8 research outputs found

    Nilai-nilai Gotong-royong Dalam Tari Mbuah Page (Analisis Semiotika Nilai-nilai Gotong-royong Dalam Tari Mbuah Page Pada Acara Adat Merdang-merdem Di Desa Perbesi Kecamatan Tigabinanga Kabupaten Karo Sumatera Utara)

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    This research, entitled “Nilai-nilai Gotong-royong Dalam Tari Mbuah Page” (AnalisisSemiotika Nilai-nilai Gotong-royongDalamTari Mbuah Page padaAcara Adat Merdang-merdemdi Desa Perbesi Kecamatan Tigabinanga Kabupaten Karo Sumatera Utara). This research startsfrom the assumption that the Mbuah Page dance as one of the traditional arts are not just as ameans of entertainment, but loaded with deep values. This dance is one of the traditional danceof the Karo people who are still found in traditional event Merdang-Merdem in Perbesi Village .This dance is used as media to convey the message of values mutual assistance. Mbuah Pagedance describes how villagers conducting a series of activities in the fields, ranging from riceplanting until harvest results. This research aimed to identify the symbols used in Mbuah Pagedance on Merdang-merdem ceremony.The research method used in this study is qualitative and interpretative methods of interpretationSemiotics of Roland Barthes. Analysis of the data in this study are exploratory descriptiveexplanations to describe and explain a phenomenon. Test the validity of data is a source oftriangulation to strengthen the analysis in this research.The results mentioned that Mbuah Page dance used the media to convey the message thevalues of mutual assistance. The message was built by the symbolism inherent in the dance,among others, whole body movements of dancers, musical accompaniment, traditional clothingand other devices all of which have relationships with one another. It can be concluded from thisresearch process have meanings that explain the noble values of mutual help and Mbuah Pagedance became the media to convey the message to the public about the importance of a spirit ofmutual assistance in a life together

    Gotong Royong in The Millennial Era

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    Gotong Royong in Indonesian History

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    A new perspective into the relationship between CEO pay and firm performance: evidence from Nigeria’s listed firms

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