7,183 research outputs found

    Sound propagation and force chains in granular materials

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    Granular materials are inherently heterogeneous, leading to challenges in formulating accurate models of sound propagation. In order to quantify acoustic responses in space and time, we perform experiments in a photoelastic granular material in which the internal stress pattern (in the form of force chains) is visible. We utilize two complementary methods, high-speed imaging and piezoelectric transduction, to provide particle-scale measurements of both the amplitude and speed of an acoustic wave in the near-field regime. We observe that the wave amplitude is on average largest within particles experiencing the largest forces, particularly in those chains radiating away from the source, with the force-dependence of this amplitude in qualitative agreement with a simple Hertzian-like model of particle contact area. In addition, we are able to directly observe rare transient force chains formed by the opening and closing of contacts during propagation. The speed of the leading edge of the pulse is in quantitative agreement with predictions for one-dimensional chains, while the slower speed of the peak response suggests that it contains waves which have travelled over multiple paths even within just this near-field region. These effects highlight the importance of particle-scale behaviors in determining the acoustical properties of granular materials

    Fibers on a graph with local load sharing

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    We study a random fiber bundle model with tips of the fibers placed on a graph having co-ordination number 3. These fibers follow local load sharing with uniformly distributed threshold strengths of the fibers. We have studied the critical behaviour of the model numerically using a finite size scaling method and the mean field critical behaviour is established. The avalanche size distribution is also found to exhibit a mean field nature in the asymptotic limit.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, To appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Hysteresis and competition between disorder and crystallization in sheared and vibrated granular flow

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    Experiments on spherical particles in a 3D Couette cell vibrated from below and sheared from above show a hysteretic freezing/melting transition. Under sufficient vibration a crystallized state is observed, which can be melted by sufficient shear. The critical line for this transition coincides with equal kinetic energies for vibration and shear. The force distribution is double-peaked in the crystalline state and single-peaked with an approximately exponential tail in the disordered state. A linear relation between pressure and volume (dP/dV>0dP/dV > 0) exists for a continuum of partially and/or intermittently melted states over a range of parameters

    Method for machining holes in composite materials

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    A method for boring well defined holes in a composite material such as graphite/epoxy is discussed. A slurry of silicon carbide powder and water is projected onto a work area of the composite material in which a hole is to be bored with a conventional drill bit. The silicon carbide powder and water slurry allow the drill bit, while experiencing only normal wear, to bore smooth, cylindrical holes in the composite material

    Islands of conformational stability for Filopodia

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    Filopodia are long, thin protrusions formed when bundles of fibers grow outwardly from a cell surface while remaining closed in a membrane tube. We study the subtle issue of the mechanical stability of such filopodia and how this depends on the deformation of the membrane that arises when the fiber bundle adopts a helical configuration. We calculate the ground state conformation of such filopodia, taking into account the steric interaction between the membrane and the enclosed semiflexible fiber bundle. For typical filopodia we find that a minimum number of fibers is required for filopodium stability. Our calculation elucidates how experimentally observed filopodia can obviate the classical Euler buckling condition and remain stable up to several tens of . We briefly discuss how experimental observation of the results obtained in this work for the helical-like deformations of enclosing membrane tubes in filopodia could possibly be observed in the acrosomal reactions of the sea cucumber Thyone, and the horseshoe crab Limulus. Any realistic future theories for filopodium stability are likely to rely on an accurate treatment of such steric effects, as analysed in this work

    Localized transverse bursts in inclined layer convection

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    We investigate a novel bursting state in inclined layer thermal convection in which convection rolls exhibit intermittent, localized, transverse bursts. With increasing temperature difference, the bursts increase in duration and number while exhibiting a characteristic wavenumber, magnitude, and size. We propose a mechanism which describes the duration of the observed bursting intervals and compare our results to bursting processes in other systems.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamic model of fiber bundles

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    A realistic continuous-time dynamics for fiber bundles is introduced and studied both analytically and numerically. The equation of motion reproduces known stationary-state results in the deterministic limit while the system under non-vanishing stress always breaks down in the presence of noise. Revealed in particular is the characteristic time evolution that the system tends to resist the stress for considerable time, followed by sudden complete rupture. The critical stress beyond which the complete rupture emerges is also obtained

    Electric-field-induced phase transformation at a lead-free morphotropic phase boundary: Case study in a 93%(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-7% BaTiO3 piezoelectric ceramic

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    The electric-field-induced strain in 93%(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-7%BaTiO3 polycrystalline ceramic is shown to be the result of an electric-field-induced phase transformation from a pseudocubic to tetragonal symmetry. High-energy x-ray diffraction is used to illustrate the microstructural nature of the transformation. A combination of induced unit cell volumetric changes, domain texture, and anisotropic lattice strains are responsible for the observed macroscopic strain. This strain mechanism is not analogous to the high electric-field-induced strains observed in lead-based morphotropic phase boundary systems. Thus, systems which appear cubic under zero field should not be excluded from the search for lead-free piezoelectric compositions.open1127