22 research outputs found

    Possibility for Spindle and Solaxe Trees Apple Breeding

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    The second stage of intensification of apple industry in Europe started during the early of 1970`s with Dutch `Slender spindle` training system for high density plantations. Other systems such as `Verical axis', V and Y - shaped system,`Tatura trellis`,`Solen`, `Solaxe`, `Cone` etc. were developed in different countries of the world. Apple breeding for resistance to major diseases and for spindle and Solaxe tree architecture aims to significantly lower the total cost of fruit production. At our breeding program for resistance to scab, mildew and the aphids Dysaphis plantaginea Pass. and Aphis pomi De Geer, we selected hybrids with naturally attained spindle and Solaxe trees. In the progenies of cultivars ‘Enterprise’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Avrora’, ‘Generos’, ‘Paulared’, ‘Prima’, ‘Tavria’, ‘Pionier’ o.p. and ‘Akane’ (‘Primrouge’) × ‘Krimskoe’, ‘Akane’ × ‘Florina’, and ‘McIntosh Wijcik’ × ‘Paradox’, we found trees with a habit resembling the characteristics of the spindle training system. Plants with a weeping habit were selected from crosses of ‘Paradox’ × ‘Prima’ and ‘Elize Rathke’ × ‘Florina’, and between those hybrids a further set was selected which exhibited a natural Solaxe, the modern system for training and pruning in apple orchards

    Control of Oriental Fruit Moth Cydia Molesta Busck by Mating Disruption in Peach Orchards of Bulgaria

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    The trials were carried out in Bulgaria in the years 2012 and 2116. The possibilities for using mating disruption (MD) as alternative method for controlling oriental fruit moth have been studied. Isomate OFM rosso and Isomate OFM TT dispensers against oriental fruit moth, provided from Sumit Agro Bulgaria were used in this study. Percentage of damage in the experimental orchard treated with Isomate OFM rosso and Isomate OFM TT was 0.1 and 0.2 %, i.e. rather below the economical threshold; no outbreak of the OFM appearance was noted. The results obtained may open the possibilities of practical use of the method of mating disruption in Bulgaria

    Evaluation of Some Walnut Cultivars under the Climatic Conditions of South Bulgaria

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    Introduced walnut cultivars grown as main cultivars in countries with climatic conditions different from Bulgaria, were included in the present study. This evaluation aimed at selecting walnut cultivars with suitable biological and pomological characte­ristics when grown under the climatic conditions of South Bulgaria.The trial demon­strated that the cultivars ‘Fernor’, ‘Lara’ and ‘Tiszacsecsi 83’were later blooming than the other cultivars as ‘Serr’, ‘Hartley’, ‘Izvor 10’ and ‘Sheynovo’. That phe­nological characteristic is very important to avoid spring frost damages. During the period of evaluation the results showed that the yields from the cultivars ‘Izvor 10’, ‘Serr’, ‘Hart­ley’, ‘Fernor’ and ‘Lara’ were higher com­pared to ‘Sheynovo’ and ‘Tiszacsecsi 83’. This is the reason to reco­mmend the first group of walnut cultivars to be grown under the climatic conditions of South Bulgaria

    Sustainable Control of Some Important Fruit Moths in Bulgaria

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    The organic fruit production is one of the most attractive directions for Bulgarian farmers. However, it meets serious difficulties – due to a long list of pests occurring in the orchards as well as to the short list of plant protection products permitted for use in this system. The alternative methods have been extensively tested during the last years. Different kind of dispensers of specific sex pheromones were tested for mating disruption of oriental fruit moth (Cydia molesta Busck), peach twig borer (Anarsia lineatella Zell.) and plum fruit moth (Grapholitha funebrana Tr.) in peach, plum and apricot orchards. Positive results were obtained in all orchards where MD was employed


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    The aim of this handbook of experimental guidelines is to level out analyses run during the "Domino project" on practices for sustainable management of organic apple orchard and vineyard in field condition

    Yearly reports of biodiversity data 2018_2019

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    Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic fruit orchards and vineyard

    D3_5.Yearly reports of biodiversity data 2018_2019

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    Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic fruit orchards and vineyard


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    The aim of this handbook of experimental guidelines is to level out analyses run during the Domino project on practices for sustainable management of organic apple orchard and vineyard in field condition. Analysis refer to the main crop and to the performances of species introduced ad living mulches. A second section reports protocol for soil chemical, physical and biological fertility evaluations. Indication are provided for activities run either in structured experimental stations as well as in farm trials. The standard levels of accuracy allowing to collect reliable information are exposed for both experimental condition