4,472 research outputs found

    Bidirectional imperfect quantum teleportation with a single Bell state

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    We present a bidirectional modification of the standard one-qubit teleportation protocol, where both Alice and Bob transfer noisy versions of their qubit states to each other by using single Bell state and auxiliary (trigger) qubits. Three schemes are considered: the first where the actions of parties are governed by two independent quantum random triggers, the second with single random trigger, and the third as a mixture of the first two. We calculate the fidelities of teleportation for all schemes and find a condition on correlation between trigger qubits in the mixed scheme which allows us to overcome the classical fidelity boundary of 2/3. We apply the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism to the quantum channels obtained in order to investigate an interplay between their ability to transfer the information, entanglement-breaking property, and auxiliary classical communication needed to form correlations between trigger qubits. The suggested scheme for bidirectional teleportation can be realized by using current experimental tools.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; published versio

    Two-color interference stabilization of atoms

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    The effect of interference stabilization is shown to exist in a system of two atomic levels coupled by a strong two-color laser field, the two frequencies of which are close to a two-photon Raman-type resonance between the chosen levels, with open channels of one-photon ionization from both of them. We suggest an experiment, in which a rather significant (up to 90%) suppression of ionization can take place and which demonstrates explicitly the interference origin of stabilization. Specific calculations are made for H and He atoms and optimal parameters of a two-color field are found. The physics of the effect and its relation with such well-known phenomena as LICS and population trapping in a three-level system are discussed.Comment: the paper includes 1 TeX file and 16 picture

    Symmetric blind information reconciliation and hash-function-based verification for quantum key distribution

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    We consider an information reconciliation protocol for quantum key distribution (QKD). In order to correct down the error rate, we suggest a method, which is based on symmetric blind information reconciliation for the low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. We develop a subsequent verification protocol with the use of ϵ\epsilon-universal hash functions, which allows verifying the identity between the keys with a certain probability.Comment: 4 pages; 1 figure; published versio

    Square-well solution to the three-body problem

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    The angular part of the Faddeev equations is solved analytically for s-states for two-body square-well potentials. The results are, still analytically, generalized to arbitrary short-range potentials for both small and large distances. We consider systems with three identical bosons, three non-identical particles and two identical spin-1/2 fermions plus a third particle with arbitrary spin. The angular wave functions are in general linear combinations of trigonometric and exponential functions. The Efimov conditions are obtained at large distances. General properties and applications to arbitrary potentials are discussed. Gaussian potentials are used for illustrations. The results are useful for numerical calculations, where for example large distances can be treated analytically and matched to the numerical solutions at smaller distances. The saving is substantial.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX file, 9 postscript figures included using epsf.st

    Efimov effect in nuclear three-body resonance decays

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    We investigate the effects of the nearly fulfilled Efimov conditions on the properties of three-body resonances. Using the hyper-spheric adiabatic expansion method we compute energy distributions of fragments in a three-body decay of a nuclear resonance. As a realistic example we investigate the 1- state in the halo nucleus 11Li within a three-body 9Li+n+n model. Characteristic features appear as sharp peaks in the energy distributions. Their origin, as in the Efimov effect, is in the large two-body s-wave scattering lengths between the pairs of fragments

    Complex scaling of the hyper-spheric coordinates and Faddeev equations

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    We implement complex scaling of Faddeev equations using hyper-spheric coordinates and adiabatic expansion. Complex scaling of coordinates allows convenient calculations of three-body resonances. We derive the necessary equations and investigate the adiabatic spectrum at large distances. We illustrate the viability of the implementation by calculations of several three-body resonances: a 0+0^+ resonance in a model benchmark system of three identical bosons; the 2+2^+ resonance in the 6^6He nucleus within the α+n+n\alpha+n+n model; and the two 0+0^+ resonances in 12^{12}C within the three-α\alpha model.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure