5 research outputs found

    Modelling and Testing the Dynamic Properties of a Launcher with Unguided Missiles

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    The work analyses the operation of the ZSMU-70 weapon module. The results allowed for the development of several guidelines, aiming to shape the dynamic properties of the WW-4 launcher in order to improve the effectiveness of the ZSMU-70 module. This meant that research was carried out at a military training ground. Unguided NLPR-70 missiles were launched. The launching process was recorded using a Phantom high-speed digital camera. The recorded images were then analysed using TEMA software. Based on the results of empirical research, a physical and mathematical model of the motion was formulated for both the ZSMU-70 module as well as the WW-4 launcher. A computer programme was developed and the motion of the system was simulated during the launching of the missiles. The results of the theoretical analysis were compared with the analogous results from the empirical research. Having the theoretical model verified, some system parameters were changed and guidelines were used to improve the effectiveness of the ZSMU-70 weapon module

    Vibration in the System of the Birfield-Rzeppa Constant Velocity Universal Joint

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    The paper presents the analysis of the motion of the intermediate element in the Birfield-Rzeppa joint. The joint is applied, among others, in automotive vehicles as an element of the drive shaft. The cage along with the balls form the intermediate element of the joint. The vibration of the element is activated during the drive shaft rotation. The vibration is enforced kinematically by the mechanism constraints. The constraints are determined by the assumed clutch geometry. The aim of the paper is to determine the variability course of the kinematic quantities characterizing the intermediate element motion of the Birfield-Rzeppa constant velocity universal joint. If the transmission function and the second position function of the clutch lead to the fluctuation of the angular velocity value and the angular acceleration of the cage along with the balls, then vibration is generated within the joint. The paper shows that drive shaft interference can be reduced by using a vibration reduction system. The article does not present an analysis aimed at reducing vibrations. Only the need for its use in the case of serious disturbances has been demonstrated

    Analiza rozrzutu pocisk贸w wystrzelonych z pistoletu maszynowego Glauberyt

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    Within an enclosed shooting range of the EMJOT company, the process of firing one hundred single bullets from a Glauberyt machine pistol was recorded. The empirical test used 9x19 mm FMJ Luger (Parabellum) ammunition manufactured in the Czech Republic in 2017. As the weapon is dedicated to special forces, the shots were fired by an anti-terrorist operative, at a target located 25 m away. In order to determine bullet dispersion, the results of the experiment were subjected to statistical processing. Mean displacement and mean square displacement relative to the mean hit point, histograms, normal distribution, as well as statistical tests and hypotheses were used for estimation. The shots were recorded with a high speed digital camera Phantom v 9.1. The videos recorded were used to determine the initial kinematic parameters of the bullet trajectory.Na zamkni臋tej strzelnicy firmy EMJOT przeprowadzono rejestracj臋 procesu wystrzelenia z pistoletu maszynowego Glauberyt ogniem pojedynczym stu pocisk贸w. Do bada艅 empirycznych u偶yto amunicj臋 9x19 mm FMJ Luger (Parabellum) produkcji czeskiej z 2017 roku. Ze wzgl臋du na dedykowanie broni dla oddzia艂贸w specjalnych strza艂y oddane zosta艂y przez antyterroryst臋, do tarczy znajduj膮cej si臋 w odleg艂o艣ci 25 m. W celu okre艣lenia rozrzutu pocisk贸w wyniki eksperymentu poddano obr贸bce statystycznej. Do estymacji zastosowano uchylenie 艣rednie i uchylenie 艣rednio-kwadratowe wzgl臋dem 艣redniego punktu trafie艅, histogramy, rozk艂ad normalny, oraz testy i hipotezy statystyczne. Przy wykorzystaniu szybkiej kamery cyfrowej Phantom v.9.1 przeprowadzono rejestracj臋 wykonanych strzela艅. Zarejestrowane filmy pos艂u偶y艂y do okre艣lenia pocz膮tkowych kinematycznych parametr贸w lotu pocisku

    Dynamics of an unguided missiles launcher

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    The paper discussed the modelling, examination of the dynamic properties and stability of the WW-4 launcher of unguided short-range missiles NLPR-70. Remotely controlled armament module ZSMU-70, in the presented configuration, is designed to combat ground targets in form of light armoured vehicles. The purpose of this paper is to present a physical model,a mathematical model and computer simulation of launcher motion during launching and the first phase of flight of the missile. The virtual model is formulated in the vertical plane and verified by experimental studies. The theoretical model corresponds to experimental studies conducted at the military testing ground with application of a high-speed camera