9 research outputs found

    Dinamiche comunicative in famiglie con giovani adulti con diagnosi di diabete di tipo I

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    L’interesse scientifico per le famiglie in cui è presente un figlio con patologia cronica nasce dai risultati di studi che hanno indagato le relazioni tra i processi familiari e l’aderenza ai trattamenti terapeutici prescritti; ad esempio, le associazioni tra il funzionamento familiare e il controllo metabolico sono documentati nella direzione di una gestione del conflitto costruttiva associata ad un maggiore controllo glicemico (Anderson et al., 2009). Altro risultato riguarda i processi relazionali degli adolescenti che devono confrontarsi con ostacoli e limiti nelle relazioni amorose e in quelle amicali, in cui talvolta si assiste ad una mancata deindividuazione (Kyngas, Kroll, Duffy, 2000). Sulla base di questo quadro teorico, è stata messa a punto una ricerca osservazionale che ha coinvolto la triade famigliare in cui era presente un figlio giovane adulto che aveva ricevuto diagnosi di diabete di tipo I. L'obiettivo del contributo è quello di analizzare la qualità delle relazioni familiari in famiglie con adolescenti che hanno ricevuto una diagnosi di diabete di tipo I. Le triadi familiari partecipanti allo studio, dopo aver firmato il consenso informato, sono state videoregistrate in un compito di discussione della durata di 15 minuti. Le interazioni videoregistrate sono state analizzate attraverso il sistema di codifica CECS (Constraining and Enabling Coding System), che include due dimensioni principali, vincolante e facilitante, suddivise al loro interno in due categorie: quella cognitiva e quella affettiva. I risultati hanno mostrato una tendenza generale delle famiglie partecipanti ad utilizzare forme d’interazione legate alla categoria cognitiva facilitante, caratterizzate dall’utilizzo di espressioni che promuovono la discussione. Inoltre, i padri si esprimono attraverso forme di svalutazione e di indifferenza; mentre le madri riescono ad avere dinamiche comunicative maggiormente facilitanti.The interest of clinical psychology to chronic pathological conditions and issues related to them emphasize the understanding of variables that affect adherence in relation to medical treatment. In this framework, many studies investigated young patients with diabetes type 1 and their families to understand communication dynamics (Seiffge-Krenke, 1995, 1998; Anderson et al., 2009). In this study, we analysed family interactions to understand communication dynamics which enable authonomy in young adult patients. Results showed all families preferred to use forms of interactions based on facilitating cognitive category, characterized by the use of expressions that promote discussion. Again, fathers expressed through forms of devaluation and indifference; while mothers are able to get more facilitative communication dynamics

    La "difficile" narrazione del rischio.

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    the risk as polysemic and dynamic construct assumes, therefore, means different things to which it is necessary to approach getting into the plot of the meanings constructed in the context of relationship. This paper then uses a perspective centered on the discursive productions of young people, considered as valid for the understanding of social reality. Through the help of ATLAS.ti software, we obtained as a result that the school is the place where respect, justice and the rules of civil coexistence have no foundation. Again, the culture for these adolescents is a culture in which it is difficult to ask for help, not only for their own needs but also recognize them as such both for themselves and for others

    Holistic View on Synthetic Natural Gas Production: A Technical, Economic and Environmental Analysis

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    Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) is the most researched option for a Power-to-Fuel pathway in Germany after hydrogen, having the advantage of being compatible with the existing infrastructure. However, it is not clear under which conditions SNG is economically and environmentally advantageous compared to natural gas usage, since this is determined by a complex interplay of many factors. This study analyzes the technical, economic and environmental aspects of a pilot SNG plant to determine the key parameters for profitable and sustainable operation. The SNG plant was simulated in Aspen Plus® with CO2_{2} from biogas production as a feedstock and with hydrogen provided by a 1 MWel_{el} electrolyzer unit. A life cycle analysis (LCA) was undertaken considering several impact categories with a special focus on global warming potential (GWP). An SNG cost of 0.33–4.22 €/kWhth_{th} was calculated, depending on factors such as operational hours, electricity price and type of electrolyzer. It was found that the CO2_{2} price has a negligible effect on the SNG cost, while the electricity is the main cost driver. This shows that significant cost reductions will be needed for SNG to be competitive with natural gas. For the investigated scenarios, a CO2_{2} tax of at least 1442 €/t was determined, calling for more drastic measures. Considering the global warming potential, only an operation with an emission factor of electricity below 121 g CO2_{2}-eq/kWhel_{el} leads to a reduction in emissions. This demonstrates that unless renewable energies are implemented at a much higher rate than predicted, no sustainable SNG production before 2050 will be possible in Germany