54 research outputs found

    An asymptotical study of combinatorial optimization problems by means of statistical mechanics

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    AbstractThe analogy between combinatorial optimization and statistical mechanics has proven to be a fruitful object of study. Simulated annealing, a metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization problems, is based on this analogy. In this paper we show how a statistical mechanics formalism can be utilized to analyze the asymptotic behavior of combinatorial optimization problems with sum objective function and provide an alternative proof for the following result: Under a certain combinatorial condition and some natural probabilistic assumptions on the coefficients of the problem, the ratio between the optimal solution and an arbitrary feasible solution tends to one almost surely, as the size of the problem tends to infinity, so that the problem of optimization becomes trivial in some sense. Whereas this result can also be proven by purely probabilistic techniques, the above approach allows one to understand why the assumed combinatorial condition is essential for such a type of asymptotic behavior

    The Random Quadratic Assignment Problem

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    Optimal assignment of classes to classrooms \cite{dickey}, design of DNA microarrays \cite{carvalho}, cross species gene analysis \cite{kolar}, creation of hospital layouts cite{elshafei}, and assignment of components to locations on circuit boards \cite{steinberg} are a few of the many problems which have been formulated as a quadratic assignment problem (QAP). Originally formulated in 1957, the QAP is one of the most difficult of all combinatorial optimization problems. Here, we use statistical mechanical methods to study the asymptotic behavior of problems in which the entries of at least one of the two matrices that specify the problem are chosen from a random distribution PP. Surprisingly, this case has not been studied before using statistical methods despite the fact that the QAP was first proposed over 50 years ago \cite{Koopmans}. We find simple forms for CminC_{\rm min} and CmaxC_{\rm max}, the costs of the minimal and maximum solutions respectively. Notable features of our results are the symmetry of the results for CminC_{\rm min} and CmaxC_{\rm max} and the dependence on PP only through its mean and standard deviation, independent of the details of PP. After the asymptotic cost is determined for a given QAP problem, one can straightforwardly calculate the asymptotic cost of a QAP problem specified with a different random distribution PP

    The multi-stripe travelling salesman problem

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    In the classical Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), the objective function sums the costs for travelling from one city to the next city along the tour. In the q-stripe TSP with q ≥ 1, the objective function sums the costs for travelling from one city to each of the next q cities along the tour. The resulting q-stripe TSP generalizes the TSP and forms a special case of the quadratic assignment problem. We analyze the computational complexity of the q-stripe TSP for various classes of specially structured distance matrices. We derive NP-hardness results as well as polyomially solvable cases. One of our main results generalizes a well-known theorem of Kalmanson from the classical TSP to the q-stripe TSP

    An Asymptotical Study of Combinatorial Optimization Problems By Means of Statistical Mechanics

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    . The analogy between combinatorial optimization and statistical mechanics has proven to be a fruitful object of study. Simulated annealing, a metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization problems, is based on this analogy. In this paper we use the statistical mechanics formalism based on the above mentioned analogy to analyze the asymptotic behavior of a special class of combinatorial optimization problems characterized by a combinatorial conditions which is well known in the literature. Our result is analogous to results of other authors derived by purely probabilistic means: Under natural probabilistic conditions on the coefficients of the problem, the ratio between the optimal value and size of a feasible solution approaches almost surely the expected value of the coefficients, as the size of the problem tends to infinity. Our proof shows clearly why the above mentioned combinatorial condition which characterizes the class of investigated problems is essential. Keywords: combinato..

    Linear Assignment Problems and Extensions

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    This paper aims at describing the state of the art on linear assignment problems (LAPs). Besides sum LAPs it discusses also problems with other objective functions like the bottleneck LAP, the lexicographic LAP, and the more general algebraic LAP. We consider different aspects of assignment problems, starting with the assignment polytope and the relationship between assignment and matching problems, and focusing then on deterministic and randomized algorithms, parallel approaches, and the asymptotic behaviour. Further, we describe different applications of assignment problems, ranging from the well know personnel assignment or assignment of jobs to parallel machines, to less known applications, e.g. tracking of moving objects in the space. Finally, planar and axial three-dimensional assignment problems are considered, and polyhedral results, as well as algorithms for these problems or their special cases are discussed. The paper will appear in the Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization..

    A minimax assignment problem in treelike communication networks

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    A given system of communication centres C1, C2,,Cn has to be embedded into a given undirected network N. The centres exchange messages at given rates per time unit through a selected routing pattern. If there is no direct connection between Ci and Cj, the messages sent from Ci to Cj pass through several intermediate centres. The messages exchanged between Ci and Cj may be sent along a single path or they may be split into several parts, each part being sent along its own path. The goal is to find an embedding of the centres into the network and a routing pattern which minimizes the maximum intermediate traffic over all centres. The paper deals mainly with the single path model. The complexity of the problem is fully discussed, drawing a sharp borderline between NP-complete and polynomially solvable cases. In case that N is a tree, a branch and bound algorithm is described and numerical results for random test data are reported and discussed

    Heuristics for Biquadratic Assignment Problems and their Computational Comparison

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    The biquadratic assignment problem (BiQAP) is a generalization of the quadratic assignment problem (QAP). As for any hard optimization problem also for BiQAP, a reasonable effort to cope with the problem is trying to derive heuristics which solve it suboptimally and which, possibly, yield a good trade off between the solution quality and the time and memory requirements. In this paper we describe several heuristics for BiQAPs, in particular pair exchange algorithms (improvement methods) and variants of simulated annealing and taboo search. We implement these heuristics as C codes and analize their performance

    Well-solvable cases of the QAP with block-structured matrices

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    We investigate special cases of the quadratic assignment problem (QAP) where one of the two underlying matrices carries a simple block structure. For the special case where the second underlying matrix is a monotone anti-Monge matrix, we derive a polynomial time result for a certain class of cut problems. For the special case where the second underlying matrix is a product matrix, we identify two sets of conditions on the block structure that make this QAP polynomially solvable respectively NP-hard
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