47 research outputs found

    Vehicle emission of greenhouse gases in municipality solid waste collecting and handling

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    Motor vehicles pollution has become an issue because of the steady increase from both, the number of vehicles in use and the distance travelled by each vehicle every year. Throughout the last 50 years, mobile sources of fossil fuel combustion have become the major threat to air quality around the world. The main polluting emissions coming from vehicles are: carbon monoxide (CO), NOx, hydrocarbons (HC) and particles. In this research we will discuss and present a way of calculating the vehicle emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG) in municipality solid waste (MSW) collecting and handling processes

    Goce Delcev University Stip drives seamless transition to remote learning during pandemic

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    This overview covers a success story with transition to online working at the Goce Delcev University (UGD), due to proper university development. 67% of the students believe that online teaching should continue after the emergency COVID19 measures, as a supplement to regular teaching. Timely addressing digitalisation in higher education institutions is key for success in the long run. Universities should review their structures to be less bureaucratic and more adaptable, flexible, and enabling each learner to progress at their own pace

    Gem Set Equality Project

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    Game, Set, Equality: Empowering Women and Girls in Tennis Coaching and Officiating project's general objective is to promote and safeguard women in tennis coaching and officiating at the tennis sports clubs’ level, to raise awareness of the benefits of coaching and officiating among women and girls in tennis and to increase the numbers of female coaches and officiating in tennis. The project consists of: 1) elaboration and dissemination of an integrated report based on 1) research on the existing national & international policies, and guidelines enhancing gender equality in European sports and 2) research of the existing good practices in Europe to promote and safeguard women in coaching and officiating in tennis focusing on grassroots sports clubs level aiming to create a database; 2) elaboration, evaluation and dissemination of a mentoring program with a focus on skill-building, leadership, and networking opportunities, applicable at the tennis sports clubs and officiating among girls and women, to provide guidance, advice, and support throughout their careers. and to increase the number of female coaches and officiating in tennis; 3) development and dissemination of a wide communication campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of coaching and officiating among girls at the tennis sports clubs’ level; to increase the visibility and recognition of female coaches and officials in tennis; to promote the diversity and gender balance in tennis coaching and officiating, highlighting the positive impact that women can have on the sport and the development of young athletes; 4) elaboration and dissemination of recommendations and a transferability plan for the promotion and encouragement of women coaches and officiating in other sports at the sports clubs’ level; 5) establishing a network of female coaches and officials in tennis at the sports clubs’ level across different countries and regions

    Erasmus+ Sport Project: BeValue Reload, Agreement Number — 622351-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-SPO-SCP

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    The general objective of BeValue Reload project is to: Encouraging the participation into sport and physical activity of Generation Z youths aged 12 to 17 years, by following the EC Council Recommendation on health-enhancing physical activity and EU Physical Activity Guidelines. This general objective will be obtained by implementing a comprehensive set of activities, linked to the specific objectives: Establishment of an innovative multi-dimensional partnership approach, for attraction into sport of Generation Z youths aged 12 -17 years, in the context of EU policy on health-enhancing physical activity and Establishment of a European network of ambassadors for popularization of Taekwon-do amongst youths as beneficial form of health-enhancing physical activit

    Gantt chart as a project management tool that represents a clutch hub manufacturing process

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    The purpose of the research in this paper is to present a clutch hub manufacturing process via Gantter, a Gantt chart-based project management software. The Gantt chart is one of the most used planning and controlling tools in project management today andit can be called the main and very important tool for management. It allows the creation and edition of project plans through the implementation of defined activities, their durations, relationships between the activities, appropriate resources, and possible risks. This paper is an example that shows howthe logic embedded in projects can be based on real manufacturing processes and applied to a project management tool in order to achieve the goals of the project

    Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the selection of a flexible production system

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    - The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions, based on mathematics and psychology. It has application in group decision-making and is used worldwide in a wide variety of decision-making situations. Rather than prescribing a "correct" decision, AHP helps decision-makers choose the decision that best fits their goal and their understanding of the problem. The technique provides a comprehensive and rational framework for structuring a decision problem, representing and quantifying its elements, relating those elements to general objectives, and evaluating alternative solutions. Given each specific situation, making the right decisions is probably one of the most difficult challenges for managers. The obtained results allow the manager to evaluate the employees in an objective way and make an objective decision for their promotion. This tool not only supports and qualifies decisions, but also allows managers to justify their choices as well as simulate possible outcomes. Key-Words: - Analytic, decision, choice, technique, process

    Енергетска ревизија пројеката фотонапонске (фотоволтајне) електране

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    Овај предметну рад указује како Енергетска ревизија може послужити инвеститору као основа за сопствене инвестиционе одлуке, јер је то објективна и квалификована оцена пројекта,укључујући и квалификовану процену пројекта, укључујући и поређење најмање две варијанте пројектног решења. У иностранству је студија приноса чешћа основа за прединвестициону процену ФНЕ пројеката, технички ризици пројекта обично се процењују у оквиру накнадне техничке детаљне анализе пројекта. Ако је енергетска ревизија добро обрађена, може у потпуности заменити студију производње енергије и делимично или у потпуности техничку детаљну анализу пројекта. Енергетски преглед-ревизија је формално дефинисан скуп акција које воде ка идентификацији потенцијала за уштеду енергије или енергетску добит

    Development of a training program for youths to improve the relationships of Generation Z children with their parents and coaches through practicing taekwondo

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    Physical activity in youth can help promote healthy physical and mental development, as well as maintaining an active lifestyle in adulthood. An alarming trend is that more and more generation Z children prefer to search for entertainment on the Internet at the expense of sports. This paper presents the development of a training program for Taekwon-Do practitioners aged 12-17 years within the European project BeValue Reload in five European countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Northern Macedonia, Romania and Slovenia. The training program is based on the achievements and challenges identified in advance by the research team in the relationship between training children and their parents and on the ethical principles of Taekwon-Do. The activities of the program are aimed at improving the relationship between the children practicing Taekwon-Do and their parents, as well as at training activities - in the direction of increasing motivation of the training youth for active participation in sports activities, which is in line with the EU HEPA policy to develop a healthy lifestyle based on physical activity. The program also encourages adherence to the ethical principles of Taekwon-Do. This beneficial impact is aimed directly at children, the target group of this program, but it is also transferable to generation Z children in Europe and around the world

    Improving the Subjective Wellbeing of Young Women in Balkans through Interventions in their Physical Activity

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    The young women of Balkans have traditionally less physical activity compared to the women of Western Europe and their employment rates are less, so this leads to lower levels of physical activity. The overall aim of the project is to seek ways of improving the subjective well-being of young women aged 18 to 30 in the Balkans (five countries: Greece, Bulgaria,Romania, Serbia, and North Macedonia) using interventions in their physical activity. The project attempts to fulfill the following objectives: (1) providing first-hand research results to be used as a basis for interventions in partner countries towards using physical activity for improving the subjective well-being of the target group, (2) informing the target group about the benefits of having an active lifestyle, and (3) providing accessible sources related to intervention methods for the policymakers. A combination of research and awareness-raising activities have been formulated. The research part includes two surveys focusing on the personal and socioeconomics as well as physical activity and wellbeing of the participants before and after 6 months of activation in the form of increased walking and or biking activity in daily life and reducing screen and sedentary time per day of 1000 participants. The investigation is continued by creating a validated dataset and statistical analysis, leading to scientific publications and policy reports. In each Balkan partner country, 100 participants take part in two awareness-raising events organized by local partners. Moreover, three MOOCs will be designed in about the two sub-topics of “active mobility and wellbeing” and “active lifestyle for women” and a multiplier event in the form of workshop will be held. Finally, the project team will reflect the outputs of the project in non-technical language for the policymakers of the region. The minimum number of audiences including participants as well as information recipients will be 1875

    Project Management as an instrument to support innovation for country development – Macedonia case study

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    East European countries are all in the group of modest innovators by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and they all have slight improvements in the recent years. They all have some government programmes to support innovation and entrepreneurship. Project management was used as an instrument with some features that can help bust new innovation product development and with that to help the economies to become Innovation-driven Economies. Project management with some features helps the innovation development of products, but for some features it is limiting the development. Recommendations have been given for support of activities in Macedonia so that the innovation of new products and services can be stimulated in the upcoming period