386 research outputs found


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    Stochastic frontier analysis is used to determine the relative efficiency of firms in the food industry in industrialized countries. Using panel data analysis, the firm-specific factors, firm-size, the corporate tax rate and number of years of operation and country-specific effects as potential sources of efficiency are investigated. Relevant implications are discussed.Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,


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    Stochastic frontier analysis is used to determine the relative efficiency of firms in the food industry in industrialized countries. Using panel data analysis, the firm-specific factors, firm size, the corporate tax rate and number of years of operation and country-specific effects as potential sources of efficiency are investigated. Relevant implications are discussed.Agribusiness, Industrial Organization, Productivity Analysis,


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    The objective was to analyze the effects of country and firm specific factors on the return on equity in the beverage and tobacco and food and consumer products industries for eleven industrialized nations. The results indicated that country and firm specific factors were important in explaining variation in return on equity within countries but not generally across countries or time.variation on return in equity, globalization, Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,

    Determinants of Household Participation in Rural Development Projects

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    This paper provides evidence for determinants of households participation in rural development projects. Study findings are based on qualitative analysis and logistic estimation of a random utility model. Households with higher incomes appear less likely to participate; those with more labor are more likely. Availability of activities of interest to community members could enhance participation.Community/Rural/Urban Development,


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    The study encompasses an analysis of the variation in speeds of profitability adjustment and accounting bias by developed country and firm size for two important agribusiness industries. Evidence of speeds of profitability adjustment and accounting bias varying by firm size was found in the beverage and tobacco industry and by country in the food and consumer products industry. This suggests that the competitive pressures of integrated international markets are less of a factor in the food and consumer products industry.Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade,

    Climate information needs and services for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Tunisia

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    Poor access and use of accurate, timely and appropriate climate information consistently to inform decision making in African countries pose a huge dilemma for sustainable development. The existing climate data observations networks coverage are sparsely distributed. Development strategies and plans are not adequately informed by climate science due to the limited reliable and useable climate data and information produced by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and other relevant institutions. This paper describes the climate information needs of Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Tunisia, the status of the climate information systems (CISs), gaps and recommends improvement in the generation, processing and use of climate information. A study involving in-depth desk studies, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and policy dialogue was conducted. Results revealed that the CISs in the target countries have weak forecasting and alert systems for weather events and low capacities of stakeholders in climate prediction, development of climate products and information to support long-term planning, climate adaptation and resilience. The quality and appropriateness of data collected needs to be improved through networking, development and use of innovative technologies and capacity building. Institutionalizing climate data management training within climate data collection stations, creating modern real-time CISs by strengthening the capacities of national and regional institutions to use and disseminate climate information, is paramount. The capacity of the ministries involved in climate data management to deploy appropriate climate information and best practices to effectively implement climate-proof policies and practices should be enhanced to increase climate resilience and productivity. Key words: climate information needs, climate service, adaptation, mitigation, capacit

    Natural resources conflicts and the biofuel industry: implications and proposals for Ghana

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    Africa has become an important target producer of the feedstock, Jatropha curcas L (JCL), for biofuel production. This presents opportunities for transforming production, markets and the well-being of farmers and rural populations in developing countries, if deals are well-structured. The history of natural resource use conflicts in Africa has important implications for understanding current resource ecology and the social and political relationships within it. Ghana has had varying resource management regimes in its history. This paper seeks to relate the history of Ghana's natural resources conflicts to the current rush for lands in Ghana forcultivation of JCL and to discuss its implications and opportunities for a sustainable JCL industry in the countly. The colonial and postcolonial land conflicts and politics and the current and potential conflicts and opportunities associated with the JCL indust1y are presented. The paper offers suggestions not only for a sustainable cultivation of Jatropha, but alsofor a biofuel policy in Ghana.Keywords: Biofuel; natural resources conflicts,- land grabbing; Jatrophacurcas; Ghana

    Management of Ghana’s modified taungya system:Challenges and strategies for improvement

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    Since 2001, Ghana has introduced a number of forest-based strategies to improve the livelihoods of forest communities, restore the country’s forest cover and address timber deficits. Among these strategies is the modified taungya system (MTS). Through a mix of qualitative methods, field observations, and a household survey among 146 MTS farmers from eight villages in the Tano Offin, Tain II and Yaya Forest Reserve areas in the high forest zone, this paper explores the challenges related to MTS management in Ghana. Results indicate that the lack of regular income from timber until tree harvesting, the delay in signing MTS agreements, the absence of a clear mechanism for sharing the 40 % timber benefits among individual farmers, restrictions on tree and crop species allowed under the MTS, and inadequate support and supervision from the implementing agency demotivate farmers to invest labour in farm maintenance. The study also reveals that the quality of partnership among the actors impacts on the performance of the scheme: a co-management arrangement exclusively between the Forestry Commission and MTS farmer groups generated poorer results in terms of the quality of the timber stands, income-generating potential and motivation of the actors involved. The continued commitment of both participating farmer groups and coordinating agencies is key to the performance of the MTS. Lastly, the prospects for future income from timber revenues determine to a large extent farmers’ commitment to tree maintenance in the MTS. Linking up with the concepts of interactive and landscape governance and partnerships, the authors make recommendations to overcome these challenges
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