1,926 research outputs found

    Семантичні особливості номінацій на позначення інфекційних кишкових хвороб (на матеріалі говірок Кіровоградщини)

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    В статье сделан лексико-семантический анализ названий на обозначение инфекционных кишечных заболеваний, зафиксированных в говорах Кировоградской области. В этой тематической группе выделены семемы, выявлен количественный состав репрезентантов семем. Выявлены ареалы распространения лексических и фразеологических единиц. Проанализированы общность и различие семантического значения собранного материала и литературного языка.У статті проведено лексико-семантичний аналіз назв на позначення інфекційних кишкових хвороб, зафіксованих у говірках Кіровоградщини. У зазначеній тематичній групі виокремлено семеми, виявлено кількісний склад репрезентантів семем. Визначено ареали поширення лексичних і фразеологічних одиниць. Проаналізовано спільність і відмінність семантичного значення зібраного матеріалу і літературної мови.The lexico-semantic analysis of the names of the skin infectious diseases fixed in the Kirovohrad dialects is carried out in the article under consideration. In the mentioned thematic group sememes are singled out and the quantitative analysis of the representatives of the sememes is held. The areal expansion of the lexical, phraseological units was defined. The community and the difference of the semantic meaning of the collected material and the literary language were analyzed

    Перспективи використання теорії катастроф у дослідженні економічних криз

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess in-hospital and long-term mortality of Dutch ICU patients admitted with an acute intoxication. DESIGN: Cohort of ICU admissions from a national ICU registry linked to records from an insurance claims database. SETTING: Eighty-one ICUs (85% of all Dutch ICUs). PATIENTS: Seven thousand three hundred thirty-one admissions between January 1, 2008, and October 1, 2011. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Kaplan-Meier curves were used to compare the unadjusted mortality of the total intoxicated population and for specific intoxication subgroups based on the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IV reasons for admission: 1) alcohol(s), 2) analgesics, 3) antidepressants, 4) street drugs, 5) sedatives, 6) poisoning (carbon monoxide, arsenic, or cyanide), 7) other toxins, and 8) combinations. The case-mix adjusted mortality was assessed by the odds ratio adjusted for age, gender, severity of illness, intubation status, recurrent intoxication, and several comorbidities. The ICU mortality was 1.2%, and the in-hospital mortality was 2.1%. The mortality 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after ICU admission was 2.8%, 4.1%, 5.2%, 6.5%, and 9.3%, respectively. Street drugs had the highest mortality 2 years after ICU admission (12.3%); a combination of different intoxications had the lowest (6.3%). The adjusted observed mortality showed that intoxications with street drugs and "other toxins" have a significant higher mortality 1 month after ICU admission (odds ratio adj = 1.63 and odds ratioadj= 1.73, respectively). Intoxications with alcohol or antidepressants have a significant lower mortality 1 month after ICU admission (odds ratioadj = 0.50 and odds ratioadj = 0.46, respectively). These differences were not found in the adjusted mortality 3 months upward of ICU admission. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the mortality 2 years after ICU admission is relatively low compared with other ICU admissions. The first 3 months after ICU admission there is a difference in mortality between the subgroups, not thereafter. Still, the difference between the in-hospital mortality and the mortality after 2 years is substantial

    Preventing occupational chemical eye injuries: important lessons from poison information centres

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    BACKGROUND: Occupational exposure to hazardous substances is a major public health problem. In the workplace, eye exposures are common and can be a major cause of morbidity and disability. This commentary discusses the role of poison information centres in providing valuable information on the circumstances and causes of these incidents. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SURVEILLANCE: As many eye exposures are easily preventable, there is a need to establish better safety practices in the workplace. Currently, both governments and labour organizations primarily employ injury statistics for the purpose of occupational health surveillance. Identifying risk factors associated with acute exposures in the workplace requires a comprehensive approach using a variety of information resources. Using information from poison information centres can provide invaluable insight into the specifics of the exposure, including the route(s) of exposure, the substances involved and the cause of the exposure. CIRCUMSTANCES OF OCCUPATIONAL EYE EXPOSURES: Exposure to hazardous substances can occur at various time points during work. A prospective study performed by the Dutch Poisons Information Centre showed that cleaning is a high-risk activity for occupational eye exposure. Patients were often exposed to chemical mixtures that frequently contained alkalis or acids. CHEMICAL EYE INJURIES: Symptoms following eye contact with chemicals can vary greatly depending on factors such as the type and concentration of the substance(s) involved, the duration of exposure and the time and duration of irrigation (first-aid measure). Eye contact will usually cause irritation, but in more severe cases, chemical burns will result. Recent studies demonstrate that occupational eye exposures often result in only relatively mild symptoms, such as pain, redness, lacrimation or temporary loss of vision. More severe symptoms, such as corneal abrasion, were reported rarely, which may be explained by prompt eye irrigation. ROOT CAUSES OF OCCUPATIONAL EYE EXPOSURES: To control risks to workers, a hierarchy of prevention and control measures has been established, which employers must take. If elimination or substitution of the dangerous substance is not possible, the exposure can be prevented or reduced by taking organizational (e.g., providing work instructions), technical (e.g., ventilation) and personal (e.g., wearing personal protective equipment) measures. The study performed by the Dutch Poisons Information Centre showed that organizational factors (such as lack of work instructions) and personal factors (such as time pressure and fatigue, and not (adequately) using personal protective equipment), were the main causes of occupational eye exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Poison information centres provide valuable information that can be used to develop prevention strategies to reduce the number of acute occupational exposures in the future. A multidisciplinary approach is essential to ensure that these preventive measures are actually applied in practice. Therefore, all organizations involved (including governments, labour organizations, medical professionals, occupational physicians, occupational hygienists, safety experts and poison information centres) must work closely together

    Digoxin-specific antibodies: a novel dosing strategy

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    Digoxin-specific antibodies (digoxin-Fabs) are of value in the treatment of a strongly suspected or a known, potentially life-threatening digoxin toxicity. These antibodies are not registered for use in Europe; therefore Dutch hospital pharmacies are not allowed to keep them in stock. In the Netherlands, digoxin-Fabs are stored in a national calamity stock of emergency medicines at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. In the case of a medical emergency, digoxin-Fabs are available after contact with the Dutch Poisons Information Centre. Recent studies have shown that the dose of digoxin-Fabs required to effectively treat digoxin toxicity is lower than previously thought. In this article, we present the adjusted digoxin-Fab dosing strategy currently recommended by the Dutch Poisons Information Centre ( www.vergiftigingen.info ). This new dose titration strategy is safe and effective and has a cost-saving side-effect

    Схема когенерации с размещением противодавленческой и гидропаровой турбин на общем валу с газопоршневой установкой

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    Показана перспективність використання когенераційних технологій для підвищення рентабельності вугільних підприємств. Розглянуто схему з розміщенням турбіни з противотиском і гідропарової турбіни на одному валу з газопоршневою установкою. Використання даної схеми для утилізації надлишкового тепла шахтних енергокомплексів дозволить отримати коефіцієнт корисної дії 64 % та зменшити витрати палива.In this paper the perspective use of cogeneration technology enhance the profitability of coal enterprises was discussed. The scheme with setting back-pressures and steam-water turbines on one shaft of gas engine was considered. Using this scheme for utilization of surplus heat mine energy complexes will provide efficiency of 64% and reduce fuel