5 research outputs found

    MOESM1 of Maximizing research study effectiveness in malaria elimination settings: a mixed methods study to capture the experiences of field-based staff

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    Additional file 1: Table S1. Provinces, ODs and HCs visited by the quantitative field team in zones 1 and 2 of the containment project. Table S2. Sociodemographic characteristics of 197 VMW and MMWs

    MOESM8 of Plasmodium falciparum parasite population structure and gene flow associated to anti-malarial drugs resistance in Cambodia

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    Additional file 8. Relationship between allele distribution and geographic origin of parasites in the P. falciparum Cambodian population. Correspondence analysis was based on 23 alleles and was conducted for 282 samples. Each reference (REF) and altered (ALT) alleles are represented. Position BC07 had two alternative alleles. Left panel presented the contribution of each allele in the distribution the 282 samples. Between-class analysis performed with health centres is presented in the right panel. A. Axis1-axis3 projection of the correspondence analysis. B. Axis2-axis3 projection of the correspondence analysis