480 research outputs found

    Hypoglycemic and toxic effects of saponins from the fruit of bitter apple [Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad] on the internal organs of Norway rat [Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout)]

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        Nowadays, natural products receive attention  to research centers because  of  their special importance  in  safety  of communities. The  curative  properties  of  these plants are  mainly due to the presence of various complex chemical substances of different composition which occur as secondary metabolites.The main objectives of this study were to evaluate saponins toxic effects as reflected in the  histopathological changes in the internal organs of Norway rats and to study the hypoglycemic effects induced by the same group. Powdered dried fruit parts (rinds, pulps and seeds) of bitter apple were screened for detection of saponins, glycosides, terpenes, anthraquinones, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, coumarins, cardiac glycosides, cyanogenic glycosides and cucurbitacins. The results of the qualitative analysis and phytochemical screening profiles indicated that, most of the natural products tested for were present in the plant material, except cyanogenic glycosides. Crude saponins were extracted from the rind and their acute toxicity was determined on Norway rats. Five dosage levels (60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 mgs saponins/rat) were administered intraperitoneally   to each batch of albino rats (4 rats/batch). The histological changes in the liver exhibited prominent nucleolus, open chromatin, congestion of central veins and liver sinusoids. The kidney showed signs of reduced renal tubules and lining of epithelial cells. The stomach and digestive system showed mucosal edema, open chromatin, prominent nucleolus and structural necrosis. Percentages reduction in glucose level  in treated rats and the control after six hours were 42%, 55.4%, 60%, 62.5%, 69.3 and 0.10 %, following the same order. There was a considerable dose-dependent decrease in the mean concentration of glucose in the plasma of the treated rats. أصبحت المنتجات النباتية الطبيعية في الآونة الأخيرة محوراً مهماً للبحث في الكثير من المراكز البحثية، وذلك لأهميتها الخاصة في سلامة المجتمعات. تعود الخواص العلاجية لهذه النباتات لاحتوائها على العديد من المركبات الكيمائية المعقدة ذات التراكيب المتباينة والتي توجد فيها على صورة نواتج ثانوية لعملية الأيض. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلي  تقويم الآثار الخافضة للسكر والآثار السامة لصابوينات الحنظل والتغيرات النسيجية التي تحدثها على الأعضاء الداخلية للجرذ النرويجي. تم كل ذلك عبر عدة طرق هدفت للكشف عن وتسمية مجاميع المواد الفاعلة في مسحوق ثمار نبات الحنظل  C.colocynthis (L.)Schradوشملت هذه المواد الصابونينات، الجلايكوسيدات والفلافونويدات والقلويدات والأنثروكينونات، والتربينات والتانينات والكومارينات، الجلايكوسيدات القلبية والجلايكوسيدات والسيانوجينية والكيوكيربتسينات. كانت النتائج كلها إيجابية مع غياب الجلايكوسيدات السيانوجينية. تم اختبار السمية الحادة للصابونينات المستخلصة من قشور ثمار نبات الحنظل علي طريق الحقن عبر الغشاء البروتوني للجرذان النرويجية البهقاء Rattus norvegicus ( Berkenhout). بناءً على تجارب أولية تم اختبار خمس جرعات وهى 60 ، 70، 80، 90 و100 مجم صابونين خام/جرذ. فيما يختص بالتغيرات النسيجية على الأعضاء والأنسجة الداخلية للجرذان المعاملة بالصابونين فقد لوحظ أنها شملت تشوه الأنوية وانفتاح الكروماتين واحتقان الأوردة في خلايا الكبد مع انخفاض الخلايا الطلائية المبطنة للأنيبيبات البولية في الكلى. أما بالنسبة للتغيرات في المعدة والجهاز الهضمي فشملت وزمة الغشاء المخاطي، وانفتاح الكروماتين مع تشوه الأنوية وموت الأنسجة. تمت أيضا  دراسة أثر الصابونينات علي خفض معدل السكر في دم الجرذان المعاملة بالجرعات السابقة وكذا الشاهد حيث تم أخذ متوسط النسب المئوية لانخفاض السكر في الدم خلال ست ساعات  وكانت المتوسطات42% ، 55.4%، 60%،62%، 69.3%، 0.10% وللشاهد على الترتيب. وقد لوحظ أن هنالك تدني ملحوظ في نسبة الجلوكوز في دم الجرذان المعاملة يتناسب عكسياً مع الجرعة المستخدمة

    Stability improvement of an efficient graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor-based sram design

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    The development of the nanoelectronics semiconductor devices leads to the shrinking of transistors channel into nanometer dimension. However, there are obstacles that appear with downscaling of the transistors primarily various short-channel effects. Graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor (GNRFET) is an emerging technology that can potentially solve the issues of the conventional planar MOSFET imposed by quantum mechanical (QM) effects. GNRFET can also be used as static random-access memory (SRAM) circuit design due to its remarkable electronic properties. For high-speed operation, SRAM cells are more reliable and faster to be effectively utilized as memory cache. The transistor sizing constraint affects conventional 6T SRAM in a trade-off in access and write stability. This paper investigates on the stability performance in retention, access, and write mode of 15 nm GNRFET-based 6T and 8T SRAM cells with that of 16 nm FinFET and 16 nm MOSFET. The design and simulation of the SRAM model are simulated in synopsys HSPICE. GNRFET, FinFET, and MOSFET 8T SRAM cells give better performance in static noise margin (SNM) and power consumption than 6T SRAM cells. The simulation results reveal that the GNRFET, FinFET, and MOSFET-based 8T SRAM cells improved access static noise margin considerably by 58.1%, 28%, and 20.5%, respectively, as well as average power consumption significantly by 97.27%, 99.05%, and 83.3%, respectively, to the GNRFET, FinFET, and MOSFET-based 6T SRAM design. © 2020 Mathan Natarajamoorthy et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Proving Termination Starting from the End

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    We present a novel technique for proving program termination which introduces a new dimension of modularity. Existing techniques use the program to incrementally construct a termination proof. While the proof keeps changing, the program remains the same. Our technique goes a step further. We show how to use the current partial proof to partition the transition relation into those behaviors known to be terminating from the current proof, and those whose status (terminating or not) is not known yet. This partition enables a new and unexplored dimension of incremental reasoning on the program side. In addition, we show that our approach naturally applies to conditional termination which searches for a precondition ensuring termination. We further report on a prototype implementation that advances the state-of-the-art on the grounds of termination and conditional termination.Comment: 16 page

    On Multiphase-Linear Ranking Functions

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    Multiphase ranking functions (MΦRFs\mathit{M{\Phi}RFs}) were proposed as a means to prove the termination of a loop in which the computation progresses through a number of "phases", and the progress of each phase is described by a different linear ranking function. Our work provides new insights regarding such functions for loops described by a conjunction of linear constraints (single-path loops). We provide a complete polynomial-time solution to the problem of existence and of synthesis of MΦRF\mathit{M{\Phi}RF} of bounded depth (number of phases), when variables range over rational or real numbers; a complete solution for the (harder) case that variables are integer, with a matching lower-bound proof, showing that the problem is coNP-complete; and a new theorem which bounds the number of iterations for loops with MΦRFs\mathit{M{\Phi}RFs}. Surprisingly, the bound is linear, even when the variables involved change in non-linear way. We also consider a type of lexicographic ranking functions, LLRFs\mathit{LLRFs}, more expressive than types of lexicographic functions for which complete solutions have been given so far. We prove that for the above type of loops, lexicographic functions can be reduced to MΦRFs\mathit{M{\Phi}RFs}, and thus the questions of complexity of detection and synthesis, and of resulting iteration bounds, are also answered for this class.Comment: typos correcte

    Ranking Templates for Linear Loops

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    We present a new method for the constraint-based synthesis of termination arguments for linear loop programs based on linear ranking templates. Linear ranking templates are parametrized, well-founded relations such that an assignment to the parameters gives rise to a ranking function. This approach generalizes existing methods and enables us to use templates for many different ranking functions with affine-linear components. We discuss templates for multiphase, piecewise, and lexicographic ranking functions. Because these ranking templates require both strict and non-strict inequalities, we use Motzkin's Transposition Theorem instead of Farkas Lemma to transform the generated \exists\forall-constraint into an \exists-constraint.Comment: TACAS 201

    Numerical analysis of side hull configuration in Trimaran

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    A trimaran is a multihull vessel designed to reduce wave-making resistances at high speeds. Optimization of the hull shape increases hull efficiency and speed of a vessel. The behavior of a ship is generally analyzed through numerical methods to save time and reduce high expenditures as compared to experimental methods. Although wide ranges of studies have investigated the hydrodynamic behavior of a vessel, the effect of trim angle, yaw angle, and heel angle of side hulls on hydrodynamic behavior of a trimaran has not been addressed properly. In the present study, a trimaran was modeled using computer-aided design software. Dimensions of the computational domain and boundary conditions were applied. Furthermore, mesh convergence was carried out. The accuracy of the method was validated. Analyses are based on the finite volume method. The analysis is carried out to obtain the resistance of side hulls and its effect on total trimaran resistance, effect of speed on hulls vessel resistance, wave patterns generated by the vessel at different trim and yaw angles, effect of trim, heel and yaw angles on side hull and total resistance of trimaran, the wetted surface at different trim, yaw, and heel angles, shape of free surface between the hulls, and the optimal position and trim angle of side hulls relative to the main hull. This computational analysis represents a step in quantifying the role of the trim, heel and yaw angles of side hulls on hydrodynamic characteristics of trimaran in calm water. The worth of information from the present study may express the importance of the factors that could reduce the total resistance of a trimaran.Peer Reviewe

    Osteoimmunology: major and costimulatory pathway expression associated with chronic inflammatory induced bone loss

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    The field of osteoimmunology has emerged in response to the range of evidences demonstrating the close interrelationship between the immune system and bone metabolism. This is pertinent to immune-mediated diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease, where there are chronic inflammation and local bone erosion. Periprosthetic osteolysis is another example of chronic inflammation with associated osteolysis. This may also involve immune mediation when occurring in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Similarities in the regulation and mechanisms of bone loss are likely to be related to the inflammatory cytokines expressed in these diseases. This review highlights the role of immune-related factors influencing bone loss particularly in diseases of chronic inflammation where there is associated localized bone loss. The importance of the balance of the RANKL-RANK-OPG axis is discussed as well as the more recently appreciated role that receptors and adaptor proteins involved in the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) signaling pathway play. Although animal models are briefly discussed, the focus of this review is on the expression of ITAM associated molecules in relation to inflammation induced localized bone loss in RA, chronic periodontitis, and periprosthetic osteolysis, with an emphasis on the soluble and membrane bound factor osteoclast-associated receptor (OSCAR).Tania N. Crotti, Anak A.S.S.K. Dharmapatni, Ekram Alias, and David R. Hayne

    Willmore Surfaces of Constant Moebius Curvature

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    We study Willmore surfaces of constant Moebius curvature KK in S4S^4. It is proved that such a surface in S3S^3 must be part of a minimal surface in R3R^3 or the Clifford torus. Another result in this paper is that an isotropic surface (hence also Willmore) in S4S^4 of constant KK could only be part of a complex curve in C2R4C^2\cong R^4 or the Veronese 2-sphere in S4S^4. It is conjectured that they are the only examples possible. The main ingredients of the proofs are over-determined systems and isoparametric functions.Comment: 16 pages. Mistakes occured in the proof to the main theorem (Thm 3.6) has been correcte

    A real-time pothole detection based on deep learning approach

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    Today, the number of vehicles using the road including highways and single carriage way is increasing. road structure safety monitoring system that is safe for road users and also important to ensure long-term vehicle safety and prevent accidents due to road damage such as potholes, landslides and uneven roads. Most news reports of road accidents are also caused by potholes that are almost 10-30 cm deep, coupled with heavy rainfall that reduces visibility among drivers, significant damage to the suspension system to the vehicle or unnecessary traffic congestion. In this paper, deep learning detection with YOLOv3 algorithm is proposed apart from researches ranging from accelerometer detection, image processing or machine learning based detection as it is easier to develop and provide more accurate results. After pothole has been detected in real-time webcam, the location will be logged and displayed using Google Maps API for visualization. a total of 330 sets of data were sampled for the implementation of the pothole detection training model. As the results, the model provided 65.05 mAP and 0.9 % precision rate and 0.41 recall rate. The limitation of YOLOv3 algorithm detection can be improve further using GPU with higher specification performances and can sample 1000 to 10,000 datasets. The proposed algorithm provides acceptably high precision and efficient pothole monitoring solution under different scenarios for the users and may benefit the public and the government to monitor pothole in real-time