS from the telescope's focus during high-radiation events: planned protection during radiation-belt transits; autonomous protection triggered by an on-board radiation monitor; and manual intervention based upon assessment of space-weather conditions. However, as Chandra's multilayer insulation ages, elevated temperatures have reduced the effectiveness of the on-board radiation monitor for autonomous protection. Here we investigate using the ACIS CCDs themselves as a radiation monitor. We explore the 10-year database to evaluate the CCDs' response to particle radiation and to compare this response with other radiation data and environment models.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Proc. SPIE vol. 773

    Sacrificial charge and the spectral resolution performance of the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer

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    Soon after launch, the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS), one of the focal plane instruments on the Chandra X-ray Observatory, suffered radiation damage from exposure to soft protons during passages through the Earth's radiation belts. The ACIS team is continuing to study the properties of the damage with an emphasis on developing techniques to mitigate charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) and spectral resolution degradation. A post-facto CTI corrector has been developed which can effectively recover much of the lost resolution. Any further improvements in performance will require knowledge of the location and amount of sacrificial charge - charge deposited along the readout path of an event which fills electron traps and changes CTI. We report on efforts by the ACIS Instrument team to characterize which charge traps cause performance degradation and the properties of the sacrificial charge seen on-orbit. We also report on attempts to correct X-ray pulseheights for the presence of sacrificial charge.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures to be published in Proc. SPIE 485

    The Evolution of Cluster Substructure with Redshift

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    Using Chandra archival data, we quantify the evolution of cluster morphology with redshift. To quantify cluster morphology, we use the power ratio method developed by Buote and Tsai (1995). Power ratios are constructed from moments of the two-dimensional gravitational potential and are, therefore, related to a cluster's dynamical state. Our sample will include 40 clusters from the Chandra archive with redshifts between 0.11 and 0.89. These clusters were selected from two fairly complete flux-limited X-ray surveys (the ROSAT Bright Cluster Sample and the Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey), and additional high-redshift clusters were selected from recent ROSAT flux-limited surveys. Here we present preliminary results from the first 28 clusters in this sample. Of these, 16 have redshifts below 0.5, and 12 have redshifts above 0.5.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, corrected a reference, to appear in the proceeding of Multiwavelength Cosmology, ed. M. Plioni

    Using ACIS on the Chandra X-ray Observatory as a particle radiation monitor II

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    The Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer is an instrument on the Chandra X-ray Observatory. CCDs are vulnerable to radiation damage, particularly by soft protons in the radiation belts and solar storms. The Chandra team has implemented procedures to protect ACIS during high-radiation events including autonomous protection triggered by an on-board radiation monitor. Elevated temperatures have reduced the effectiveness of the on-board monitor. The ACIS team has developed an algorithm which uses data from the CCDs themselves to detect periods of high radiation and a flight software patch to apply this algorithm is currently active on-board the instrument. In this paper, we explore the ACIS response to particle radiation through comparisons to a number of external measures of the radiation environment. We hope to better understand the efficiency of the algorithm as a function of the flux and spectrum of the particles and the time-profile of the radiation event.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Proc. SPIE 8443, "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray

    A very deep Chandra observation of Abell 1795: The Cold Front and Cooling Wake

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    We present a new analysis of very deep Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 1795. Utilizing nearly 750 ks of net ACIS imaging, we are able to resolve the thermodynamic structure of the Intracluster Medium (ICM) on length scales of ~ 1 kpc near the cool core. We find several previously unresolved structures, including a high pressure feature to the north of the BCG that appears to arise from the bulk motion of Abell 1795's cool core. To the south of the cool core, we find low temperature (~ 3 keV), diffuse ICM gas extending for distances of ~ 50 kpc spatially coincident with previously identified filaments of H-alpha emission. Gas at similar temperatures is also detected in adjacent regions without any H-alpha emission. The X-ray gas coincident with the H-alpha filament has been measured to be cooling spectroscopically at a rate of ~ 1 Solar Masses/ yr, consistent with measurements of the star formation rate in this region as inferred from UV observations, suggesting that the star formation in this filament as inferred by its Hα\alpha and UV emission can trace its origin to the rapid cooling of dense, X-ray emitting gas. The H-alpha filament is not a unique site of cooler ICM, however, as ICM at similar temperatures and even higher metallicities not cospatial with Hα\alpha emission is observed just to the west of the H-alpha filament, suggesting that it may have been uplifted by Abell 1795's central active galaxy. Further simulations of cool core sloshing and AGN feedback operating in concert with one another will be necessary to understand how such a dynamic cool core region may have originated and why the H-alpha emission is so localized with respect to the cool X-ray gas despite the evidence for a catastrophic cooling flow.Comment: 14 Pages, 10 Figures, Resubmitted to ApJ after first referee report, Higher Resolution Figures available upon reques

    Chandra X-ray Observations of Galaxies in an Off-Center Region of the Coma Cluster

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    We have performed a pilot Chandra survey of an off-center region of the Coma cluster to explore the X-ray properties and Luminosity Function of normal galaxies. We present results on 13 Chandra-detected galaxies with optical photometric matches, including four spectroscopically-confirmed Coma-member galaxies. All seven spectroscopically confirmed giant Coma galaxies in this field have detections or limits consistent with low X-ray to optical flux ratios (fX/fR < 10^-3). We do not have sufficient numbers of X-ray detected galaxies to directly measure the galaxy X-ray Luminosity Function (XLF). However, since we have a well-measured optical LF, we take this low X-ray to optical flux ratio for the 7 spectroscopically confirmed galaxies to translate the optical LF to an XLF. We find good agreement with Finoguenov et al. (2004), indicating that the X-ray emission per unit optical flux per galaxy is suppressed in clusters of galaxies, but extends this work to a specific off-center environment in the Coma cluster. Finally, we report the discovery of a region of diffuse X-ray flux which might correspond to a small group interacting with the Coma Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Detection of x-rays from galaxy groups associated with the gravitationally lensed systems PG 1115+080 and B1422+231

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    Gravitational lenses that produce multiple images of background quasars can be an invaluable cosmological tool. Deriving cosmological parameters, however, requires modeling the potential of the lens itself. It has been estimated that up to a quarter of lensing galaxies are associated with a group or cluster which perturbs the gravitational potential. Detection of X-ray emission from the group or cluster can be used to better model the lens. We report on the first detection in X-rays of the group associated with the lensing system PG 1115+080 and the first X-ray image of the group associated with the system B1422+231. We find a temperature and rest-frame luminosity of 0.8 +/- 0.1 keV and 7 +/- 2 x 10^{42} ergs/s for PG 1115+080 and 1.0 +infty/-0.3 keV and 8 +/- 3 x 10^{42} ergs/s for B1422+231. We compare the spatial and spectral characteristics of the X-ray emission to the properties of the group galaxies, to lens models, and to the general properties of groups at lower redshift.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 17 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes to tex
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