24 research outputs found

    Preferred directions for resolving the non-uniqueness of Delaunay triangulations

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    AbstractThis note proposes a simple rule to determine a unique triangulation among all Delaunay triangulations of a planar point set, based on two preferred directions. We show that the triangulation can be generated by extending Lawson's edge-swapping algorithm and that point deletion is a local procedure. The rule can be implemented exactly when the points have integer coordinates and can be used to improve image compression methods

    Transfinite mean value interpolation

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    Transfinite mean value interpolation has recently emerged as a simple and robust way to interpolate a function f defined on the boundary of a planar domain. In this paper we study basic properties of the interpolant, including sufficient conditions on the boundary of the domain to guarantee interpolation when f is continuous. Then, by deriving the normal derivative of the interpolant and of a mean value weight function, we construct a transfinite Hermite interpolant and discuss various applications


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    We present an implementation approach to high-speed Marching Cubes, running entirely on the Graphics Processing Unit of Shader Model 3.0 and 4.0 graphics hardware. Our approach is based on the interpretation of Marching Cubes as a stream compaction and expansion process, and is implemented using the HistoPyramid, a hierarchical data structure previously only used in GPU data compaction. We extend the HistoPyramid structure to allow for stream expansion, which provides an efficient method for generating geometry directly on the GPU, even on Shader Model 3.0 hardware. Currently, our algorithm outperforms all other known GPU-based iso-surface extraction algorithms. We describe our implementation and present a performance analysis on several generations of graphics hardware

    A Framework for OpenGL Client-Server Rendering

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    We present a software framework that facilitates the development of OpenGL applications utilizing the limited GPU capacities of a portable client in combination with the high-end rendering hardware on a server. The resulting webapplication uses standard technologies and can be run on a wide variety of devices, such as smart phones, tablets and laptops. The framework is designed to make it simple changing an existing OpenGL application into a web-application, gradually adding client-side rendering. Furthermore, it provides automatic network scaling to provide interactivity even on poor connections