16 research outputs found

    Occurrence and Phylogenetic Analysis of Avian Coronaviruses in Domestic Pigeons (<i>Columba livia domestica</i>) in Poland between 2016 and 2020

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    While disease control in racing pigeons and the potential role of pigeons as vectors transmitting viruses to poultry are of importance, there is still a paucity of data concerning the occurrence of coronaviruses in pigeons. In this study, 215 domestic pigeons were tested for the presence of coronaviral genetic material using the nested PCR method, which revealed 57 positive samples (26.51%). The difference in coronavirus prevalence between young and adult pigeons (34.34% and 19.83%, respectively) has been found statistically significant. In contrast, no statistically significant difference has been demonstrated between the prevalence in symptomatic and asymptomatic birds, leaving the influence of coronavirus presence on pigeon health uncertain. Phylogenetic analysis of the RdRp gene fragment allowed us to assign all the obtained strains to the Gammacoronavirus genus and Igacovirus subgenus. The phylogenetic tree plotted using the ML method revealed that those sequences formed a group most similar to pigeon coronavirus strains from China, Finland, and Poland, and to a single strain from a common starling from Poland, which suggests wide geographical distribution of the virus and its possible transmission between various species

    The Clinical Infection with Pigeon Circovirus (PiCV) Leads to Lymphocyte B Apoptosis But Has No Effect on Lymphocyte T Subpopulation

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    The pathology of pigeon circovirus (PiCV) is still unknown, but it is regarded as an immunosuppressant. This study aimed to find a correlation between PiCV natural infection and immunosuppression. The study was conducted with 56 pigeons divided into the following groups: PiCV-positive but showing (group S) or not (group I) non-specific clinical symptoms and asymptomatic pigeons negative for PiCV (group H). The percentage and apoptosis of T CD3+ and B IgM+ splenocytes; the expression of CD4, CD8, and IFN-&gamma; genes in splenic mononuclear cells; the number of PiCV viral loads in the bursa of Fabricius; and the level of anti-PiCV antibodies were analyzed. The results showed that the percentage of B IgM+ cells was almost two-fold lower in group S than in group H, and that ca. 20% of the lymphocytes were apoptotic. No increased apoptosis was detected in TCD3+ subpopulation. The PiCV viral loads were approximately one thousand and ten thousand times higher in group S than in groups I and H, respectively. Our results indicate a possible correlation between the number of PiCV viral loads and severity of PiCV infection and confirm that PiCV infection leads to the suppression of humoral immunity by inducing B lymphocyte apoptosis

    IFNγ production profile in turkeys of different immunological status after TRT vaccination

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    Despite vaccination against avian metapneumoviruses (aMPV), cases of turkey rhinotracheitis (TRT) caused by aMPV field strains are frequently reported. Differences have been shown in the level of immune system stimulation after aMPV vaccination between turkeys that do and do not possess specific anti-aMPV maternally derived antibodies (MDA). The article describes the influence of MDA on the production of IFNγ in the spleen of aMPV-vaccinated turkeys

    The impact of Aloe vera and licorice extracts on selected mechanisms of humoral and cell-mediated immunity in pigeons experimentally infected with PPMV-1

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    Abstract Background The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of herbal extracts on selected immunity mechanisms in clinically healthy pigeons and pigeons inoculated with the pigeon paramyxovirus type 1 (PPMV-1). For the first 7 days post-inoculation (dpi), an aqueous solution of Aloe vera or licorice extract was administered daily at 300 or 500 mg/kg body weight (BW). The birds were euthanized at 4, 7 and 14 dpi, and spleen samples were collected during necropsy. Mononuclear cells were isolated from spleen samples and divided into two parts: one part was used to determine the percentage of IgM+ B cells in a flow cytometric analysis, and the other was used to evaluate the expression of genes encoding IFN-γ and surface receptors on CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Results The expression of the IFN-γ gene increased in all birds inoculated with PPMV-1 and receiving both herbal extracts. The expression of the CD3 gene was lowest at 14 dpi in healthy birds and at 7 dpi in inoculated pigeons. The expression of the CD4 gene was higher in uninoculated pigeons receiving both herbal extracts than in the control group throughout nearly the entire experiment with a peak at 7 dpi. A reverse trend was observed in pigeons inoculated with PPMV-1 and receiving both herbal extracts. In uninoculated birds, increased expression of the CD8 gene was noted in the pigeons receiving a lower dose of the Aloe vera extract and both doses of licorice extracts. No significant differences in the expression of this gene were found between inoculated pigeons receiving both herbal extracts. The percentage of IgM+ B cells did not differ between any of the evaluated groups. Conclusions This results indicate that Aloe vera and licorice extracts have immunomodulatory properties and can be used successfully to prevent viral diseases, enhance immunity and as supplementary treatment for viral diseases in pigeons

    Transmissible Viral Proventriculitis Caused by Chicken Proventricular Necrosis Virus Displaying Serological Cross-Reactivity with IBDV

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    Transmissible viral proventriculitis (TVP) of chickens is manifested in decreased body weight gains, poor feed conversion and weight diversity. Although TVP etiology has not been defined, a Birnaviridae family member, named chicken proventricular necrosis virus (CPNV) is considered as a potential factor of a disease. This study was undertaken in order to reproduce TVP and to evaluate its etiology. Broiler chickens of the TVP-infected group were inoculated with TVP positive proventriculi homogenate on the 24th day of life. Samples were collected, on infection day and 14 days post-infection (dpi). The 14 dpi anatomo- and histopathological evaluation, revealed that we have succeeded to reproduce TVP. TVP-infected birds gained 30.38% less body weight. In the TVP-infected group a seroconversion against picornaviruses, fowl adenoviruses (FAdV) and infectious bursal disease viruses (IBDV) was recorded with an ELISA test. Using RT-PCR and PCR, CPNV was detected in proventriculi and FAdV in spleens and livers of infected birds, 14 dpi. Our study supports that CPNV is involved in the development of TVP. We did not record the presence of IBDV in TVP or control birds, despite our recording of a seroconversion against IBDV in TVP infected birds. CPNV and IBDV belong to the same family, which allows us to assume serological cross-reactivity between them. The role of FAdV needs further evaluation

    A Pilot Study Investigating the Dynamics of Pigeon Circovirus Recombination in Domesticated Pigeons Housed in a Single Loft

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    Pigeon circovirus (PiCV) infects pigeon populations worldwide and has been associated with immunosuppression in younger pigeons. Recombination is a common mechanism of evolution that has previously been shown in various members of the Circoviridae family, including PiCV. In this study, three groups of pigeons acquired from separate lofts were screened for PiCV, and their genome sequence was determined. Following this, they were housed in a single loft for 22 days, during which blood and cloacal swab samples were taken. From these blood and cloacal swabs, PiCV genomes were determined with the aim to study the spread and recombination dynamics of PiCV in the birds. Genome sequences of PiCV were determined from seven pigeons (seven tested PiCV positive) before they were housed together in a loft (n = 58 sequences) and thereafter from the ten pigeons from blood and cloacal swabs (n = 120). These 178 PiCV genome sequences represent seven genotypes (98% pairwise identity genotype demarcation), and they share &gt;88% genome-wide pairwise identity. Recombination analysis revealed 13 recombination events, and a recombination hotspot spanning the 3′ prime region, the replication-associated protein (rep) gene and the intergenic region. A cold spot in the capsid protein-coding region of the genome was also identified. The majority of the recombinant regions were identified in the rep coding region. This study provides insights into the evolutionary dynamics of PiCV in pigeons kept under closed rearing systems

    Immunogenicity of Pigeon Circovirus Recombinant Capsid Protein in Pigeons

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    Pigeon circovirus (PiCV) is the most frequently diagnosed virus in pigeons and is thought to be one of the causative factors of a complex disease called the young pigeon disease syndrome (YPDS). The development of a vaccine against this virus could be a strategy for YPDS control. Since laboratory culture of PiCV is impossible, its recombinant capsid protein (rCP) can be considered as a potential antigen candidate in sub-unit vaccines. The aim of this basic research was to evaluate the immune response of pigeons to PiCV rCP. Sixty six-week-old carrier pigeons were divided into two groups (experimental immunized with PiCV rCP mixed with an adjuvant, and control immunized with an adjuvant only), and immunized twice in a 21-day interval. On the day of immunization and on two, 23, 39, and 46 days post first immunization (dpv), samples of blood, spleen, and bursa of Fabricius were collected from six birds from each group to examine anti-PiCV rCP IgY, anti-PiCV rCP IgY-secreting B cells (SBC), IFN-&#947; gene expression, and percentage of T CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, and B IgM+ lymphocytes. The results indicated a correct immune response to PiCV rCP both in humoral and cell-mediated immunity, which was manifested by seroconversion since 23 dpv, by a significantly higher anti-PiCV rCP IgY-SBC number on two and 23 dpv, and significantly higher IFN-&#947; gene expression since two dpv. There were no significant differences or trends noted between particular T and B lymphocyte subpopulations. To conclude, PiCV rCP may be deemed immunogenic and could be considered as an antigen candidate in sub-unit vaccines against PiCV infections in pigeons

    Phytoncides in the prevention and therapy of blackhead disease and their effect on the turkey immune system

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    Turkey histomonosis poses a serious threat to poultry production due to the ban on the use of effective drugs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a phytoncidal feed supplement on the course of histomonosis. The preparation was also analysed for immunomodulatory properties