15 research outputs found

    CD-independent subsets in meet-distributive lattices

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    A subset XX of a finite lattice LL is CD-independent if the meet of any two incomparable elements of XX equals 0. In 2009, Cz\'edli, Hartmann and Schmidt proved that any two maximal CD-independent subsets of a finite distributive lattice have the same number of elements. In this paper, we prove that if LL is a finite meet-distributive lattice, then the size of every CD-independent subset of LL is at most the number of atoms of LL plus the length of LL. If, in addition, there is no three-element antichain of meet-irreducible elements, then we give a recursive description of maximal CD-independent subsets. Finally, to give an application of CD-independent subsets, we give a new approach to count islands on a rectangular board.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    One-dimensional Czédli-type Islands

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