27,037 research outputs found

    The Federal Reserve's role in the payments mechanism and it's communication patterns

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    An abstract for this article is not available.Federal Reserve System ; Electronic funds transfers ; Payment systems

    Healthy at Work? Unequal Access to Employer Wellness Programs

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    Reports findings from a March 2009 survey of American workers' views and opinions on employer-provided wellness programs

    Leveraging State Economic Development Resources to Create Job Opportunities for People with Disabilities

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    A 2009 research brief produced for the NTAR Leadership Center, a consortium led by the John H. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Founded in 2007 under a grant/contract with the Office of Disability Employment Policy at the U.S. Department of Labor, the NTAR Leadership Center's mission is to build capacity and leadership at the federal, state, and local levels to enable change across workforce development and disability-specific systems that will increase employment and economic self-sufficiency for adults with disabilities. This brief examines existing state, regional, and local economic development resource tools and discusses ways in which states and localities can leverage traditional loan and financing programs that enhance job creation, provide access to local employment opportunities, or help support employment for residents, including those with disabilities

    The issuance of series-1996 $100 Federal Reserve notes: goals, strategy, and likely results.

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    In March 1996, the Federal Reserve began issuing series-1996 100FederalReservenotes.CulminatingacooperativeeffortbytheU.S.DepartmentoftheTreasuryandtheFederalReserveSystemthatdatedfromthe1980s,theseries−1996notewasthefirstmajordesignchangeinU.S.currencyinsixty−sixyears.ThenewnotewasdevelopedtoprovidebetterprotectionforusersofU.S.currencyagainstthegrowingthreatofcounterfeiting,especiallythatposedbyincreasinglyaffordableandcapablecolorscanningandprintingsystems.ThisarticlediscussestheFederalReserve′sstrategyforissuingnewlydesigned100 Federal Reserve notes. Culminating a cooperative effort by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve System that dated from the 1980s, the series-1996 note was the first major design change in U.S. currency in sixty-six years. The new note was developed to provide better protection for users of U.S. currency against the growing threat of counterfeiting, especially that posed by increasingly affordable and capable color scanning and printing systems. This article discusses the Federal Reserve's strategy for issuing newly designed 100 notes and says that it appears likely to achieve its objectives: a replacement of pre-series-1996 $100 notes that is timely in relation to the developing threat of counterfeiting, with a minimum impact on holders and users of those notes throughout the world.Money

    Prediction of effects of wing contour modifications on low-speed maximum lift and transonic performance for the EA-6B aircraft

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    Computational predictions of the effects of wing contour modifications on maximum lift and transonic performance were made and verified against low speed and transonic wind tunnel data. This effort was part of a program to improve the maneuvering capability of the EA-6B electronics countermeasures aircraft, which evolved from the A-6 attack aircraft. The predictions were based on results from three computer codes which all include viscous effects: MCARF, a 2-D subsonic panel code; TAWFIVE, a transonic full potential code; and WBPPW, a transonic small disturbance potential flow code. The modifications were previously designed with the aid of these and other codes. The wing modifications consists of contour changes to the leading edge slats and trailing edge flaps and were designed for increased maximum lift with minimum effect on transonic performance. The prediction of the effects of the modifications are presented, with emphasis on verification through comparisons with wind tunnel data from the National Transonic Facility. Attention is focused on increments in low speed maximum lift and increments in transonic lift, pitching moment, and drag resulting from the contour modifications

    Prospects for Reducing Uninsured Rates Among Children: How Much Can Premium Assistance Programs Help?

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    Examines the efficacy of premium assistance under Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Programs in extending coverage for children through a parent's employer-sponsored insurance. Considers policy implications for expanding public insurance
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