1 research outputs found

    Influence of the Nb and Ba dopands on the properties of the PZT type ceramics

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    Investigations of an influence of an admixture of ions Ba2+ and Nb5+ on dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the Pb(Zr0:53Ti0:47)O3 (PZT) ceramics were conducted. The PZT type ceramics was synthesized by a conventional method, and compacted by a free sintering method. The PZT type specimens were poling by a low and high temperature method. It was found that there was a positive influence of adding 10mol%Ba and 2mol%Nb simultaneously on a set of dielectric and piezoelectric parameters, which are important for practical applications of this PZT type ceramics.[1] E.G. F e s e n k o, A.Ya. D a n c i g e r, O.N. R o z u -m o v s k a y a, Novye piezokeramicheskye materialy, Izd. RGU, Rostov na Donu, 49-70 (1983). [2] I. F r a n k e, K. R o l e d e r, L. M i t o s e r i u, R. P i t i c e s c u, Z. U j m a, High-temperature macroscopic piezoelectricity in Nb-doped PbZr1 x Ti x O3 ceramics driven by the existence of polar regions, Phys. Rev. B 73, 144114-1-5 (2006). [3] B. J a f f e, W.R. C o o k, H. J a f f e, Piezoelectricheskaya keramica, Izd. “Mir” Moskva, 139-147 (1974). [4] B. N o h e d a, J.A. G o n z a l o, L.E. C r o s s, R. G u o, S.-E. P a r k, D.E. C o x, G. S h i r a n e, Tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transition in a ferroelectric perovskite: The structure of PbZr0:52Ti 0:48O3, Phys. Rev. B 61, 8687-9695 (2000). [5] J. D u d e k, D. B o c h e n e k, M.F. K u p r i y a n o v, Z. S u r o w i a k, Wpływ składu chemicznego i warunków otrzymywania na stabilność parametrów piezoceramiki typu PZT, Ceramics 65, 93-100 (2001). [6] T. I k e d a, Studies on (Ba-Pb)(Ti-Zr)O3 System, Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 14, 2 168-174 (1959). [7] G. L i, G. H a e r t l i n g, Dielectric, ferroelectric and electric field-induced strain properties of (Pb1 x Bax )(Zr1 y Tiy )O3 ceramics, Ferroelectrics 166, 31 (1995). [8] Z. S u r o w i a k, D. B o c h e n e k, Modyfikowanie składu chemicznego elektroceramiki PZT, Materiały ceramiczne/ Ceramic Materials/, 4, 124-134 (2004). [9] R. Z a c h a r i a s z, D. B o c h e n e k, Properties of the PZT type ceramics admixed with barium and niobium, Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 54, 895-902 (2009). [10] K. O k a d z a k i, Technologia ceramicznych dielektryków, Izd. “Energia”, Moskva, 233-235 (1976). [11] I. F r a n k e, K. R o l e d e r, J. K l i m o n t k o, A. R a t u s z n a, A. S o s z y ń s k i, Anomalus piezoelectric and elastic properties of a tetragonal PZT ceramic near morfotropic phase boundary, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38, 749 (2005). [12] J. D u d e k, D. B o c h e n e k, Z. S u r o w i a k, V.G. G a v r i l y c h e n k o, Wpływ warunków technologicznych na stabilność właściwości piezoelektrycznych ceramiki typu PZT, Ceramics, 79, 130-136 (2003). [13] M. A d a m c z y k, Z. U j m a, L. S z y m c z a k, Effect of Nb doping on the relaxor behaviour of (Pb0:75 Ba0:25)(Zr0:70 Ti0:30)O3 ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26, 331-336 (2006)